
The 11th Principals Forum of Shaodong Rural Principals Alliance was successfully held in Shuidongjiang Town

author:Daxiang heard it early

  In order to promote the development of rural education and improve the quality of rural education and teaching, on the morning of June 30, with the strong support of the Education Bureau of Shaodong City, Hunan Province, the Party Committee and the Town Government of Shuidongjiang Town, the 11th Principals Forum of the Shaodong Rural Principals Alliance jointly organized by the Central School of Shuidongjiang Town and the Junior High School of Shuidongjiang Town was held in the conference room of the Shuidongjiang Town Government. Nearly 100 school principals and middle-level leaders from six townships and towns, including Tuanshan, Huochangping, Niumasi, Jieling, Shuangfeng, and Shuidongjiang, gathered together. The theme of this event is "How to be a good principal". Zeng Guanghui, deputy director of the Shaodong Municipal Education Bureau, came to the scene to guide the preparations for the meeting, and Yang Yiliang, secretary of the party committee of the town, Tang Zhuo, mayor of the town, and Xiao Qinglong, deputy mayor of the town, participated in the whole event.

The 11th Principals Forum of Shaodong Rural Principals Alliance was successfully held in Shuidongjiang Town

  At the beginning of the meeting, Zeng Jianyun, secretary and principal of Shuidongjiang Town Central School, delivered a welcome speech, in which he introduced the current situation of Shuidongjiang education, especially the attempts and efforts made in cultivating and training principals in recent years, and expressed his unique views on the purpose and significance of the Rural Principals Alliance, future efforts and directions. Then, as the organizer of the school principal Chen Xiaobing with the theme of "heart and affection, to be a pragmatic good principal" as the theme of sharing his thoughts and successful management methods as the principal, and then the principals at the meeting spoke enthusiastically, sharing their experience and wisdom in school management. Li Wei, a full-time school inspector from the Luohu District Government of Shenzhen, gave a wonderful lecture entitled "Management, That is, Forming Help" at the conference, which pushed the meeting to a climax.

The 11th Principals Forum of Shaodong Rural Principals Alliance was successfully held in Shuidongjiang Town

  It is reported that in order to promote the development of township education and improve the quality of rural school-running, education and teaching management, the Shaodong Rural Principals Alliance Principals Forum has been held for 11 sessions.

The 11th Principals Forum of Shaodong Rural Principals Alliance was successfully held in Shuidongjiang Town
The 11th Principals Forum of Shaodong Rural Principals Alliance was successfully held in Shuidongjiang Town

  After the meeting, the principals of the townships praised the event, and the development of the lecture not only broadened their horizons, but also pointed out the way forward for the next school running and education and teaching management. The principals expressed that they should continue to have passion and love for education, integrate what they have learned and thought at the meeting into their own educational practices, and promote the continuous improvement and development of rural education. (Shen Keyu, Li Ying, Tan Qingyu)

  Editor-in-charge/Tan Jiangxue

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