
Fudan Law School Graduation Ceremony Beating Follow-up: Expulsion from the University, Detention! It's also a wish!

author:Life is not very exciting

The law school commencement ceremony was attacked, and the students were expelled and detained, and the general reason for the incident was that the beating was a Taiwanese exchange student, who entered Fudan through the relationship of his parents. His major was also reported to him by his parents, and he didn't like his major and wanted to drop out, but the school didn't agree, and as a result, he hit the wrong person. So is he getting what he wants?

Fudan Law School Graduation Ceremony Beating Follow-up: Expulsion from the University, Detention! It's also a wish!

Recently, there was a shocking incident at the graduation ceremony of Fudan University Law School in Shanghai, where a student attacked a teacher at the ceremony. According to the school's handling of the situation, the student was immediately expelled from the school and detained by the police. This result has attracted a lot of attention and thinking: no matter what the reason, for a law school graduation ceremony, whether his behavior will violate the law is probably clearer than anyone else, and whether the final result is beyond the student's expectations, and he still thinks he is a student? After beating people, you quickly ran off the rostrum, so can you run away and be punished by law?

Fudan Law School Graduation Ceremony Beating Follow-up: Expulsion from the University, Detention! It's also a wish!

The graduation ceremony is supposed to be an important moment in the student's life, symbolizing the crystallization of four years of hard work and the starting point for the future. However, on this ordinary summer afternoon, we witnessed an incredible scene: a student rushed to the podium and suddenly attacked a professor. Such a move is distressing, and it has also aroused widespread attention and discussion.

Fudan Law School Graduation Ceremony Beating Follow-up: Expulsion from the University, Detention! It's also a wish!

The school took decisive and reasonable measures to deal with this incident. By expelling students from school and bringing them to the police, everyone should understand that they must be held legally accountable for their actions. Graduation ceremonies, while a time of celebration, cannot hide a disregard for the dignity of the law. For personal reasons, he did not hesitate to attack an innocent teacher at a solemn graduation ceremony! It is a blasphemy against law students, and it is also a contempt for the basic principles of the rule of law.

Fudan Law School Graduation Ceremony Beating Follow-up: Expulsion from the University, Detention! It's also a wish!

It is worth pondering that the student may have expected that his actions would lead to his expulsion from school and police custody. It can only be said that perhaps deep down, he did not want to be an influential and authoritative jurist at all, but the reality ruthlessly made him pay a heavy price. This may be the sadness of Chinese-style education, as long as you don't enter the society, all roads can only be followed by the road paved by your parents! Years of legal study are wasted, and self-righteous behavior can only become a discussion and warning for others. There is a question why people have applied for withdrawal a long time ago, but the school has not approved it?

Fudan Law School Graduation Ceremony Beating Follow-up: Expulsion from the University, Detention! It's also a wish!

This incident also makes us think about the significance of law school education. Jurisprudence is not only about studying legal rules, but also about cultivating students' good legal literacy and equipping them with correct values and behavioral norms. A true jurist should possess deep legal knowledge and high moral sentiments, and be able to analyze problems objectively and impartially and seek reasonable solutions. The cultivation of this kind of literacy cannot only rely on classroom education, but also requires self-discipline and self-reflection in the individual's heart.

Fudan Law School Graduation Ceremony Beating Follow-up: Expulsion from the University, Detention! It's also a wish!

As a law student, we must always remember the solemnity and dignity of the law, and understand that only by abiding by the red line of the law can we truly become the guardian and promoter of the law. At the same time, the relevant departments of the school should also strengthen the ideological education and legal education of the students, and improve the students' legal literacy and moral concepts.

Netizens said: They all graduated, no matter how big the hatred is, there is no need to retaliate in this public place, there is still a long way to go, and he was expelled from school, these four years of youth have been wasted, and bearing such a notoriety is a heavy price.