
The forty-fifth episode of "Nine Righteous and Eighteen Heroes" saves the two heroes with a shocking sword and fights the barbarian girl Xuanyin with eight whips

author:Lingfeng Hall said that the department is treasured
The forty-fifth episode of "Nine Righteous and Eighteen Heroes" saves the two heroes with a shocking sword and fights the barbarian girl Xuanyin with eight whips

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"Nine Righteous and Eighteen Heroes"


Save the two heroes with a shocking sword, fight the barbarian girl Xuanyin and eight whips

As soon as the girl's hair opened, Lu Jinlong was startled, and he wanted to jump over to save him. The money leopard fork went empty, and it was too late to turn back, and his left hand slapped Lu Jinlong's back with a volley in the air. Lu Jinlong jumped away in a horizontal step, but his body was knocked down by the palm wind, and he stopped after a few somersaults, and a mouthful of blood was spit out.

Suddenly, with a loud shout, a man suddenly came, spun a sword, cut off the three forks, and knocked the unicorn dragon from the side with a palm of his left hand, fell to the ground, and died of spitting blood. The brothers and sisters of the Lu family were rescued in an instant, and they turned around and were about to thank him, but the man was already in a fight with the leopard. The two took a closer look, and it was Ma Qingfeng, the righteous courage divine sword. Lu Bilian hurriedly picked up her weapon and helped her brother back to the shed. Gu Tong stepped forward to catch it and took medicine to heal him.

In fact, just now, several people jumped on the stage, but it was too late. Only Ma Qingfeng, a type of flying outside the sky, rushed to the front, his body did not land, the sword came out of the palm, the sword cut the heavenly fork, and the volley palm hit the unicorn dragon, saving the Lu brothers and sisters, because it was a desperate blow, several ribs of the unicorn dragon were broken, and they were stabbed into the chest in reverse, how could there be any possibility of living.

The golden leopard was hit by this flying blow, and lost its fork head, almost frightened stupid. As soon as Ma Qingfeng turned around, he shook his sword and rushed up, only then did he wake up, and the pure steel fork bar in his hand met each other urgently, and the two fought together.

Xia Batian couldn't help but sigh when he saw Ma Qingfeng's skills, knowing that there would be no good results today. There was an annoyance in the back, it was the Plum Blossom Sect Leader who skillfully counted Zhao Yu and Zhao Tianliang, who were lucky enough to be a Plum Blossom Escape, only to hear him snort coldly and said: "The kid is crazy for a while, why be afraid of him." The head of the sect sent him back to his grandmother's house. ”

Xia Batian knew that he was out of shape, so he hurriedly thanked him, and looked at Di Qingjin in the middle shed. It means that if you come in vain, I am afraid that the peach blossom will not bloom. Di Qing Jinli didn't pay attention to it, just looked at the stage with his eyes, pretending to be nothing, but he was very surprised by Ma Qingfeng's martial arts in his heart, knowing that he was the number of the Wudang family, he was also anxious.

As soon as Ma Qingfeng came on the field, he dismounted and deterred the thieves in the audience, and the money leopard suffered a big blow. This kid is used to it. Relying on the innate divine power, but he was not afraid, the number of fork handles in his hands remained the same, and he secretly added real power.

Ma Qingfeng is different. As soon as he rescued the brothers and sisters of the Lu family, he had already forced in front of him before the money leopard could recover his strength, and the sword in his hand unfolded the Kunlun nine-style swordsmanship, not letting it go at all, and pressing step by step, so that the iron fork handle of the money leopard was beyond reach.

The money leopard took ten moves in vain, stabbed a handle, and when Ma Qingfeng dodged, he pulled out a flying fork from his back and matched it with the fork handle, one long and one short, tiger and tiger, to force Ma Qingfeng out of the circle.

Ma Qingfeng's Kunlun Nine Swords One move three styles are continuous, the attack must be avoided, and the Taiji swordsmanship of this door has been added, with the dismantling and dismantling, swaying freely, even a few faces, the money leopard is difficult to wish, in a hurry, the fork pulls the false move, he jumped out, the body has not landed on the fork handle has been waved, and he has made a move, and he is forced to Ma Qingfeng with a big open and a big shut.

Ma Qingfeng didn't fight with him, he unfolded the lotus step, floated away and sliding, and every time he inserted it from the handle, the sword technique was about to trap the leopard. The money leopard used this trick again and again, this time not to force Ma Qingfeng to jump, but to force himself to jump around.

After more than a dozen moves, the golden leopard found that the situation was critical. Just when he was in a hurry and couldn't do anything, a person came up behind him and shouted: "Lord of the sand village, please let me, I will take revenge on you." The person who came was Zhao Yu. This person is one of the few figures in the Five Flowers Sect, with superb martial arts, and he has long occupied a place in the rivers and lakes. When he saw Ma Qingfeng overpowering the thieves, he wanted to show off his stunts. As long as Ma Qingfeng is defeated, the Five Flowers Sect will have to revolve around him. As soon as he saw that Ma Qingfeng was almost finished, he jumped into the ring. With his fame, Tsushima Qingfeng can only fight alone, and if two fights and one damage his reputation, he asked Sha Bahu to let one go. As soon as the words came out, the sword in his hand shook, and he had rushed into the formation and fought with Ma Qingfeng.

Sha Bahu has no choice, he is happy to come to help the war, but how can he go down, his life-changing friend has died in his hands, what is wrong with him leaving? Was it a defeat or a victory? Counts as a victory, and he didn't even touch Ma Qingfeng's hair. He hasn't been defeated yet. Therefore, he struck again with a wave of the fork. The fork head of the fork is cut off, the fork handle is still more than a zhang, a piece longer than the ordinary stick, with Zhao Yu in it, he doesn't have to jump around, just two people, one long and one short, one inside and one outside, two dozen one. After thinking about it, he inserted the short fork back in, and grabbed the handle of the fork with both hands, waiting for the opportunity to rise and fall violently.

Sha Bahu and the unicorn dragon are difficult brothers, they are asympathetic, they get together, but they don't wear a pair of pants, he calls him the eighth brother - the eighth brother, he calls him the third brother - the third brother, nominally the eight tigers are the owners of the big village, and they rush forward when they fight, but they can still make up their minds and be cold Sanqi. Therefore, the two of them swing tighter and tighter, snatching a woman, and two people come in shifts. robbed two women, one-on-one and then another, or one-on-one, who came first and who came later, I don't care. When the two of them are tired of playing, they will kill or lose everything. Two demons that are so inseparable, which one of them can get a share if they die. Besides, Sha Bahu has never suffered such a loss, how can he get by on his face.

Although Zhao Yu shouted to let Sha Bahu go down, he fought alone, which was also a sale. If Sha Bahu doesn't go down, what can he do, he will end up taking advantage of it.

Ma Qingfeng's Liantai walked the opposite way, although the two of them made ruthless moves, they would not make reverse moves. It's still the same when he fights back and forth, and when he is in a hurry, Zhao Yu has to pay attention to this long handle hitting himself. Ma Qingfeng has discovered this secret after a few moves, so he deliberately attracted the long handle of Sha Bahu when he made a move, and he walked on the lotus platform, leaving the long handle to Zhao Yu, and then took out the sword to pick it up along the handle, and Sha Bahu was also attacked at the same time. This time in and out, only two or three steps, but the two people were beaten too much to save.

Ma Qingfeng's focus is still on Zhao Yu. This guy is a sinister move, taking advantage of the long handle of the Sabah Tiger, and wants to get rid of him earlier, and it will be easy to fight the Sabah Tiger again. Zhao Yu's kung fu is not in vain, and it is not easy for Ma Qingfeng to beat him. As long as he returns to the sword to fight the Eight Tigers, Zhao Yu will always attack from behind. Ma Qingfeng was unusual, and he made a noise, forcing Sha Bahu. As soon as Zhao Yu attacked him with his back and walked away, the big steel handle of Sha Bahu came down. Zhao Yu jumped, and when he dodged away, Ma Qingfeng's sword had arrived, making Zhao Yu suffer from the enemy in the abdomen.

Ma Qingfeng exchanged positions, and the sword in his hand encircled Zhao Yu, and Sha Bahu's long handle could no longer attack, only moving in the direction. Ma Qingfeng's lotus steps were just the opposite of him, moving back and forth, dazzling Sha Bahu.

Ma Qingfeng used the Kunlun Nine Style Strange Sword Technique as he walked. A sword flew up and down, and one move and three styles attacked Zhao Yu. It is already difficult for Zhao Yu to disassemble this set of swordsmanship with a sword, and he has to beware of Sha Bahu, as soon as he comes and goes, the sweat comes out. Ma Qingfeng was fighting, he had already seen the victory, and as soon as the sword move came out, he used the dragon snatching hand with his left hand to point Zhao Yu's acupoint.

Zhao Yu's full strength to dismantle the sword move is difficult to deal with, as soon as this finger arrives, how can he dodge, only to smash his body, avoid the acupuncture points, and take a finger hard. This dragon catcher is driven by internal force, and the point is a heavy hand, even if you don't point the point, you can't stand it if you stab the master. Although Zhao Yu used internal force to resist, the pain on his body was unbearable. Zhao Yu saw that Ma Qingfeng's swordsmanship was very accomplished, although he was old, it was difficult to win in one and a half styles. Seeing that he joined the palm of his finger again, the sword and palm were one, and he was not defeated. Thinking of this, I secretly glanced at the west shed and made up my mind to go. He was distracted, Ma Qingfeng's sword had been split, and he had to take a sideways step to dodge. Ma Qingfeng's sword was not old, his backarm was horizontal, and the sword was really slapped on Zhao Yu's ribs. Thanks to his internal strength, he was able to save his ribs, but the pain made his teeth clench.

At this moment, a stab of the money leopard, Ma Qingfeng swam and walked out, and Zhao Yu saw the long handle stabbed, jumped hard, jumped out of the field, although he had an excuse, but he didn't have the face to go back to the west shed, so he jumped a few feet and went away. The long handle of the leopard came out, went empty, just wanted to withdraw the long handle, the sword along the handle has arrived, although the castration has been exhausted, but the hand hit, the whole hand can not be saved, hurriedly let go of the handle, the hand is released, the fork handle has fallen to the ground. Ma Qingfeng's wrist sank, the sword slapped downward, the fork handle shook, the arm of the other hand of the money leopard was numb, and a steel handle more than a foot long fell to the ground.

As soon as the money leopard was in a hurry, he turned over and jumped, and Ma Qingfeng stretched his body and arrived over the handle. When the leopard's body did not hit the ground, his right leg kicked out, and Sha Bahu's huge body was kicked up more than a foot high and fell heavily to the bottom of the stage. But this kick was kicking on the valve, and the body of the leopard flew like a paper kite, and his true anger was discharged, and he couldn't lift it. It's still a big head down when it falls. He only thought about luck, and he didn't turn it around. put a big leopard's head into the neck cavity.

Ma Qingfeng beat Zhao Yu away, kicked the leopard to death, and the sword gathered momentum and stood on the ring. The face was not red, the heart was not beating, the breath was not panting, and there was thunderous applause from the audience. Ma Qingfeng hugged his fists, came to the four seas, thanked everyone, there was an evil wind behind him, and when he turned around, he saw that it was eight Warat women in purple clothes, with eight soft whips in their hands, standing in the formation of the Xuantian Bagua Array, facing themselves.

Xia Batian knows that this team of people and horses is Ma Qingfeng. As soon as Ma Qingfeng came to power, Xia Batian saw that the time had come, and he had to do whatever it took to deal with Ma Qingfeng. He knows the power of the money leopard, he and the unicorn dragon are ganged up, one long and one short, one yin and one yang, no one can break it. Unexpectedly, the two of them didn't get together at all, and as soon as the fork of the money leopard broke, he had no confidence. As soon as Zhao Yu came to the stage, he combined two and fought one, although he was not as good as the unicorn dragon in terms of cooperation, but his martial arts were much higher than that of the unicorn dragon. Which Cheng thought was not the same thing at all, and he lost so quickly that he didn't expect it. He had already transferred the eight women over and was ready to attack. Just as he was ready, the leopard was dead, so he had to fight against each other, allowing the eight women to strike in a swing. The Xuantian Bagua Array is mainly defensive, mainly quiet, waiting for an opportunity to counterattack, and moving in stillness. Therefore, the only way to lose the first move is to stand on the defensive.

Ma Qingfeng saw that it was the formation of the Bagua Array, and he had already secretly stepped on the Nine Palaces under his feet, ready to attack. But the eight girls shook their whips, exploded in unison, and opened the door, but they didn't move, and only waited for you to attack before they started. Ma Qingfeng has a better understanding of this array, and Yin Chengtian explained the mystery of this Xuantian array. Coupled with the guidance of Er Qi Lao, Ma Qingfeng is already in his chest, but this soft whip is really difficult to handle, and if he wants to attack, he must hold his ground and attack suddenly.

Ma Qingfeng looked at the direction, the sword flower was a twist, a protrusion, the body was near, straight into the middle of the "Qian" and "Xun" positions, the sword in his right hand was cut to the root of the whip, and the left hand went to the waistcoat of the "Qian" girl. This time it immediately caused a commotion. This kind of formation is defensive, but it is offensive and defensive. The opponent attacks the cadre position, and the "Kun" position and the "Xun" position on both sides of the cadre position attack the long whip from both sides, sweeping straight to the "Weizhong" point of your legs and the "life" and "center" points of your waist. At the same time, the two wings moved quickly to complete the encirclement.

As soon as Ma Qingfeng rushed into battle, the formation was launched. The two wings have been encircled, but Ma Qingfeng has been inserted into the middle of the "Qian" position and the "Xun" position, and the "Kun" position long whip has no time to attack, but because of Ma Qingfeng's speed, the long whip is empty, and when the girl's long whip in the "Xun" position is shaken and not attacked, Ma Qingfeng has arrived, and the long sword is swung to cut the whip root. The girl hesitated for a moment, but the whip was not fired, and the person jumped to the side. The "dry" position is on the defensive, and there is no risk with both sides to protect it, but at this time, Ma Qingfeng has arrived, so he has to jump to the side.

In this way, the gate of the array opened again, and the mouth of the positive acupoint became the mouth of the reverse acupoint. Thanks to the eight girls, they reacted very quickly and stopped the formation in time, otherwise the girls in the "Qian" position and the "Xun" position would be mistaken for the attackers and whipped. This is also the reason why the color of the girl's clothing is fuchsia tights, which are bright and have few wearers. The tights and pants hug the body, and when they move, they move quickly and neatly, and the body shape is also different. Because the girls are soft whip long weapons, if they are not careful, they are easy to accidentally injure their sisters, so there is this design.

For some people who look at flowers, they think that this is a deceptive appearance, which makes people fascinated by the girl's plump breasts and round buttocks, which leads to distraction. to win over your opponents. In fact, this is not the case, but this Warat woman usually eats meat, drinks milk, and likes to swim, so she has grown into such a plump body, and wearing this dress, the beauty of a woman's curves is revealed. It did make some disdainful men fall in love with it, which led to a fiasco, which was an unexpected gain. An ordinary righteous man, an aspiring martial arts man, will never be moved by this and ignore the victory or defeat.

There were no accidental injuries, but they were also unsuccessful. The formation continues. Ma Qingfeng spread his wings in a style of "Dapeng", forcing the girls in the "Qian" position and the "Kan" position to dodge in both directions, so that she was exposed to the acupoint again, and it was her back, and she couldn't help but turn around suddenly. The long whip of the "departed" girl on the opposite side has arrived. Ma Qingfeng's footsteps moved away, and then walked between the two of "Kun" and "Zhen". Once this array was launched, the girls had no room to think about it, and they sent it when they saw it. Under normal circumstances, the whip arrives just right and hits just right. Today, however, it has not been possible. Therefore, Wu Qingfeng's footsteps were unexpected, and even if he struck with a whip, he was just a little short of hitting it.

But the array was finally mobilized. Ma Qingfeng unfolded the steps of the Jiupin Lotus Platform anti-flower arrangement and wandered in the formation. The sword in his hand, the left finger, sometimes lightly pointed, intended to activate the whole array, in order to find out the number of paths. Although his step is a difficult direction for the girls, the girls react very quickly, follow the shadows, and follow the moves, which is indeed extremely dangerous. This offensive changes with the attacker, and the faster Ma Qingfeng, the faster the formation is launched. On the field, there are figures flying, whip shadows flashing, fierce light all over the sky, making people frightened, like a blue light flashing in thousands of purples and thousands of reds, it is very beautiful.

After a few rounds, Ma Qingfeng had already felt the formation clearly, and he no longer swam and dodged, but attacked frequently. His performance in the formation also made the girls grasp the law, how shrewd these young women are, slowly find the way from each whip is always a little late, and the whip is slightly forward, Ma Qingfeng is difficult to dodge. And after Ma Qingfeng has gone through a few rounds, almost every girl has walked by her side. In order not to reduce the attack, the girls shrink the circle. Once cut in, both sides retreated sharply, revealing Ma Qingfeng, and the girl on the opposite side had no burden, and the whip came sharply, hitting you on the top of the head "Baihui" and "Yintang".

This time, although Ma Qingfeng had the opportunity to shoot again and again, he was lost because the girls dodged very quickly, but he was exposed to the formation, passively beaten, and in a thrilling situation. As a last resort, Ma Qingfeng only transformed when he moved, looking at the opposite side of the positioning, and paying attention to the neighbors on both sides of the place where he landed. And often change positions, and come suddenly, so that the girls are unable to guard against it, and it is still difficult for the attack to be effective on time.