
The seventh chapter of the third continuation of the small eight meanings of the red bean relationship The seventh chapter of the end of the world to find each other and return to the red bean relationship

author:Lingfeng Hall said that the department is treasured
The seventh chapter of the third continuation of the small eight meanings of the red bean relationship The seventh chapter of the end of the world to find each other and return to the red bean relationship

Collection|Three Continuation of Little Eight Meanings of Red Beans - Today's Headlines

Press: "Red Bean Yuan", an excerpt from "Three Continuations of Little Bayi", was originally an exclusive book by Xihe drum artist Liu Caiqin, edited by Tian Lianyuan and Geng Tianwei (Geng Ying, Yang Tianwei), and the excerpt was published in the "Shenyang Evening News" from November 27 to December 23, 1996. The full text has a total of 21 sections, saving more than 1,150 words each. Now it is re-divided and collected here for the benefit of book lovers. (Added after the editor)

Three continuations of the eight meanings

Red bean edge

Edited by Tian Lianyuan and Geng Tianwei


Looking for each other at the end of the world, the red bean fate is settled

Back in Yuezhou, Zhao Yu told Zhou Jinglong, Ruan Ying and others the reason, and they were really happy. Chen Qingqiu and other female generals were busy arranging flower arrangements for Tong Xiaojuan, and Tang Tieniu complained that Zhao Yu scared him out of Zhao's tomb.

Ruan Ying said: "There are several unmarried couples in our camp, Ding Wangu and the fake Song Wanqing have visited the church does not count, and they have to go back to the real Song Wanqing." Brother Zhao Yu, you have also caught up with this batch, find an auspicious day, and handle the marriage for these couples together. "At that time, some people advocated group marriage.

Early the next morning, Zhao Yu secretly went to find Xiaojuan after dinner, a group of female generals in Xiaojuan's tent were laughing, seeing Zhao Yu coming, one by one squeezed their eyebrows, and shaved their cheeks to shame Zhao Yu, saying that he came to worship Niangniang Temple early before he arrived at the temple fair, and Zhao Yu and Xiaojuan were ashamed to blush and burn their necks, but their hearts were sweet. The female generals all left in a gust of wind, and the two of them smiled on their faces and in their hearts. As soon as she put her hands together, listening to the cuckoo chirping outside, Xiaojuan was overjoyed, smiled and smiled, and said to Zhao Yu with a smile: "He's here." He ran out with his hand.

Zhao Yu doesn't touch his head, who is coming? What season is this, how can there be cuckoo ploughing? He looked out the window and saw that the person who learned from Cuckoo was a handsome young man, combing his hair in a double bun, dressed as a child, the young man took Xiaojuan's hand, and Xiaojuan touched the young man's face with the other hand, and the young man gestured and pulled Xiaojuan towards the woods. Zhao Yujue's eyes were dazzled, and his stomach was sour, and he was jealous. Unless you are with me, how can you be so intimate with other men? And when you go into the woods, what are you doing in the woods? He didn't dare to think about it, he had to think about it, and he thought about the worst. After a while, Xiaojuan ran back with a smile.

didn't allow her to speak, Zhao Yu said with a cold face: "You have an extraordinary relationship with that young man, that affection makes people numb, and you ran to the place where you carried people in the woods......"

Xiao Juan's face was immediately cloudy: "Good Zhao Yu, I carried a stupid Qiao Er thousands of miles to find a husband, and worked hard for you to endure all the hardships in the world, what kind of person do you think of me?" ”

"Well, I'm not sure what kind of person you are right now. Silly Joe's stupid, this guy is not stupid, you are in the woods......"

"You still say! You--" Xiaojuan picked up her halberd, turned her head and rushed out the door.

Zhao Yu sat there and didn't move at all. Great joy turned into great sorrow, and the smile on his face turned into a bitter cry. Extreme emotions, like wild horses, once they have a thought, they will not go back, they will drill the tip of the horns, and rush out at the end, sometimes even have regrets but can't pull the reins of the horse. Eternal hatred is often left at this time, and tragedy often arises at this moment, and it is often irreparable. Impulses kill people, and impulses kill people. Zhao Yu sauerkraut is pierced in the jar, and the sour taste is overwhelming; Xiaojuan looks at him as a little old man, she shouldn't tell him if she should tell him, and she won't explain what she should explain. Hard and hard, the more bumps and screws, the two walked into the straight street, back to back, farther and farther away.

The lieutenant came over and said, "Vice Marshal Ruan, please." ”

When he arrived at the big tent, he saw an old man sitting in the big tent, and Ruan Ying introduced: "This is the old chivalrous guest Yu Jingyu, the hermit of Jinwu Mountain. ”

Zhao Yu knows. Lang Wuxiang replaced Zhao Yu and helped Zhao Yu push the boat to the shore to kill the dragon underwater, all of whom were this old man, but they didn't tell him his name at that time. The boy standing next to Lao Dao was the boy who learned to call cuckoo. He stepped forward and pulled Zhao Yu to call him eldest brother, and then changed his name to brother-in-law.

Zhao Yu heard Xiaojuan say that her mentor is Yu Jing Xianchang, and there is a junior brother who tames the crane, she practices martial arts, and the junior brother helps her serve Silly Qiao'er with feces and urine, which is really closer than other people's milk siblings and brothers.

The crane boy said: "Brother-in-law, I put seven parrots in the woods and let them sing the ancient song "The Stack of Yangguan", which is called the Seven Birds Couplet. My senior sister ran to you to come and see, but you didn't go, and my senior sister couldn't go back, what's the matter? ”

Zhao Yu was stupid. Love is pure, but pure feelings are not necessarily love. Faced with the naïve and naïve crane taming boy, Zhao Yu knew that he was wrong again. Last time, I suspected that Xiaojuan was willing to marry a fool in love with money, and this time I suspected that she was not emotionally attentive. Xiaojuan's feelings are thousands of shares, and there is one called love, and she has dedicated it all to me. There is also this and that feeling that is as pure and noble as love. I shouldn't and can't possess them all. Xiaojuan is a delicate and spotless mirror, this mirror reflects the narrowness and selfishness of my heart, it is really dirty! In modern terms, it was only at this time that Zhao Yu really understood Xiaojuan.

Yu Jing also asked, "Where is Xiaojuan?" Why don't you come to see the poor road? ”

Zhao Yu knelt down, not afraid of blushing and being ashamed, and had a big self-exposure.

Old Hermit Yu sighed: "Lover, miasma." Only with a broad heart can we dissipate miasma and get rid of troubles. Xiaojuan has gone through a lot of hardships for you, don't let her down again! ”

Zhao Yu kowtowed and said, "The disciple knows." I'm going to look for her, and I can't find Xiaojuan to thank her with death! ”

Lao Dao said, "You will find her." ”

"Please give me some advice."

"Three mountains in the east, a bay in the Zangjiang River, humbly, water drops and stones," the daring hermit also advocates giving way to women and opposing machismo.

Zhao Yu went to find Xiaojuan. Tang Tieniu said to Le Bao: "Apprentice, let's also help you Uncle Zhao, one more person and two more eyes." ”

Jin Gui said: "I also count as a share." "This grandfather also went.

Head east and cross the first Wangfu Mountain. The husband travels far away and does not return, and the wife climbs the mountain every day to look into the distance, the days are long, the body is fossilized, the body is dead for a long time, and the stone rises into a mountain. Two fountains of tears flowed from the top of the mountain, and the husband drank and returned to his thoughts. There is a temple for abandoned women in the mountain, which was built with donations from 50 abandoned women who were abandoned by their husbands for no reason. The monument of abandoned women in front of the temple is engraved with the blood and tears of these abandoned women in their previous lives, which is really difficult to be a person, especially a woman.

Further east, over the second mountain called Wang'er Mountain. The old mother hopes that her children will not return, and the body is transformed into a mountain of rocks and stones, and there are hundreds of mother buildings on it, which are for hundreds of righteous mothers who have gone through hardships to care for orphans. For the children, sacrifice the youth, the children become famous, and the mother is ancient. Keeping festivals is ignorance, but caring for orphans is innocence, long live mother, this cry is bitter. There is a stone outside the building, which is engraved with the name of an unfilial son in a hundred miles.

Further east, cross a third mountain called Zangshan. The tea picker is sitting under a tree on the hillside resting. One said: "Men are ruthless, women are stupid, how pitiful the little daughter-in-law was yesterday, crying while walking, she must have been angry with her husband before she ran out." ”

The one said: "The husband is ruthless, his heart is ruthless, he is suspicious, he beats his daughter-in-law fiercely, and then there is a mother-in-law who is evil and sister-in-law is stirring up, can the little daughter-in-law stand it?" ”

Another said: "The little daughter-in-law is fierce enough, crying and crying, pulling out the iron guy with a crescent moon and a pointed head behind her back and stabbing her belly......"

Zhao Yu jumped in the middle of the moment and asked, "Eldest sister, did she stab to death?" ”

The tea pickers all looked at him, and Zhao Yu's face was feverish. Some asked, "What do you have to do with her?" ”

Zhao Yu said: "If she is carrying a short pistol with a crescent moon, it must be my fiancée." Everyone condemned him, and Zhao Yu said: "Sisters, I admit punishment." You can be angry for her and beat me. Tell me, is she tied up? ”

"Nope. Let an old farmer snatch the weapon, and we will send her to Zanghewan. ”

"Why was it sent there?"

"The second widow of Zang Hewan, the first household, is the big backer of our women, and she can't fight any daughter-in-law who is abused. Your daughter-in-law is very much loved by the second widow, and I heard that she even recognized her goddaughter. ”

Zhao Yu found Zang Hewan and called to open the gate of Zang's house, and the servant asked, "Who are you looking for?" ”

"Looking for Tong Xiaojuan, she is my fiancée."

The servant was frightened: "You are Tong Xiaojuan's husband?" Run! My old lady is about to arrest you. ”

Zhao Yu said: "I won't leave. I have to see Tong Xiaojuan. As long as you see Tong Xiaojuan, let alone beating to death with a stick, you are willing to split the corpse with a random blade. ”

The servant had no choice but to go in and report it. After a while, a large number of family members came out, among which an old lady, in her eighties, had white hair like silver, but she wore a big red peony flower in a high bun, and a pair of sticks in her hand, several times bigger than Tang Tieniu's pair, and her voice was like a Hong Zhong: "Your name is Zhao Yu?" ”


"You made Tong Xiaojuan angry and ran away!"

"...... old people's house"

"What an old man and a small family, no one can bully a woman! Some women are also too servile, men say that men and women are not kissed, shoulder to shoulder sleeves are considered to be small, women do not dare to step out of the door, willing to be beaten and angry as playthings. My goddaughter Xiaojuan is good, don't look at her love you, but she doesn't accept you, she is not afraid of you, she is heartbroken with you, I have to be angry with her as a godmother, and I also teach my baby son a lesson for the old barbarian Zhao Huayang. I've learned the lesson, and your dad has to applaud me when he sees me. I don't rely on the old to suppress the small, you shine the stick, let's try the ba. "As soon as the T-shaped step stopped, the two sticks opened the door with a hug in their arms, and they really didn't look old.

Zhao Yu knelt down: "Old man, Zhao Yu is willing to be taught a lesson." ”

"You're not going to do it?"

"Don't dare."

"If you don't do it, I won't save my energy. I don't eat hard and soft, don't think that I can spare you as soon as you are soft. ”

"Zhao Yu only asks to see Xiaojuan once, and then kills him without complaint."

"Xiaojuan doesn't want to see you, what's the use of you begging me? If you don't compete with me, I'm going to tie you up. ”

"Please do it."

"Good. Family, tied him up. The family pushed Zhao Yu forward, tied him to the big tree in the center of the courtyard, moved out of the Taishi chair, and the old lady sat under the eaves and ordered: "Whip him five hundred lashes." The family brought a thick leather spike whip, and the old lady checked it and asked the leather whip to dip it in cold water and fight.

Zhao Yu shouted: "Xiaojuan, did you hear it!" I, Zhao Yu, have a bad heart, and I am willing to be killed. You come out and let me take a look, and I'll be blind to death! ”

Just then, there was a knock on the door. The old lady said, "Zhao Yu, your helper is here." ”

The door opened, and the old lady blocked the door for a stand, and outside were Tang Tieniu, Jin Gui, and Le Bao.

The old lady asked: "That file that bears are jumping in the sea, it must be Tang Tieniu, can you bring the two children to me!" ”

"You are Zang Er......"

"Don't spit out, I'm the second widow, the old widow, what do you want?"

"Our military camp General Zhao Yu can be here?"

"Zhao Yu is tied up in the courtyard."

"What are you going to do with him?"

"Whip him five hundred lashes!"

"That's not going to work, I've got to go in."

The old lady crossed her arm: "Can you get in?" ”

Tang Tieniu moved his arm, the old lady shook her arms, knock knock, Tang Tieniu was swept out of seven or eight steps, making a big back, Tang Tieniu got up and rushed up, the old lady flashed, lifted the big bear with one arm with a big belt, and gently put him down.

Tang Tieniu was anxious, and said to Le Bao: "Apprentice, look at it, I can really move!" ”

Lebao was worried: "The old widow is too old, Master has mercy!" ”

"No, let's see what I do with her!" ran two steps, fluttered, and knelt there: "Old lady, you accept Xiaojuan as your goddaughter, and then accept me as a godson, and you will have both children and daughters!" "That's it!

Tang Tieniu Lai entered the courtyard and begged to intercede with Zhao Yu, but the old lady was in a hurry, and snatched the whip from the hands of his family: "Wait for me to whip him personally!" ”

Tang Tieniu shouted: "Alas! How strong can you lift my more than 200 pounds with one hand! As soon as you do it, Zhao Yu must die! ”

"I want him to die!" Whip it up.

Someone in the house couldn't stand it, Xiaojuan went out of the house and knelt in front of the old lady: "Godmother, you spare Zhao Yu and whip me!" ”

"Didn't you break your heart and hate Zhao Yu to death?"

"I ......"

"In your careful eyes, you still only pretend to be a little son-in-law! I whip and fight, it's a ploy. Xiaojuan, don't be sexy, hurry up and untie your little son-in-law. Husband and wife have to be respectful to me, don't be like me, beat the old man out and don't dare to go home, my second widow is a widow! ”

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