
Wang Xingyue denied rumors such as changing his age

author:Juxian Entertainment

On July 1, Wang Xingyue suddenly became the center of a storm of public opinion and fell into the whirlpool of controversy. A number of related topics strongly occupied the hot search list, and his boss Yu Zhengzheng frequently responded, which quickly ignited the heated discussion and deep concern of the majority of netizens.

Wang Xingyue denied rumors such as changing his age

The trigger for this turmoil was the public's questioning of the authenticity of Wang Xingyue's age. According to official information, he was born in 2002 and is only 22 years old, so he is affectionately known as "Brother Kid". However, a 2017 video of himself appearing to be 17 years old and presumed his year of birth to be 2000 surfaced, a finding that did not match official information and instantly ignited controversy about his age fraud.

Wang Xingyue denied rumors such as changing his age

In the face of overwhelming doubts, Wang Xingyue's studio quickly issued a statement, resolutely refuting the rumors with the word "untrue" and denying the claim that his age had been tampered with. But then, the remark of "the youngest in the crew" mentioned by Yu when he was visiting Chen Xinhai was dug up by netizens, which contradicted the studio's clarification and once again set off waves of public opinion. It is worth noting that Wang Xingyue and Chen Xinhai both played important roles in the hit drama "Ink Rain and Clouds", respectively Su Guogong and Ye Shijie.

Wang Xingyue denied rumors such as changing his age

Regarding the mystery of Wang Xingyue's age, netizens have different opinions. Some netizens have a rational attitude, believing that they have been clarified by the studio and should be viewed objectively; Some people think that the age difference is not large, and they are both millennials, so there is no need to be overly harsh; Some netizens regard this matter as the norm of age questioning in the entertainment industry.

Wang Xingyue denied rumors such as changing his age

Yu Zheng then published a long article, elaborating that his "smallest" statement is only for the specific situation in the play, and has no direct relationship with the actual age of the character Su Guogong, and clearly pointed out that the actual age in the crew is 15-year-old Amy, in order to support Wang Xingyue and reiterate the fact that his age has not been tampered with.

Wang Xingyue denied rumors such as changing his age

However, the turmoil did not subside, and Wang Xingyue was accused of buying erotic underwear and "eating empty salary" one after another. The studio moved quickly and vehemently denied the allegations. In response to the controversy over erotic underwear, Yu Zhengze emphasized the freedom of personal interest choice and called on the public not to over-interpret.

Wang Xingyue denied rumors such as changing his age

In order to calm the situation, Yu Zheng once again wrote a long article, encouraging artists to cultivate a strong psychological quality and remain calm and rational in the face of groundless accusations. At the same time, he expressed his helplessness at the spread of rumors, resolutely denied the rumors of buying hot searches, and announced that he would continue to cooperate with Wang Xingyue, Wu Jinyan and other artists, and decided to stay away from the hustle and bustle of the Internet for the time being, in order to calm down the situation.

Wang Xingyue denied rumors such as changing his age

This series of events may be regarded as the price that Wang Xingyue must bear after becoming popular with "Ink Rain Clouds". In the face of the ensuing negative public opinion, the studio and Huanyu Film and Television Company both showed a resolute attitude, continuously issued statements to refute rumors, and made it clear that they would take legal measures to protect their legitimate rights and interests, demonstrating their firm position and determination.

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