
Sun Li's 100-day challenge ended successfully: five scripts were brilliantly presented, and the unique rewards sparked heated discussions

author:Juxian Entertainment

100 days are fleeting, and for most people it may be just a moment of time, but for Sun Li, this is an extraordinary journey to create brilliance. On June 30, Bailu Video shocked and announced that Sun Li successfully completed the filming of five scripts in just 100 days, and its efficiency is as amazing as a rocket!

Sun Li's 100-day challenge ended successfully: five scripts were brilliantly presented, and the unique rewards sparked heated discussions

In these 100 days, five works have been completed perfectly, and on average, every 20 days, Sun Li devotes herself to a new role, not only proficient in lines, but also tacitly cooperates with many actors, and pursues the ultimate in every detail. Such an achievement is not only a test of her professional ability, but also a testimony of her unremitting efforts and perseverance. Sun Li, with talent and sweat, has written her own brilliant chapter!

Unique rewards that make you feel personal

What is particularly striking is that after completing this arduous task, Sun Li chose a box of silkworm chrysalis as a reward for herself. This decision not only shows her unique taste, but also reveals her deep understanding and unique pursuit of life. Although the silkworm chrysalis is small, it symbolizes the spirit of courage to explore and make breakthroughs, which is sincerely admirable.

Sun Li's 100-day challenge ended successfully: five scripts were brilliantly presented, and the unique rewards sparked heated discussions

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Sun Li's 100-day challenge ended successfully: five scripts were brilliantly presented, and the unique rewards sparked heated discussions

A warm message from the studio

Recently, Sun Li's studio also sent a warm message: "#孙俪 #七月启航, may good luck always be around." #致敬奋斗者, let us move forward hand in hand and go to the beauty and luck of the second half of the year. Although the interaction was directly directed at Sun Li, the warm responses and best wishes of netizens have converged into a warm current, warming Sun Li's heart.

Sun Li's 100-day challenge ended successfully: five scripts were brilliantly presented, and the unique rewards sparked heated discussions

The editor has feelings

Sun Li's 100-day challenge has set an example for us. She told us with practical actions that as long as we have dreams and have the courage to challenge, we will eventually reach the other side of our hearts. And her unique way of rewarding gives us a glimpse of her true and simple inner world. Let us take Sun Li as a mirror, unremittingly pursue our ideals, and believe that in the near future, we can also reap our own unique glory and rewards.

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