
Gree Electric's 2025 autumn recruitment was officially launched in advance! Familiarize yourself with the content of the written test in advance~

author:Job question bank

➡️Ends August 10th! Gree Electric's 2025 autumn recruitment was officially launched in advance!

➡️ What is the Gree Electric Written Exam? How to prepare for the exam effectively?

The editor has compiled my lessons learned in the process of preparing for the exam and shared them with you!

I hope it will be helpful to all of you!

1. What are the recruitment positions of Gree Electric Appliances?

【Ph.D. Students】

Integrated Circuits, Computers, Power Electronics, Mechanical Design, Fluid Simulation, Refrigeration and HVAC, Noise and Vibration, Materials Research, Robotics

[Technology R&D]

Structural Design, Noise and Vibration, Refrigeration Technology, Fluid Simulation, Electronic Control Software Design, Electronic Control Hardware Design, Electrical Design, Power Electronics, Motors and Electrical Appliances

【Information Technology】

R&D of power devices/modules, IC design

2. What is the recruitment process of Gree Electric Appliances?

Gree Electric's 2025 autumn recruitment was officially launched in advance! Familiarize yourself with the content of the written test in advance~

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3. What is the written test of Gree Electric Appliances?

According to the past past questions, the content of the written test of Gree Electric is mainly speech comprehension, mathematical application and graphical reasoning.

(1) Verbal comprehension and expression

It mainly tests the candidates' ability to use language and writing to think and communicate, and to quickly and accurately understand and grasp the connotation of written materials. Common question types include reading comprehension, logical fill-in-the-blank, etc. On the one hand, candidates need to have more accumulation, and on the other hand, they also need to be meticulous and serious.

Gree Electric's 2025 autumn recruitment was officially launched in advance! Familiarize yourself with the content of the written test in advance~

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(2) Mathematical applications

It is important to examine an individual's ability to crunch basic numbers and understand and process data, which is important for management, finance, engineering, research, sales, and administrative positions. The main test content includes: travel questions, engineering questions, profit problems, permutations and combinations problems, probability problems, rejection problems, geometry problems, date problems, age problems, etc.

Gree Electric's 2025 autumn recruitment was officially launched in advance! Familiarize yourself with the content of the written test in advance~

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(3) Graphical reasoning

Each question is given one or two sets of figures, and candidates are required to find out the pattern of the arrangement of figures through observation and analysis, and select the one that conforms to the law.

Gree Electric's 2025 autumn recruitment was officially launched in advance! Familiarize yourself with the content of the written test in advance~

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4. How to prepare for the written test of Gree Electric Appliances?

1. Make a reasonable study plan

When preparing for the written examination for school admissions, you must first make a reasonable study plan. This plan should include aspects such as study time, study content, revision time, etc. When making a plan, you should determine it according to your actual situation and goals, and you can't blindly follow other people's methods.

2. Choose good study materials

Choosing good study materials is very important for preparing for the written exam. Textbooks and reference books that are authoritative, informative, and easy to understand should be selected. In addition, relevant information can be obtained through various channels such as the Internet and video.

3. Pay attention to practice

It is also very important to focus on practice in the preparation process. You can practice by doing questions, mock exams, etc. This can help us better grasp the knowledge points and skills, and improve our test-taking ability.

4. Improve yourself in many ways

In addition to professional knowledge, it is necessary to improve one's own abilities in many aspects. For example, improve reading comprehension skills, language expression skills, thinking logic skills, etc. The improvement of these abilities can help us better cope with the exam.

5. Where to find the written test question bank of Gree Electric Appliances?

Students, look here!

We have included the real written test questions of Gree Electric Appliances and other written tests, and provided answer analysis for all students.

Xiaobian also sorted out the [relevant information] of Gree Electric Appliances, just tell me if you need it!

Finally, I wish all family members a smooth landing! Ashore! Ashore!

Gree Electric's 2025 autumn recruitment was officially launched in advance! Familiarize yourself with the content of the written test in advance~

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