
Next week's review deadline! Detailed explanation of the content of the online written examination of China National Nuclear Corporation

author:Job question bank

➡️On July 8, the online evaluation of China National Nuclear Corporation will be closed!

➡️ What is the CNNC Written Exam? How to prepare for the exam effectively?

The editor has compiled my lessons learned in the process of preparing for the exam and shared them with you!

I hope it will be helpful to all of you!

1. What is the written examination of China National Nuclear Corporation?

According to the past questions, the content of the written test of China National Nuclear Corporation is mainly a practical test.

(1) Verbal comprehension and expression

It mainly tests the candidates' ability to use language and writing to think and communicate, and to quickly and accurately understand and grasp the connotation of written materials. Common question types include reading comprehension, logical fill-in-the-blank, etc. On the one hand, candidates need to have more accumulation, and on the other hand, they also need to be meticulous and serious.

Next week's review deadline! Detailed explanation of the content of the online written examination of China National Nuclear Corporation

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(2) Quantitative relationship

It mainly tests the candidate's ability to understand and grasp the quantitative relationship between things and solve the problem of quantitative relationship, mainly involving the analysis, reasoning, judgment and operation of data relationship. There are two types of commonly used questions: numerical reasoning and mathematical operations.

Numerical reasoning: Each question is given a number series, but one of them is missing, and the candidate is required to carefully observe the relationship between the numbers in the number series, find out the arrangement rules, and then select the most suitable and reasonable one from the four alternative answers to fill in the blanks, so that it conforms to the arrangement of the original number series.

Mathematical operations: Each question is given an arithmetic formula or a text expressing quantitative relations, and candidates are required to be proficient in using basic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and use other basic mathematical knowledge to calculate or derive results.

(3) Judgment and reasoning

Main test: The candidate's ability to analyze and reason about the relationship between various things, mainly involving the comprehension, comparison, combination, deduction and induction of graphics, word concepts, things and written materials.

Common question types: graphical reasoning, definition judgment, analogical reasoning, logical judgment, etc.

Learning strategy: This type of question type requires a lot of accumulation to internalize, and at the same time, this type of question type also has routines, such as quantitative classes, which are divided into points, lines, angles, surfaces, and elements.

Next week's review deadline! Detailed explanation of the content of the online written examination of China National Nuclear Corporation

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2. How to prepare for the written examination of China National Nuclear Corporation?

The first principle is to systematically review the basics.

You remember that no matter how you take the exam, it is a test of what you have learned. The questions may be a little more flexible, but they will never deviate from their roots, and they will not change the soup. It's just a change of vest in the form of investigation, so you have to revolve around knowledge, and you have to quietly go to the systematic carpet review, and secretly come to two or three times. Individual chapters, individual modules, you should focus on intensive review.

The second is to review the old questions, don't be greedy for the new.

When you do old questions, you're not doing it to review the answers. You have to go through the old questions to review the knowledge backwards. Do you understand what it means to be upside down? Check this question backwards to examine the knowledge points, and review them all. Review the knowledge upside down. In short, you have two sets and three sets of comprehensive test papers, and the knowledge points and test points are almost complete. You don't have to pursue quantity, you need to pay attention to results.

The third is to review typical questions and model questions.

For example, a question allows you to have a harvest, a method, a feeling, and a new understanding. Typical questions are all good questions, you have to have model thinking, enlarge a model problem, summarize its rules, and master its methods, so that you can understand everything. Because when taking the exam, no matter how you take it, it has a probability event, some questions are tested every year, and some questions will be extended and deformed, which is very similar.

Therefore, you should prepare for the exam based on these three general directions, so that your efficiency can be high. Don't go to the general problem, the sea of puzzle tactics. If you have been doing questions all the time, you will still be able to do it, and you will not be able to do it, which is actually of little significance.

3. Where can I find the China National Nuclear Corporation written exam question bank?

Students, look here!

We have included the real written test questions of China National Nuclear Corporation and other written exams, and provided answer analysis for all students.

The editor also sorted out the [relevant information] of China National Nuclear Industry Group, just tell me if you need it!

Finally, I wish all family members a smooth landing! Ashore! Ashore!

Next week's review deadline! Detailed explanation of the content of the online written examination of China National Nuclear Corporation

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