
30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

author:Foreign French

01, if you want to say that the ugliest warthog in the world, this one should be in the top five, right? It's scary-ugly!

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

02. How can there be a blue frog? Absolutely no color tuning! When the field frog is mating season, the male turns blue all over the body, which looks amazing.

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

03. In Pennsylvania, USA, a cat named Heidi, because the owner neglected to take care of her, the cat's hair was greasy and knotted into a strange big tail, and the animal protection organization helped him shave it, and it returned to its original state.

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

04, a poor sea turtle was attacked by a shark and killed it directly. It's disgusting.

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

05. Do you want a pound of fresh five-color eggs?

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

06. The color scheme of guinea fowl is extremely gorgeous, but it is not very friendly to people with dense phobia.

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

07, very beautiful birds!

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

08, a big eagle rushed from the air and grabbed a fox, and the poor fox became someone else's feast

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

09, Sydney funnel web spider is the most poisonous spider in the world, a bite will make a child die within fifteen minutes

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

10. From this point of view, the flying squirrel looks like a pancake flying in the air, its body is spread out, and it is visually very flat.

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

11. "God's Kiss".

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

12. This elk is on the street.

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

13. Although it is called longan chicken, it is not really a chicken

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

14. Goodbye, cruel world, I'm going to sleep in the belly of a bird!

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

15. You'll have a creepy feeling.

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

16. Beautiful pebbles, the more stones you have, the more space you have to live, and the more attractive you are to the females.

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

17. It is not a jellyfish in the usual sense, it actually belongs to a genus of leeches and monk's hat jellyfish

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

18. Iran's peculiar salt rocks look like a piece of fat and thin pork belly.

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

19. Looking down at Cairo, Egypt from a high altitude, at first glance I thought it was a rough piece of bark

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

20. Imagine what would happen once the spiders started to socialize and started many spiders to weave a big web together? It's terrible, the white expanse between heaven and earth is all shrouded in a big net!

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

21. Tibetan horse chicken

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

22. Why do you like to nibble on hooves? Don't be afraid that it will kick you away

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

23. It's really incredible, the beaver was crushed to death by the tree he gnawed down, and he was stoned to death on the spot, alas, he often walks by the river, how can he not get his shoes wet?

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

24. Looking at this cat mother whose body has been hollowed out, people can't help but laugh.

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

25. It looks like an abalone and a bit like a turtle, and the color and texture are very peculiar.

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

26. Poor gecko, the terrible green snake, one life devours another.

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

27. This is not an alien invasion, but a mutated shark, its eyes have undergone a significant displacement, look closely, in fact, it only has one eye, but this one eye has two pupils, which is really terrifying!

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

28. A simple arithmetic problem, the answer in the comment area is ?!!!!!!

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

29, lazy looks funny and cute.

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

30. The snake entangled the big gecko

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

31. We are very clear about the combat effectiveness of the kangaroo, but sometimes it is not the opponent of the snake

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

32. Mint chocolate ice cream.

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

33. What kind of food is it? Do you know?????????????

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

34. Have you taken a look at the car?

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

35. The "Muscle Exploding Dog" can instantly inflate its own muscles and hit the opponent

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

36, the skeleton panda sea squirt, obviously a sea creature, but it looks like a panda, and the body is transparent, and the skeleton in the body can be clearly seen.

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

37. What is the power of unity? Ants are small creatures that intuitively demonstrate the power of solidarity and cooperation. The ant hunters fight a locust, and the locusts can only admit defeat and surrender in the face of a petite but cooperative opponent.

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

38, this terrible caterpillar

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

39. A couple in Xiamen, Fujian.

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

40. The lion also fought hard to eat, and he was tired of running on the ground, and he stared at the sky flying

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

41. The sun-avoiding spider is not a spider, but its combat effectiveness is definitely not under the spider!

30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

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30 photos of rare animals: the ugliest pig in the world VS the biggest pig, the rhinoceros swaggering around

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