
The solution to the problem of signing verification failure when installing library documentation support package in CODESYS

author:A sprouted potato

In the previous article, we talked about the solution to the error when the CODESYS software saves the library for the compilation library, and some friends said that when installing the library document support package, the signature verification failure will be prompted, as shown in the following figure

The solution to the problem of signing verification failure when installing library documentation support package in CODESYS

This problem may be that the version of CODESYS Installer you installed needs to be upgraded, and today we will take a look at how to solve this problem.

1. Right-click on the start menu and run CODESYS Installer as administrator, as shown below

The solution to the problem of signing verification failure when installing library documentation support package in CODESYS

2. This step takes a long time, wait patiently for the update and upgrade to be completed

The solution to the problem of signing verification failure when installing library documentation support package in CODESYS

After the update is completed, the following figure is shown below

The solution to the problem of signing verification failure when installing library documentation support package in CODESYS


The solution to the problem of signing verification failure when installing library documentation support package in CODESYS

During uninstallation, wait patiently for the uninstallation to complete

The solution to the problem of signing verification failure when installing library documentation support package in CODESYS

4. Reinstall CODESYS 64 after the uninstallation is complete

The solution to the problem of signing verification failure when installing library documentation support package in CODESYS

5. Wait for the installation to be completed and open CODESYS Installer again, click Change, as shown below

The solution to the problem of signing verification failure when installing library documentation support package in CODESYS

After clicking Change, as shown below

The solution to the problem of signing verification failure when installing library documentation support package in CODESYS

Follow the order shown above, click [Install], and click [OK] as shown below

The solution to the problem of signing verification failure when installing library documentation support package in CODESYS

6. Check "I accept the license agreement" and "Despite the lack of signatures. I still want to continue], and then click [Continue], as shown below

The solution to the problem of signing verification failure when installing library documentation support package in CODESYS


The solution to the problem of signing verification failure when installing library documentation support package in CODESYS

7. Wait for the installation to be completed, and then click [OK], as shown below

The solution to the problem of signing verification failure when installing library documentation support package in CODESYS

At this point, we have installed the library documentation support package needed to create a build library.

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