
Five TV series that are on the air! "Lonely Lost City" is at the bottom, which one are you chasing?

author:Hot-blooded Xiaobu entertainment
Five TV series that are on the air! "Lonely Lost City" is at the bottom, which one are you chasing?

In recent years, the Chinese TV drama market has become increasingly rich, from historical dramas to modern dramas, and various themes have emerged one after another. The following is a comprehensive review of five recent TV series, with an in-depth look at their storylines, character performances, and overall perception.

"Yan Xinji" starring Luo Yunxi, Song Yi and Chen Yao, tells the story of Yan Nanxing (played by Luo Yunxi) and Yan Xin (played by Song Yi) full of grassland plot conflicts and emotional contradictions. Yan Nanxing is smart and wise, but he is controversial because of his embarrassing and handsome image, while Yan Xin is a doctor with superb medical skills and a quirky personality, which makes the audience both like and unpredictable.

In the series, netizens have mixed impressions of Yan Nanxing and Yan Xin's characters. Some people think that Yan Nanxing's image design does not meet the handsome standard in most people's minds, and expresses the hope that there will be actors who are more in line with the characteristics of the role; As for Yan Xin, although his medical skills are superb, his behavior style is a little too strange, which makes many viewers find it difficult to understand and accept.

Five TV series that are on the air! "Lonely Lost City" is at the bottom, which one are you chasing?

In terms of plot development, netizens generally believe that although the story is full of character conflicts, the plot handling is a bit blunt, resulting in the audience feeling obviously unnatural at the plot turn. Some netizens commented: "Although the character relationship design in the play is rich, the emotional transformation and development between the characters lacks sufficient foreshadowing, and some plots seem a little reluctant." ”

In addition, the level of production of stage equipment, costumes and make-up props has been unanimously praised. Netizens said: "The costume design in the play is very exquisite, especially Yan Xin's doctor costume, which shows her professional characteristics and personality." However, there are also some details that have caused netizens to discuss, such as the scenery and props of some scenes in the play are too simple and do not match the high-end sense of the protagonist enough.

Overall, "Yan Xinji" has many highlights in the acting performance of Luo Yunxi and Song Yi, but there is still room for improvement in character building and plot processing. Netizens hope that future dramas can pay more attention to the foreshadowing of details and the in-depth excavation of the characters' emotions, so that the audience can be more immersed in the inner world of the characters while enjoying the plot.

Five TV series that are on the air! "Lonely Lost City" is at the bottom, which one are you chasing?

"Spending the Year of China" stars Zhao Jinmai, Zhang Linghe and Chen Heyi, and tells the intricate emotional entanglement between Li Rong (played by Zhao Jinmai) and Pei Wenxuan (played by Zhang Linghe). Li Rong is a calm and rational woman on the outside, but she hides deep emotions inside, she performs well in the workplace, but she often seems hesitant and uneasy in the face of love. On the other hand, Pei Wenxuan is a typical sunny boy, full of straightforwardness and sincerity in love, but his emotional route is not smooth, and he is always confused between each other.

In addition to the development of Zhao Jinmai in the film and television industry, he is also actively involved in public welfare. She is not only an actress, but also an ambassador for children's charity activities. Over the years, she has frequently appeared on the stage of various public welfare activities, calling on all sectors of society to pay attention to children's education and welfare issues.

Five TV series that are on the air! "Lonely Lost City" is at the bottom, which one are you chasing?

At a public welfare activity on children's education, Zhao Jinmai's appearance caused heated discussions among netizens at the scene. Some netizens sighed: "Seeing Zhao Jinmai's sincere statement at the public welfare scene, I feel that she is not only an excellent actor, but also a responsible social citizen." An enthusiastic netizen shared her experience of the charity event on social platforms: "Zhao Jinmai is not only an image ambassador, but her sincerity and care in the event make people feel that she is serious about children's issues. ”

In addition to children's education, Zhao Jinmai also uses his influence to speak for the disadvantaged. She not only stands on the stage to appeal, but also promotes the development of public welfare in the society through practical actions. In a project about improving the living conditions of children in poverty-stricken areas, Zhao Jinmai's participation touched many netizens. A netizen commented: "Seeing her personally communicating with the children on the spot and sharing her experience, I feel that she is really a warm artist." ”

On social media, some netizens actively discussed and supported Zhao Jinmai's public welfare behavior. A netizen wrote in the comments: "Seeing such an excellent star, not only paying attention to her works, but also seeing that she is using her own strength to help people in need, it is really moving." Another netizen also left a message: "I hope that more celebrities can be like Zhao Jinmai, not only pay attention to their acting careers, but also actively participate in public welfare activities and contribute their own strength to the society." ”

Five TV series that are on the air! "Lonely Lost City" is at the bottom, which one are you chasing?

In the development of the plot, netizens are quite invested in the emotional entanglement of Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan's characters. Some netizens commented: "The conflict between reason and emotion in the play is very well designed, and although the emotional turn between Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan is often unexpected, it is more real and close to life." "Li Rong's talent in the workplace and Pei Wenxuan's emotional honesty have become hot topics of discussion among netizens." Pei Wenxuan's honesty and patience with Li Rong made many viewers feel respectful, and this sincere emotion is really touching. ”

Although there is no lack of modern and bloody plots in the play, on the whole, the series is highly watchable, and the performances of Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe are also quite good. Netizens said: "Li Rong portrayed by Zhao Jinmai has a very good grasp of the hidden inner drama, and her emotional transformation and inner struggle are very enjoyable to watch." And Pei Wenxuan, played by Zhang Linghe, was praised as "sunny and handsome, but he has an affectionate side in his heart, and he is the ideal type in the hearts of girls." ”

Five TV series that are on the air! "Lonely Lost City" is at the bottom, which one are you chasing?

Netizens also have different opinions on the handling of modern and bloody plots in the series. Some people think that these plots add twists and turns to the plot and make it more empathetic and emotionally resonant for the audience. "Although some of the plot settings are a little bloody, they are necessary to move the plot forward and make the whole story more vivid and interesting." However, some netizens raised concerns about the excessive use of dog blood plots, "I hope that the crew can moderately control these plots in subsequent episodes, and pay more attention to the delicate description of character and in-depth excavation of emotions." ”

Starring Luo Jin, Yang Zishan, and Ding Jiali, "The Executive Judge" explores the work and challenges of the executive judge, but neglects to delve into the human nature of the characters. The plot focuses too much on the case itself, making the characters and plot logic seem bland and uninteresting. Despite the innovative theme, the overall plot expression did not achieve the expected effect.

Five TV series that are on the air! "Lonely Lost City" is at the bottom, which one are you chasing?

Starring Huang Jingyu, Xin Zhilei and Ma Sichao, "Lonely Lost City" is set during the Anti-Japanese War in 1945 and involves the struggle between the Kuomintang and the Japanese army and the plague incident. However, the plot development is chaotic, and the elements of spy warfare and anti-Japanese war are not handled properly, resulting in an incoherent overall plot. Despite the historical background and complex plot, the confusion in the story's presentation makes it difficult for the audience to understand the core theme.

The compact plot of "Anti-Black Heroes" starring Chen Shancong, Zhang Zhenlang and Zhu Chenli revolves around the policeman Chen Zuyao, and truly shows the passion and action scenes of the police and bandit duel. The characters are lifelike, and the actors excel in fighting and emotional expression, especially in the eye play performance of the Hong Kong actors.

Five TV series that are on the air! "Lonely Lost City" is at the bottom, which one are you chasing?

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