
This year's "out of the plum" is not ordinary, the "little summer" hit the out of the plum, is it better to have a sunny day or a rainy day?

author:The food of the living home

Meiyu, also known as "Huangmei Yu", refers to a period of long-lasting rainfall in the middle to middle of the Yangtze River in China due to the encounter between warm and humid air currents and cold air in the middle to middle summer. This phenomenon usually occurs from June to July every year and lasts for about a month. During the rainy season, abundant rainfall, high humidity and moderate temperatures are important irrigation water sources for agricultural production, but they can also cause natural disasters such as floods.

The weather during the rainy season is very distinctive. First of all, the rainfall is persistent, often a continuous drizzle, and sometimes it will suddenly turn into a torrential rain, which brings inconvenience to people's travel. Secondly, during the rainy season, there is often a phenomenon of "returning to the south", that is, the temperature rises and the humidity increases, giving people a feeling of hot and humid. Due to the high humidity, clothes are prone to mold and furniture is also prone to moisture, so people need to pay special attention to moisture and mildew prevention during the rainy season.

This year's "out of the plum" is not ordinary, the "little summer" hit the out of the plum, is it better to have a sunny day or a rainy day?

As the rainy season progresses, people begin to pay attention to when they will be able to "come out", that is, to end this period of wet and muggy weather. "Out of the plum" not only means a change in climate, but also symbolizes that agricultural production has entered a new stage. "Demei" refers to the period when the weather begins to clear after the rainy season ends, the humidity decreases, and the temperature gradually rises.

Meteorologically, the plum season is usually accompanied by the northward lifting of the subtropical high, which gradually weakens the warm and humid airflow that was originally stranded in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, thus ending the rainy season. This shift is usually accompanied by significant changes in the weather, such as less rainfall and more sunlight.

This year's "out of the plum" is not ordinary, the "little summer" hit the out of the plum, is it better to have a sunny day or a rainy day?

According to the forecast of the meteorological department, the date of the 2024 plum season is set for July 6. On this day, the subtropical high lifted northward, the precipitation in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River decreased significantly, the temperature began to rise, and the humidity decreased, marking the end of the rainy season. The arrival of this day, for farmers, means that they can start preparing for the planting of autumn crops, and for city dwellers, it means that they can get rid of the humidity and enjoy the summer sun.

In ancient times, without modern weather forecasting technology, how did people determine the time of "plum blossoms"? This mainly depends on the application of the ancient calendar and the Ganzhi calendar. By observing natural phenomena and combining astronomical, geographical and other factors, the ancients formulated the 24 solar terms to guide agricultural activities. Among them, the "Koshi" solar term is often seen as a sign of the end of the rainy season.

This year's "out of the plum" is not ordinary, the "little summer" hit the out of the plum, is it better to have a sunny day or a rainy day?

The date of the 2024 plum season coincides with the Konatsu solar term, a phenomenon that is very rare in history. Xiaoxia is the eleventh of the 24 solar terms, marking the deepening of summer and the further increase in temperature. On this day, people usually feel a noticeable change in the weather, such as more intense sunlight, higher temperatures, etc.

The phenomenon of "Izumei" and the summer summer on the same day is not only of special significance in meteorology, but also has a profound symbol in culture. It symbolizes harmony and balance in the natural world and heralds a new stage in agricultural production. On this day, various celebrations are held to express reverence for the laws of nature and anticipation of a good harvest ahead.

This year's "out of the plum" is not ordinary, the "little summer" hit the out of the plum, is it better to have a sunny day or a rainy day?

The date of 2024 is also the earliest in recent years. This record not only reflects the trend of climate change, but also serves as a reminder to pay more attention to environmental protection and the impact of climate change. With global warming, the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events are increasing, which poses challenges to agricultural production and people's lives.

Agricultural proverbs are the crystallization of the wisdom of ancient farmers based on long-term production practice and life experience, they are concise and clear, vivid images, and contain rich natural laws and life philosophy. Agricultural proverbs also play an important role in the natural phenomenon of "plum blossoms", providing people with an intuitive understanding of weather changes and coping strategies.

This year's "out of the plum" is not ordinary, the "little summer" hit the out of the plum, is it better to have a sunny day or a rainy day?

"Small heat and big heat, steaming and boiling", this agricultural proverb vividly describes the climatic characteristics of the two solar terms of small heat and big heat. The small heat marks the beginning of summer and the temperature begins to rise, while the summer heat is the hottest time of the year. Between these two solar terms, people feel the heat of the weather, as if the whole earth is being steamed. This kind of hot weather is a test for the growth of crops and people's daily life.

"The small summer is hot, the big summer is even hotter", this agricultural proverb further emphasizes the increasing trend of temperature during the small and large summer heat. In the summer heat, people can already feel the heat of summer, and in the summer heat, the temperature climbs further and reaches the highest point of the year. This kind of high temperature weather puts forward higher requirements for the irrigation of crops and people's heatstroke prevention and cooling work.

This year's "out of the plum" is not ordinary, the "little summer" hit the out of the plum, is it better to have a sunny day or a rainy day?

"Xiao Xia Lei, Huang Mei Hui; Pour the yellow plum, eighteen days", this agricultural proverb involves the weather changes during the rainy season. If there is a thundershower during the summer season, it usually means that the rainy season is coming to an end. The term "inverted yellow plum" refers to the occurrence of a rainy season-like weather phenomenon due to changes in certain meteorological conditions after the rainy season, which usually lasts for about 18 days. This agricultural proverb reminds people that after the rainy season is over, it is still important to pay attention to the weather and prepare accordingly.

Although modern meteorological forecasting technology has been very developed, agricultural proverbs still have a certain reference value. They are the wisdom of ancient people to live in harmony with nature and reflect certain laws of nature. In certain regions and under certain conditions, the climatic phenomena and trends described by the agricultural proverb still have a certain degree of accuracy and can be used as a supplement to modern meteorological forecasting.

This year's "out of the plum" is not ordinary, the "little summer" hit the out of the plum, is it better to have a sunny day or a rainy day?

Agricultural proverbs are not only a description of weather phenomena, but also a strategy and method for farmers to cope with weather changes. In ancient times, when there were no modern weather forecasts, farmers relied on agricultural proverbs to arrange agricultural activities, such as sowing, irrigation, harvesting, etc. Even today, some of the principles and methods in the agricultural proverb still have guiding significance for farmers, helping them to better adapt to weather changes and improve the efficiency and stability of agricultural production.

Regardless of the weather that follows, we hope that this year's weather will be smooth and rainy, providing good conditions for crops to grow and bringing a good harvest season. Whether it is the moisture of the rainy season, or the warmth of the small heat and the great heat, it is a gift given to us by nature. We hope that through scientific methods and traditional wisdom, we can make rational use of these natural conditions to promote the development of agriculture and the protection of the ecological environment.

This year's "out of the plum" is not ordinary, the "little summer" hit the out of the plum, is it better to have a sunny day or a rainy day?

For the above explanations, have you clearly understood "out of the plum" and Xiaoxiao? Do you agree with the above statement? Feel free to leave a message and let us know what you think! At the end of the article, thank you for reading.
