
Why is the bus charge only one or two dollars, and doesn't it lose money? Now there is finally an answer

author:Ikan Finance
Why is the bus charge only one or two dollars, and doesn't it lose money? Now there is finally an answer

Text: Ikan Finance

Sources: All of the information stated in this article is based on reliable sources, and is detailed at the end of the article

The bus, the "postcard" of a city, he always shuttles between the noisy alleys with the greatest tolerance.

With only one or two yuan of change, you can exchange for a stable trip in this city, and it has naturally become the first choice for countless citizens to go shopping.

Why is the bus charge only one or two dollars, and doesn't it lose money? Now there is finally an answer

But the low fare, compared to the cost of private cars and taxis, is simply for nothing, which can't help but make people wonder when the bus fare is so low can "return to the capital"?

Why is the bus charge only one or two dollars, and doesn't it lose money? Now there is finally an answer

The operating costs of the bus

"Di, bus card", with the moment the sound of machinery sounds, in the fast-paced city life, people enjoy convenient and low-cost services at the same time, but they don't know what kind of good intentions are hidden behind it.

Why is the bus charge only one or two dollars, and doesn't it lose money? Now there is finally an answer

A "behemoth" shuttling through the city must have hidden intricate operating costs behind it, and it takes a lot of coordination to make them run in an orderly manner in the city.

I believe that many people have considered the low price of buses, can they really rely on income to survive, but they have no clue.

But behind the simple low bus fares, there is a rather complex economic logic, just because the cost of the bus is beyond our imagination.

Why is the bus charge only one or two dollars, and doesn't it lose money? Now there is finally an answer

We all know that it is easy to buy a car, it is difficult to maintain a car, and it is difficult to take a bus.

An ordinary bus is worth 700,000 yuan, and now the price of new energy vehicles, which is very common, has soared all the way to 3 million.

Why is the bus charge only one or two dollars, and doesn't it lose money? Now there is finally an answer

And this car purchase cost, but is just the beginning, this "gold swallowing beast" real means is still behind, fuel vehicles are only at least 500 yuan per day of fuel per day, but new energy vehicles, although goodbye to the cost of fuel, but the cost of electricity is also a small expense.

But this is just the beginning, there will be "invisible" costs after the bus is on the road, and there will always be many small problems over time, which will slowly form a huge expenditure.

Why is the bus charge only one or two dollars, and doesn't it lose money? Now there is finally an answer

The traces of the years will also be shown on the bus, the bus will inevitably be repaired, the cost of vehicle maintenance is even more shadowy, and the cost of daily inspection is tightly entangled in each bus.

The maintenance cost of each car is increasing year by year with the growth of years, and the annual maintenance cost accounts for about 6% of the car.

Among them, the necessary bus driver, the most familiar figure, their salary and various benefits, is already one of the most expenses of the bus company, and this cost is more than 20%.

Why is the bus charge only one or two dollars, and doesn't it lose money? Now there is finally an answer

There are also on-site leasing costs, fixed asset costs, and office management and scheduling costs, which are like invisible hands, taking more than 20% of the bus company's profits.

According to the analysis of the daily operation of the bus, the miscellaneous costs of a bus are calculated together, and the operating cost of a day is about 2,000 yuan, and this number has exceeded everyone's imagination.

Why is the bus charge only one or two dollars, and doesn't it lose money? Now there is finally an answer

In this way, the most expensive is not the labor cost, although the bus is not the most convenient, but it is using its low fare to serve every public for ten years.

But at least 2,000 yuan a day, such a huge bus operating expenditure cost, its fare of one yuan and two yuan each time, can it really keep the cost?

Why is the bus charge only one or two dollars, and doesn't it lose money? Now there is finally an answer

A source of revenue for buses

You can see every time that passengers put coins on the bus, and when they hear the sound of coins being put into the bus, it is the sound of falling into the bus company's account.

One piece or two is not much, but you can often see some passengers in the bus, crowded like sardines, the price is low but the quantity is large, and the money is remitted into the money bag by walking.

Why is the bus charge only one or two dollars, and doesn't it lose money? Now there is finally an answer

Take the first-tier city of Shanghai's bus routes, Shanghai's buses are also hard to find, the average daily passenger traffic is calculated according to 10 million people, and it is also a lot of income to gather together.

According to each 2 yuan fare, Shanghai public transport is 20 million income per day, not only that, this is just the usual income of a certain day, if the timeline is extended, a few years down this income is a huge wealth.

Why is the bus charge only one or two dollars, and doesn't it lose money? Now there is finally an answer

Obviously, the bus fare customization is also diversified, and the bus fare often adopts a variety of segmented pricing methods, including a single fare, a segmented fare, a preferential card and a monthly card.

However, with such a huge transportation system, it would be too simple to rely on the fare of one or two yuan.

Now the profit model of buses has also begun to become colorful, and bus advertising has become an important "cash cow" for bus companies.

Why is the bus charge only one or two dollars, and doesn't it lose money? Now there is finally an answer

Not only the appearance of the bus, but also the handrails, seats, and stop signs in the bus are a golden advertising space everywhere passengers see, and it can be said that the proportion of advertising revenue is very large.

Not only that, but there are also chartered car services, and the business demand for this kind of chartered car is also increasing.

The bus has not only opened up a lot of income channels, but still maintains a very low fare, silently giving back precious benefits to the society, what kind of good intentions are hidden behind this?

Why is the bus charge only one or two dollars, and doesn't it lose money? Now there is finally an answer

Social benefits brought about by low bus fares

As a transportation system, buses have been greatly alleviating the problem of urban road congestion and helping cities to operate normally because of their efficiency and convenience.

From another perspective, the government's subsidy for public transportation is also for the sake of people's livelihood to seek more benefits.

Why is the bus charge only one or two dollars, and doesn't it lose money? Now there is finally an answer

Take Hong Kong as an example, in this small land, more than 90% of the residents choose public transportation, and the time spent by people is also the highest, which can also be seen that the level of public transportation in a city is greatly related to his economic level.

The higher the GDP of the people, the richer and most competitive cities they live in.

This is not only the low fare of the bus, but also the need to meet the requirements of the public's travel, but also to ensure the needs of the future development of the city.

Why is the bus charge only one or two dollars, and doesn't it lose money? Now there is finally an answer

I believe that for hundreds of millions of people, the price of one piece or two pieces in exchange for the happiness and satisfaction of the society may be the social significance of bus fares.

On the surface, it seems that the fare is insignificant, but behind it is the soul of a city, and I hope that the future buses can be more convenient and comfortable, and better serve the people of the whole city.

Why is the bus charge only one or two dollars, and doesn't it lose money? Now there is finally an answer


The original article was published in the Jiaxing Municipal People's Government2024-05-13 on "How to "Cover the Travel Demand" of Urban Public Transport? ".

The original article was published on China's Shandong Net 2023-09-14 on "Air conditioning will be turned off from September 16, and the fare of 153 bus lines in Qingdao will be restored to 1 yuan".

Why is the bus charge only one or two dollars, and doesn't it lose money? Now there is finally an answer
Why is the bus charge only one or two dollars, and doesn't it lose money? Now there is finally an answer
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