
On this day, 31-year-old Chen Turin seconds 22-year-old Bao Shangen! Only then did I understand what it means to "have poetry and books in my belly"

author:Hot-blooded Xiaobu entertainment
On this day, 31-year-old Chen Turin seconds 22-year-old Bao Shangen! Only then did I understand what it means to "have poetry and books in my belly"

On June 24, 2024, Jin Yong's martial arts world crew participated in the red carpet event of the goose drama party, which attracted a lot of attention. That night, the three actresses Chen Duling, Bao Shangen, and Hanikezi appeared on the same stage, each with their own style, and became the focus of the night.

On the red carpet of the Goose Drama Party on June 24, 2024, the actors of Jin Yong's martial arts world crew gathered together to show their unique charm and outstanding acting talents. The atmosphere was warm, and the audience stopped to watch, letting out bursts of admiration and cheers.

An audience member excitedly said to his friend next to him: "Wow, look, that's the actors in Jin Yong's martial arts world!" They're the actors in one of my favorite episodes! I didn't expect them to come to such a party! The friend responded excitedly: "Yes, not only do they have superb acting skills in the play, but they also look so eye-catching on the scene." ”

On this day, 31-year-old Chen Turin seconds 22-year-old Bao Shangen! Only then did I understand what it means to "have poetry and books in my belly"

Another group of spectators gathered and discussed. A young woman pointed to an actor on a stage in the distance and said, "Look, it's so beautiful to be dressed in a pink dress!" Her figure is so good, she deserves to be the face of the film and television industry. Her friend winked and added: "But I feel like she's shorter than on TV, didn't the Internet say that she said she was 162cm?" Maybe it's a problem with the shooting angle. ”

When a couple next to him saw Hanikez, her boyfriend couldn't help but sigh: "Wow, this Hanikezi girl's temperament is really different!" In a white dress, she looked like she had stepped into a fairyland. The girlfriend responded with a smile: "Yes, her clothing design and hairstyle are very exotic, which suits her very well." ”

In another corner, a group of fans are talking about Chen Turin. A male fan excitedly said: "Chen Turin is so beautiful! Look at her embroidered gauze skirt, it's like a fairy descending to earth! The female fan next to her nodded approvingly: "Her temperament is really different, especially the elegant aura, which is really charming." ”

On this day, 31-year-old Chen Turin seconds 22-year-old Bao Shangen! Only then did I understand what it means to "have poetry and books in my belly"

In the appearance of Chen Duling, Bao Shangen and Hanikezi on the same stage, the audience and netizens exploded. The unique appearance characteristics and distinctive temperament of the three actresses became one of the most talked about topics of the night.

Chen Turin is wearing a bandeau embroidered gauze skirt, and the overall shape is simple but noble. She is 168cm tall, and her elegant posture and confident aura have attracted many eyes. Standing on the red carpet, she is like a blooming flower, exuding a unique charm. Her grace and demeanor are evident not only in the choice of clothing, but also in her calm demeanor and smile. Chen Duling's appearance made people sigh at her outstanding acting charm and temperament.

On this day, 31-year-old Chen Turin seconds 22-year-old Bao Shangen! Only then did I understand what it means to "have poetry and books in my belly"

Unlike Chen Turin, Bao Shangen chose a pink rose gauze dress to highlight her sweetness and cuteness. Although she claims to be 162cm tall, this has not affected her brilliance on the red carpet. Her appearance and costume design show off her graceful posture and stage performance skills. However, Bao Shangen's appearance has also sparked some controversy among netizens, with some people feeling that she may not look as tall on TV as she does on the scene, and this evaluation has also become part of the discussion.

Chen Turin's participation in the charity action of his alma mater's Love Club to pay attention to deaf-mute children, as well as helping charity fundraising through live relay and increasing ambulances for poor mountainous areas, has aroused widespread discussion and attention among netizens. Some netizens actively spoke out on social media and expressed their appreciation and support for her behavior. A netizen wrote in the comment area: "Seeing such news, I feel a little warmth in my life. He emphasized the positive impact of Chen's public welfare actions on society, and believed that this kind of good deeds should be noticed and emulated by more people.

On this day, 31-year-old Chen Turin seconds 22-year-old Bao Shangen! Only then did I understand what it means to "have poetry and books in my belly"

Other netizens shared similar public welfare experiences from a personal perspective. A netizen named "Xiao Linzi" recalled: "I have also participated in similar volunteer activities, although it is only a small contribution, but I am still very down-to-earth when I see that I can help people who really need help." Her speech resonated with other netizens, who left messages to express their recognition and support for public welfare actions.

However, not everyone agrees on Chen's philanthropic actions. Some netizens questioned the authenticity and long-term effects of the public welfare action. A netizen with the ID of "Passerby A" wrote: "These public welfare activities seem to be meaningful, but can they really solve the problem? Perhaps more attention should be paid to long-term sustainable solutions. His speech sparked an in-depth discussion on the effectiveness and sustainability of the public welfare action, and many netizens expressed concerns and thoughts about the long-term impact of the project.

On this day, 31-year-old Chen Turin seconds 22-year-old Bao Shangen! Only then did I understand what it means to "have poetry and books in my belly"

In addition to praise and doubts, some netizens put forward suggestions and expectations for Chen Duling's public welfare behavior. A netizen named "Sunshine Bird" suggested: "I hope that these public welfare actions can continue to have a greater social impact through more publicity and participation." His words reflect the expectation of the promotion of public welfare activities and the expansion of social influence, and believes that such good deeds should be more widely disseminated and supported.

To sum up, Chen Duling's public welfare behavior is not only an individual behavior, but also a part of social public welfare undertakings. Through her efforts and influence, she has not only helped more people in need, but also aroused the attention and discussion of public welfare undertakings from all walks of life. The spread of this positive energy is expected to have a profound impact on the wider society.

On this day, 31-year-old Chen Turin seconds 22-year-old Bao Shangen! Only then did I understand what it means to "have poetry and books in my belly"

Hanikezi, on the other hand, chose a white bandeau dress, showing her exotic and noble temperament. Her costume design and hairstyle exuded a unique charm that attracted the admiration and applause of the audience. Hanikezi's physical characteristics and elegant posture made her another focus of the evening. Her appearance not only shows her acting strength, but also makes people pay more attention to her future development and performance.

Bao Shangen's height has sparked discussions among netizens. Although she claims to be 162cm, many netizens believe that she looks shorter, which does not appear tall enough among celebrities, sparking widespread discussion about the importance of height in the image of celebrities.

Bao Shangen appeared in a pink rose gauze dress, and her beautiful posture and stage performance skills were excellent, but her performance received some criticism, especially her acting performance in Jin Yong's drama.

On this day, 31-year-old Chen Turin seconds 22-year-old Bao Shangen! Only then did I understand what it means to "have poetry and books in my belly"

Hanikezi wore a white bandeau dress, showing her exotic style and elegant temperament, and her distinctive appearance attracted the appreciation and applause of the audience.

Chen Duling, who is 168cm tall, showed an extraordinary temperament and elegant posture in the group photo, and her dress and eye-catching appearance attracted many eyes, showing her unique acting charm.

The performances of the three actors received different reviews, especially the controversial evaluation of their acting skills. With their continuous efforts and growth in the acting industry, their future development space is still broad.

On this day, 31-year-old Chen Turin seconds 22-year-old Bao Shangen! Only then did I understand what it means to "have poetry and books in my belly"

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