
After 18 years of man's stomach cancer liver metastasis, after 3 years of treatment, the metastasis disappeared, and his practice can be learned by everyone

author:Dr. Wan talks about health

Content Sources:

[1] Zhang Yuan. Shanxi Science and Technology News,2023-12-04(A06).

[2] Wang Meihua. How to prevent "eating out" cancer[N].People's Daily Overseas Edition,2024-06-28(009).

[3] Ni Jiaqi, Xiong Huan. Gastric cancer surgery requires more correct diet[J].Family Medicine. Happy Health,2023,(08):12.

Shao Hong, a 52-year-old fruit farmer living in Hainan. He has land at home, and since he was a child, he has dealt with trees and forests, and he is a good hand at fertilizing and removing insects, and the fruits he grows are sweet and fragrant, and he has to send a big basket to his neighbors every time, and his children have put these fruits in the back box of the car when they go home. Shao Hong makes the fruits he can't eat into jam on weekdays, dries them dry, and pairs them with home-made pickles, which is simply an artifact for eating.

On May 13, 2018, the weather was very hot, and there was no rain for many days, Shao Hong was worried that the fruit trees he planted would be affected, so he connected the water pipe to water in the field.

After 18 years of man's stomach cancer liver metastasis, after 3 years of treatment, the metastasis disappeared, and his practice can be learned by everyone

After that period of time, Shao Hong found that his appetite had decreased significantly, and he didn't even have any appetite when paired with his favorite dried sour radish. Shao Hong thought it was caused by the weather being too hot, so he didn't think much about it, and he still lived by eating some vegetables and fruits.

On September 12, Shao Hong woke up in the morning and found that he had some abdominal distension and pain, his skin in the mirror was still a little yellow, and his face looked very haggard. Then when he went to the toilet, he found that his stool was very dark, and when he came out of the toilet, he felt tired and weak, combined with his symptoms these days, Shao Hong suspected that he might have gastritis, so he went to the small clinic to prescribe some anti-inflammatory drugs.

After taking the medicine for a period of time, the symptoms of physical discomfort really improved, Shao Hong was very happy, thinking that the disease should be almost cured, so he stopped the medicine by himself.

On December 27, when Shao Hong and his wife went to the street to buy daily necessities, they suddenly felt a colic pain in his abdomen, which made him break out in cold sweat on his forehead, sour water in his mouth, nausea in his stomach, and things in his hands were unstable and spilled on the ground at once. Seeing that his face was pale, it was obvious that the situation was wrong, and she didn't dare to let him continue to take things, so she took a taxi and sent him to the hospital for medical treatment.

After 18 years of man's stomach cancer liver metastasis, after 3 years of treatment, the metastasis disappeared, and his practice can be learned by everyone

To the surprise of the couple, they didn't expect this investigation to directly detect a malignant tumor. The results of the gastroscopy prescribed by the doctor to Shao Hong showed that there was an obvious bulge and mass in the stomach, and there was a bumpy and pitted ulcer on the edge of the fundus. After pathological examination, Shao Hong was finally diagnosed with moderately well-differentiated adenocarcinoma of the stomach.

Gastric cancer is a malignant tumor of the digestive system, and patients often suffer from indigestion and vague abdominal pain. Over time, patients may develop anemia and decreased appetite, and patients in advanced stages may experience melena and hematemesis, significant weight loss, and fatigue. Due to the depletion of tumor cells, patients may even experience a state of systemic failure.

After getting the results, Shao Hong's face immediately turned pale, and everyone was a little unstable, and his wife couldn't help but reddened her eyes when she heard the news. Shao Hong asked with a white face and unwillingly, why, he obviously eats healthy food made at home on weekdays, how did he get this digestive tract tumor?

After 18 years of man's stomach cancer liver metastasis, after 3 years of treatment, the metastasis disappeared, and his practice can be learned by everyone

After some detailed exchanges, the doctor finally found out the clue from his words. It turns out that Shao Hong's favorite food on weekdays is the pickled vegetables and dried radishes and other foods he makes, these pickled foods contain a lot of salt and nitrite, which will not only cause irritation to the gastric mucosa, but also have the risk of causing cancer. The dried fruits he made on weekdays did not pay attention to preservation, which led to mildew. Long-term consumption of these spoiled and moldy foods increased the probability of malignant tumors in his stomach.

After knowing the truth, the couple regretted it very much, but the matter has come to this point, and now they can only take remedial measures quickly. The wife quickly called and told the children about the incident, and soon the son rushed to the hospital, telling the father not to worry, and that he would take care of the medical bills. Shao Hong's eyes were red, and he couldn't hold back his tears.

Shao Hong asked the doctor to know that the five-year survival rate of patients with gastric cancer metastasis was only 10%, and his heart was shocked, and he only felt infinite sadness, and his life was about to come to an end.

After 18 years of man's stomach cancer liver metastasis, after 3 years of treatment, the metastasis disappeared, and his practice can be learned by everyone

However, his sons and daughters have repeatedly stressed that they will not give up this 10% hope and must receive treatment. Shao Hong was very touched by the hearts of his children, and he decided to fight the disease firmly. However, after four months of chemotherapy, Shao Hong was lying on the hospital bed, his whole body was thin and out of shape, his hair was also gone, and he completely stepped into the ghost gate with half a foot. He only felt hopeless in his heart, and he couldn't afford to give birth to the slightest thought of healing.

Looking at the old father's current situation, his son's eyes were red, and he couldn't help but wonder if his choice was correct? Isn't treatment in the hospital another form of torture? In the end, at Shao Hong's strong request, they went through the discharge procedures, and only asked the doctor to prescribe some anti-cancer drugs and let him take them home.

The son was unwilling to give up hope, and sought medical treatment everywhere, during which he visited many famous doctors and patients who recovered from advanced cancer, and summed up these suggestions and experiences one by one, but what he didn't expect was that Shao Hong's body really began to gradually improve.

After 18 years of man's stomach cancer liver metastasis, after 3 years of treatment, the metastasis disappeared, and his practice can be learned by everyone

After many follow-up examinations, each time it was good news, and the primary lesion and metastases were gradually shrinking. It was not until the follow-up examination in the third year after the diagnosis that the metastases on Shao Hong's liver miraculously disappeared, and the gastric tumor also met the indications for surgery, and it could be radically cured by surgery.

The doctor has been a doctor for many years, and he can count patients like Shao Hong on one hand. In the subsequent return visit, the doctor suddenly realized that in addition to taking medicine on time, the three practices that Shao Hong had always insisted on were the fundamental reasons for his improvement.

The first point is to quit smoking and drinking

After Shao Hong was diagnosed with cancer, he quit smoking and drinking. The carcinogens contained in tobacco not only irritate the mucous membranes of the mouth, but also induce the body cells to become cancerous, which can lead to aggravation of the disease and a decrease in the body's immunity. Alcohol has a certain irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, which will lead to gastric mucosal congestion, which in turn will lead to chronic inflammation of the stomach and increase the probability and risk of gastric malignant diseases.

The second point is to eat reasonably and exercise moderately

Shao Hong was induced by cancer due to improper diet, so he later paid great attention to his diet in his life. Pickled, smoked, and barbecued foods such as sauerkraut and bacon are basically never eaten again, and spoiled and moldy foods are even more precautionary. Don't eat over-hot or cold food, the diet is mainly light and easy to digest food, and the cooking method focuses on boiling and steaming, paying attention to maintaining the nutrition of food, and eating a comprehensive and balanced healthy diet. Never eat foods that are too dry, too hard or difficult to digest, chew slowly during meals, and eat only seven minutes full at dinner. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and trace elements.

After 18 years of man's stomach cancer liver metastasis, after 3 years of treatment, the metastasis disappeared, and his practice can be learned by everyone

In life, pay attention to carry out an appropriate amount of exercise according to your own physical condition, such as Baduanjin, jogging, qigong guidance, etc., these aerobic exercises promote the body's blood circulation, promote metabolism, help the body to discharge toxins and harmful substances, and promote the improvement of the body's immunity.

The third point is to have a regular schedule and a good attitude

In life, Shao Hong ensures sufficient sleep and rest time. Never stay up late, insist on going to bed early and getting up early. In addition, since he was discharged from the hospital, with the change of location, his mood has gradually improved, after a painful torture, he has seen a lot of things, in many things, he no longer cares, every day to eat well, sleep soundly, and no longer have many troubles in the past. According to scientific research, a good mindset helps the body's immune system to function, thereby fighting cancer cells and promoting the improvement of the disease.

To sum up, the above three points are worth learning. In addition, avoiding overeating and staying up late, taking medications on time, and going to the hospital regularly for physical examinations are conducive to monitoring physical condition, stabilizing the condition, and promoting physical recovery.

(Note: "After 18 years of man's stomach cancer liver metastasis, after 3 years of treatment, the metastasis disappeared, and everyone can learn from his practice" The names are pseudonyms, and some pictures are network pictures; Reprinting and plagiarism are prohibited in the article)