
A girl I met on the Internet was blocked without chatting a word.

author:Blind date emotional story collection

Recently, I met a girl on the Internet, to see if I can develop it, after all, I am still single in my 30s, and my family is also anxious, but my conditions are good, but I have never found a suitable one.

A girl I met on the Internet was blocked without chatting a word.
A girl I met on the Internet was blocked without chatting a word.

After sending her my photo, she was blocked, do you think I'm ugly? Some people say that I am like the big black bull Li Chen.

A girl I met on the Internet was blocked without chatting a word.

I added it back again, I don't have an eye, it's okay to make a friend.

A girl I met on the Internet was blocked without chatting a word.

I feel that this kind of stranger I know, it is more natural to chat, and the real relatives and matchmakers introduced me are always afraid of making mistakes, and I always have to be vigilant that the blind date girl puts a place at the introducer's elders.

A girl I met on the Internet was blocked without chatting a word.
A girl I met on the Internet was blocked without chatting a word.

She actually knows how to let people pay for her, I don't know where this button is for so long when I shop online, it can be seen that it is not the first time for her, she has had or often asked people to buy things for her before.

A girl I met on the Internet was blocked without chatting a word.

Naturally, I won't pay her stupidly, and I'm not stupid with a lot of money, and my friend said that there might be a big man on the other side.

A girl I met on the Internet was blocked without chatting a word.

was blocked by her again, it seems that the girl on the Internet is more material than the blind date.
