
Dog days are coming, we must know how to avoid mouth, eat more vegetables, eat less 2 fruits, reduce the heat and eat, and smoothly survive the hot summer

author:Dr. Na of Chinese Medicine

As the light pace of summer approaches, the hottest time of the year, the long dog days, is about to kick off. Recently, with soaring temperatures and increasing humidity, the body's metabolism has accelerated significantly, making the body more susceptible to challenges, common symptoms include significant loss of appetite, indigestion caused by digestive disorders, and heat stroke, which is highly susceptible to high temperatures. In the traditional concept, "dog days to know how to avoid mouth" has become a part of folk wisdom, but how to understand and practice this wisdom from a novel perspective from the perspective of modern medicine has become the focus of our discussion.

Dog days are coming, we must know how to avoid mouth, eat more vegetables, eat less 2 fruits, reduce the heat and eat, and smoothly survive the hot summer

1. Physiological challenges and dietary principles for dog days

(1) Complex problems and rigorous trials encountered in the physiological dimension

On dog days, when the temperature is high and the humidity is high, the amount of water lost by the human body through the skin increases significantly, that is, "sweating" increases, which not only leads to fluid loss, but also may cause electrolyte imbalances and affect physiological functions. In addition, in a high temperature environment, the digestive system function is weakened, appetite is reduced, and if the diet is not appropriate, it is more likely to cause gastrointestinal diseases.

(2) The basic guidelines and scientific methods that should be followed in daily diet.

In the face of the physiological challenges of dog days, the diet should be light, easy to digest, rich in water and electrolytes, and focus on balanced nutrition to strengthen the body's immunity and promote health.

Dog days are coming, we must know how to avoid mouth, eat more vegetables, eat less 2 fruits, reduce the heat and eat, and smoothly survive the hot summer

2. Eat 3 more dishes: clear away heat and relieve heat, and promote digestion

(1) Bitter gourd: natural heat-clearing agent

Bitter gourd, known for its signature bitter flavor, is actually a rare natural heat-clearing and heat-relieving treasure in the dog days, bringing a touch of coolness to the hot summer with its unique medicinal effect. Modern research has confirmed that bitter gourd is rich in bitter gourd and bitter protein, which can stimulate the secretion of saliva and gastric juice, promote appetite, and have the effects of lowering blood sugar, clearing heat and detoxifying. Recommended way to eat: cold bitter gourd is cool and greasy, bitter gourd scrambled eggs are full of fresh fragrance, both of which cleverly retain the nutrition of bitter gourd and add fresh and refreshing flavor to the dish.

(2) Winter melon: diuretic and swelling, good for hydration

Winter melon contains more than 90% water, which is a natural moisture supplement in summer. It is cool in nature, sweet in taste, not only good at clearing heat and dissipating heat, but also benefiting the waterway to reduce swelling, which is really a natural help for dissolving edema in summer and promoting the discharge of toxins in the body. In addition, winter melon is rich in dietary fiber, which has significant benefits in accelerating intestinal movement, optimizing bowel movements, and helping to improve constipation. Recommended way to eat: Winter melon pork rib soup, stir-fried winter melon slices, both delicious and healthy.

(3) Mung bean sprouts: With their heat-clearing and detoxifying properties, they have become the best choice for supplementing vitamin C in summer.

Mung bean sprouts, as a fresh product of mung bean germination, are cool and sweet, not only have a significant heat-clearing and detoxification effect, but also effectively promote urine discharge, help the body to eliminate moisture, and are a rare healthy food in summer. Compared with mung bean raw beans, mung bean sprouts have a significant increase in vitamin C content during the tillering journey, and they retain the original nutritional essence of beans, such as high-quality protein and rich minerals, to achieve nutritional upgrades without losing their authenticity. Consuming mung bean sprouts can not only replenish the water and electrolytes lost in summer, but also enhance immunity and promote skin health. Recommended way to eat: cold mung bean sprouts, mung bean sprouts fried shredded pork, refreshing and appetizing.

Dog days are coming, we must know how to avoid mouth, eat more vegetables, eat less 2 fruits, reduce the heat and eat, and smoothly survive the hot summer

3. Eat less than 2 fruits

(1) Lychee: Although delicious, it is easy to get hot

Lychee is a seasonal fruit of summer and is loved for its sweet and juicy nature. However, lychee is warm in nature, and excessive consumption can easily lead to "lychee disease", that is, hypoglycemic reaction, and may cause symptoms such as mouth ulcers, constipation, etc. On dog days, the human body is already in a state of dampness and heat, and excessive intake of warm fruits will undoubtedly aggravate the dampness and heat in the body and affect health. Therefore, it is recommended to consume it in moderation and not to be greedy.

(2) Mango: People with damp and hot constitution should eat with caution

Mango is also a popular fruit in summer, rich in vitamins and minerals, but its damp heat, for people who have a damp and hot constitution, excessive consumption of mango may aggravate the damp heat in the body, resulting in greasy skin, acne, poor stool and other problems. On dog days, you should pay more attention to choosing cool fruits or eating mango in moderation to balance the dampness and heat in the body.

Dog days are coming, we must know how to avoid mouth, eat more vegetables, eat less 2 fruits, reduce the heat and eat, and smoothly survive the hot summer

4. Innovative insights: personalized diet plan and scientific monitoring

(1) Formulation of personalized diet plan

Everyone's physique, age, gender, occupation and other factors are different, and their tolerance and needs for food are also different. It is recommended to develop a personalized diet plan according to individual conditions under the guidance of a professional dietitian or doctor to achieve more accurate health management.

(2) Scientific monitoring and health feedback

With the development of science and technology, the popularity of tools such as smart wearable devices and health management apps has provided us with convenient means of health monitoring. On dog days, you can use these tools to monitor physiological indicators such as body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure, as well as life data such as water intake and exercise, to keep abreast of your physical condition, and adjust your diet and exercise plan based on the monitoring results. At the same time, by recording the diet diary and health status, a health feedback mechanism is formed, and the diet plan is continuously optimized to improve the health level.

Dog days are coming, we must know how to avoid mouth, eat more vegetables, eat less 2 fruits, reduce the heat and eat, and smoothly survive the hot summer

Dog days may be hot, but through smart eating, we can not only effectively cope with the challenges of high temperature and humidity, but also promote good health while enjoying delicious food. The dietary strategy of "eating more than 3 dishes and eating less 2 fruits" proposed in this paper not only combines traditional wisdom with modern medical knowledge, but also pays attention to personalized needs and scientific monitoring.

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