
Looking at the current situation of Deyun Club and Yue Yunpeng, I finally knew that Cao Yunjin left back then, not all because of money

author:Winter says school
Looking at the current situation of Deyun Club and Yue Yunpeng, I finally knew that Cao Yunjin left back then, not all because of money
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Looking at the current situation of Deyun Club and Yue Yunpeng, I finally knew that Cao Yunjin left back then, not all because of money

In the Chinese cross talk industry, Deyun Club is like a rising superstar, illuminating the sky of the entire industry. The rise of Yue Yunpeng is like a grand fireworks show, which not only dazzles the audience, but also brings considerable economic benefits to Deyun Club.

There is an undercurrent behind the prosperity.

With the changes of the times, the cross talk actors of Deyun Club have gradually embarked on the road of idol stars. They set up fan support clubs, held huge meet-and-greets, frequently appeared in various variety shows, and even participated in movie shooting.

Looking at the current situation of Deyun Club and Yue Yunpeng, I finally knew that Cao Yunjin left back then, not all because of money

This phenomenon of "fandom" has intensified within Deyun Club, as if overnight, Deyun Club has transformed from a cross talk hall to a star-making factory.

However, with the commercial success, Deyun Club's public image has fallen to the bottom in scandals one after another. From inappropriate remarks to marital infidelity to sexual harassment, negative news followed.

On the stage of Deyun Club, the rise of Cao Yunjin can be called a legend. With his extraordinary talent and unremitting efforts, he soon became Guo Degang's most important disciple.

The audience was impressed by his witty and humorous performance, as if they saw the light of hope in him in the art of cross talk. However, a CCTV cross talk contest in 2010 became a turning point in Cao Yunjin's fate.

Looking at the current situation of Deyun Club and Yue Yunpeng, I finally knew that Cao Yunjin left back then, not all because of money

With the competition just around the corner, Cao Yunjin is looking forward to the upcoming 18-minute showtime. He believes that this will be a great opportunity for him to showcase his talents.

However, on the eve of the live broadcast of the final, an unexpected phone call shattered his dream. On the other end of the phone, Guo Degang used two short words "retirement", like a hammer, shattering Cao Yunjin's hopes.

Faced with his master's sudden order, Cao Yunjin's heart was full of confusion and loss. He didn't understand why he had to give up this rare opportunity, but out of respect for his master, he could only endure the unwillingness in his heart and follow the instructions.

When he dialed the phone of the chief director of the competition and expressed his intention to retire from the competition, the angry reaction on the other end of the phone made him feel helpless and embarrassed.

Looking at the current situation of Deyun Club and Yue Yunpeng, I finally knew that Cao Yunjin left back then, not all because of money

This incident not only made Cao Yunjin miss a good opportunity to show his talent, but also made him question his future in Deyun Club. He keenly felt that Guo Degang's attitude towards him seemed to have undergone a subtle change.

The once proud disciple now vaguely felt a trace of alienation.

Cao Yunjin began to wonder: Is there anyone who worries that his success will threaten the position of some people? The thought was like a thorn in his heart, keeping him awake at night.

He recalled his hard work for Deyun Club, but he didn't seem to get the reward and trust he deserved.

Looking at the current situation of Deyun Club and Yue Yunpeng, I finally knew that Cao Yunjin left back then, not all because of money

This suspicion and uneasiness were like a dark cloud, shrouding Cao Yunjin's heart. He began to realize that in this highly competitive cross talk world, even the most intimate master-apprentice relationship can deteriorate because of interests.

Cao Yunjin was deeply puzzled: how could he find a balance between maintaining respect for his master and pursuing personal development? This question became the fuse for him to make major decisions in the future.

In 2010, Deyun Club ushered in a major turning point. After careful consideration, Guo Degang decided to restructure Deyun Club into a company system. This decision stems from his strategic consideration of the future development of Deyun Club, but it also brings new contradictions and challenges.

The terms of the new contract are unusually strict, requiring actors to sign long-term contracts for 10 years. The monthly salary is only a few thousand yuan, which is insignificant compared to the huge income they have created for Deyun Club.

Looking at the current situation of Deyun Club and Yue Yunpeng, I finally knew that Cao Yunjin left back then, not all because of money

What's even more staggering is that if the actor wants to contact the business on his own or terminate the contract early, he needs to pay liquidated damages of up to 1 million yuan. This contract is like a double-edged sword, on the one hand, it ensures Deyun Club's control of talents, and on the other hand, it also greatly limits the personal development space of actors.

What made Cao Yunjin even more uneasy was that just as he was considering the contract, Guo Degang suddenly canceled all his performance arrangements. There was even a "performance department" within Deyun Club that he had never heard of to prevent Cao Yunjin from taking the stage.

This sudden "blocking" made Cao Yunjin feel confused and hurt. He began to wonder if he still had room to develop in Deyun Club.

Cao Yunjin fell into a deep contradiction. On the one hand, he deeply loves the art of cross talk and cherishes the master-apprentice friendship established with Guo Degang over the years; On the other hand, he is also eager to have a broader space for development, and does not want to be bound by a contract to bind his future.

Looking at the current situation of Deyun Club and Yue Yunpeng, I finally knew that Cao Yunjin left back then, not all because of money

This inner struggle kept him awake at night.

Although the transformation of Deyun Club has been successful commercially, it has also brought about a contradiction between artistic pursuit and commercial interests. What was once a pure art of cross talk now seems to be swallowed up by the tide of commercialization.

This series of events is like a mirror, reflecting the pains in the transformation process of Deyun Club. It not only affected Cao Yunjin's personal career, but also reflected the challenges faced by the entire cross talk industry in the process of modernization.

After experiencing a series of confusion and disappointment, Cao Yunjin made a decision that shocked the entire cross talk world. In 2010, at Guo Degang's birthday party, Cao Yunjin, who was hazy in alcohol, stumbled up to Guo Degang and knelt down and bowed deeply.

Looking at the current situation of Deyun Club and Yue Yunpeng, I finally knew that Cao Yunjin left back then, not all because of money

Then, he staggered to the statue of Guan Gong, solemnly raised three fingers, and made a vow: never to step into Deyun Club again in this life. At this moment, Cao Yunjin's heart is full of complex emotions: reluctance, anger, relief, and anxiety about the future.

After leaving Deyun Club, Cao Yunjin went through a difficult time. lost the big stage of Deyun Club, and he also lost many of his former supporters. The outside world has mixed evaluations of him, and some people accuse him of betraying his teacher and not knowing how to be grateful; There are also those who understand his decision to pursue free development.

In the face of these doubts and accusations, Cao Yunjin felt lonely and lost. But he didn't give up his dream of cross talk.

During this trough period, Cao Yunjin chose to devote himself to studying cross talk skills. He spends a lot of time studying the history and techniques of cross talk, and strives to improve his performance.

Looking at the current situation of Deyun Club and Yue Yunpeng, I finally knew that Cao Yunjin left back then, not all because of money

He believes that only by constantly improving his professional ability can he gain a firm foothold in this highly competitive industry.

Slowly, Cao Yunjin's efforts began to pay off. The audience rediscovered his talent, and his cross talk performance received more and more praise. Someone commented: "No matter how we criticize Cao Yunjin, we can't question his cross talk skills."

Such recognition made Cao Yunjin feel gratified.

This experience made Cao Yunjin understand that the true art of cross talk should not be bound by commercial interests. His departure, to a certain extent, is also an insistence on his own artistic pursuit.

Looking at the current situation of Deyun Club and Yue Yunpeng, I finally knew that Cao Yunjin left back then, not all because of money

Today's Cao Yunjin, although he does not have the blessing of Deyun Club's halo, he has found his own stage and won the love of the audience again. This experience, like the process of breaking out of the cocoon into a butterfly, gave Cao Yunjin a new life on the road of art.

After losing Cao Yunjin, the pillar, Deyun Club did not stagnate, but began to vigorously cultivate rookies. Among them, the rise of Yue Yunpeng is particularly eye-catching. Guo Degang poured a lot of resources into cultivating Yue Yunpeng, making him quickly become the new signboard of Deyun Club.

Soon, Yue Yunpeng's figure frequently appeared in various variety shows and movies, accounting for almost half of the entertainment industry.

This development strategy has indeed brought great commercial success to Deyun Society. However, what followed was the gradual dilution of the essence of cross talk art. More and more Deyun Club actors began to follow Yue Yunpeng's development path and transformed into variety show stars.

Looking at the current situation of Deyun Club and Yue Yunpeng, I finally knew that Cao Yunjin left back then, not all because of money

They have formed a huge fan support group, held huge meet-and-greets, and frequently participated in various variety shows and film and television works. These behaviors are very different from the image of traditional cross talk artists, and the phenomenon of "fandom" in Deyun Club is becoming more and more obvious.

However, beneath the façade of prosperity lies a crisis. Deyun Club frequently broke out negative news, which seriously damaged its public image. In 2019, Zhang Yunlei openly ridiculed the earthquake-stricken area and insulted comfort women during his performance, which caused widespread criticism from all walks of life.

In 2021, Jin Helan was revealed to have an inappropriate relationship with fans in marriage. In 2022, Zhang Jiunan was not only revealed to have cheated in marriage, but also accused of committing domestic violence against his ex-wife many times.

In the same year, Chen Xiaohua was fired by Deyun Club on suspicion of sexual harassment. This series of scandals has plunged Deyun Club into a crisis of public trust.

Looking at the current situation of Deyun Club and Yue Yunpeng, I finally knew that Cao Yunjin left back then, not all because of money

The public began to question Deyun Club's operating model and values. Someone sarcastically said: "There is no wife in the wife's cake, and Deyun Club also lacks a moral bottom line." This kind of doubt continues to intensify, and the reputation of Deyun Club's pride has gradually declined.

Although Deyun Club's development strategy has brought huge economic benefits, it has also paid a heavy price. The cross talk actors are busy filming and appearing in variety shows, and it is difficult to focus on the study of cross talk art.

Even Yue Yunpeng, who has high hopes, has been questioned about his cross talk level. Some netizens pointed out sharply: "If Cao Yunjin is still in Deyun Club, Yue Yunpeng may still be cleaning."

This development model of Deyun Club has aroused people's concerns about the future of cross talk art. While pursuing commercial interests, how to maintain the authenticity of cross talk? How to balance artistic pursuits with market demand? These problems have become challenges that Deyun Club and even the entire cross talk industry must face.

Looking at the current situation of Deyun Club and Yue Yunpeng, I finally knew that Cao Yunjin left back then, not all because of money

Looking back on Cao Yunjin's decision to leave Deyun Club, people began to have a new understanding. He left not only for money, but also to insist on his pursuit of cross talk art.

This choice, which was controversial at the time, is now quite forward-looking.

At the same time, although the development model of Deyun Club has brought great commercial success, it is also facing severe challenges. How to find a balance between commercial interests and artistic pursuits has become a problem that the entire cross talk industry must think about.

As a traditional art, how to inherit and innovate in modern society requires the deep thinking of every cross talk artist. The story of Cao Yunjin and Deyun Club provides us with valuable inspiration.

Looking at the current situation of Deyun Club and Yue Yunpeng, I finally knew that Cao Yunjin left back then, not all because of money

It tells us that while pursuing commercial success, we must not forget the essence and original intention of cross talk art.

The road of cross talk in the future requires artists to maintain their love and persistence for art, as well as the support and understanding of the audience. Only in this way can the art of cross talk be truly passed on from generation to generation and bloom with more brilliant brilliance in the new era.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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