
Chinese men's basketball team VS Australia! Guo Shiqiang went all out, abandoned Du Runwang, and confirmed the live broadcast!

author:Aliga Duomei sheep mulberry

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The Chinese men's basketball team is ushering in a high-profile battle, they are about to face the Australian team, and the preparation for this game is in full swing, especially because of coach Guo Shiqiang's bold decision to give up some veterans and go all out!

Chinese men's basketball team VS Australia! Guo Shiqiang went all out, abandoned Du Runwang, and confirmed the live broadcast!

The focus of the fans is not only on the game itself, but also on how the team responds to challenges from inside and outside.

Guo Shiqiang is facing not only tactical adjustments, but also the management of a younger lineup, and the addition of these young players such as Wang Haoran has brought new vitality and potential to the team.

However, there was no shortage of controversy within the team, especially with players like Du Runwang, whose performance sparked widespread discussion and questioning.

Chinese men's basketball team VS Australia! Guo Shiqiang went all out, abandoned Du Runwang, and confirmed the live broadcast!

In the upcoming competition, the Chinese men's basketball team will face a double test of technology and psychology, and every game is an opportunity for growth, as well as a moment to show the strength and fighting spirit of the team.

This contest against Australia is not only a sports competition, but also an important step for Chinese basketball to enter the international stage.

Guo Shiqiang actually got out of class after playing two games before, and the fans were dumbfounded, especially the core players Chen Guohao and Lin Wei left the team one after another, and the whole team seemed to have opened a "big auction for leaving".

Chinese men's basketball team VS Australia! Guo Shiqiang went all out, abandoned Du Runwang, and confirmed the live broadcast!

The Chinese men's basketball team is not a vegetarian, and is about to face the Australian team preparing for the Olympics, coach Guo Shiqiang still has to roll up his sleeves and work hard!

He saw this game not only as a fight, but also as a valuable opportunity to hone his skills.

Du Runwang may be frozen because of his poor performance, and a young player like Wang Haoran is expected to show his talents!

Chinese men's basketball team VS Australia! Guo Shiqiang went all out, abandoned Du Runwang, and confirmed the live broadcast!

After Guo Shiqiang took over the Chinese men's basketball team, he continued the tactics of his predecessor, but as the game progressed, he began to study a new lineup arrangement.

Du Runwang's performance in the game caused a lot of controversy, especially in terms of shooting three-point shooting and defense, which was like giving the opponent white porridge, which made people start to wonder whether he was suitable for the core play style of the team.

The rejuvenation of the team has also brought additional challenges to Guo Shiqiang, and the addition of young players such as Wang Haoran has injected new vitality into the team.

Chinese men's basketball team VS Australia! Guo Shiqiang went all out, abandoned Du Runwang, and confirmed the live broadcast!

They will complement experienced players such as Yu Ka Ho and enhance the overall strength and competitiveness of the team.

Du Runwang's performance was rarely praised, not only his personal ability was questioned, but also sparked a big discussion about the role distribution within the team.

His three-point shot in the game is like herding sheep, and his defense is full of holes, which is like a free lunch for the opponent!

Chinese men's basketball team VS Australia! Guo Shiqiang went all out, abandoned Du Runwang, and confirmed the live broadcast!

This kind of thing is not a joke, if you want to gain a firm foothold in the team, you have to rely on strength to speak.

Under the leadership of Guo Shiqiang, the Chinese men's basketball team must continue to learn and grow, especially in the face of a strong opponent like Australia, which is both technical and combative, and has to test psychological quality and team tacit understanding.

Although the challenge is not small, their determination should not be underestimated!

Chinese men's basketball team VS Australia! Guo Shiqiang went all out, abandoned Du Runwang, and confirmed the live broadcast!

Although Guo Shiqiang is facing doubts and challenges from the outside world, every step of his adjustment is to bring a better future to the team.

Although the rejuvenation of the team has brought new challenges to Guo Shiqiang, it has also injected fresh blood and vitality into the team.

The young players are not only adding depth and diversity to the squad, but also to keep pace with the competition from the top international teams.

Chinese men's basketball team VS Australia! Guo Shiqiang went all out, abandoned Du Runwang, and confirmed the live broadcast!

In this process, Du Runwang's performance became a focal point.

His role is being re-examined, not just as a matter of individual ability, but also as a challenge to team tactics and role assignment.

This internal controversy and discussion reflects the growth and improvement of the team in the gradual adjustment.

Chinese men's basketball team VS Australia! Guo Shiqiang went all out, abandoned Du Runwang, and confirmed the live broadcast!

Under the leadership of Guo Shiqiang, the Chinese men's basketball team is not only competing on the court, but also constantly exploring and moving forward in management and strategy.

Every game is an opportunity to learn and grow, especially against a strong opponent like Australia.

The improvement of skills and tactics is important, but the more important thing is the cultivation of psychological quality and team cohesion.

Chinese men's basketball team VS Australia! Guo Shiqiang went all out, abandoned Du Runwang, and confirmed the live broadcast!

This improvement of comprehensive quality determines the competitiveness and influence of the team on the global basketball stage.

Despite all the challenges and external pressures, the determination and courage shown by Guo Shiqiang and his team are admirable.

They are not afraid of strong opponents, dare to break through tradition, and have the courage to innovate, which not only embodies the spirit of sports competition, but also conveys positive social values.

Chinese men's basketball team VS Australia! Guo Shiqiang went all out, abandoned Du Runwang, and confirmed the live broadcast!

No matter what the result of the game is, the Chinese men's basketball team is moving forward, constantly learning and improving, and contributing to the prosperity and development of the national basketball industry.

Every step they take is a vivid portrayal of China's sportsmanship and team strength to show the world.

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