
It's a big deal! Zhang Ziyu became famous and Li Xin was besieged, and Li Xin angrily scolded netizens for using letters instead of dirty words to reply

author:Aliga Duomei sheep mulberry

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The recent U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup can be described as lively!

It's a big deal! Zhang Ziyu became famous and Li Xin was besieged, and Li Xin angrily scolded netizens for using letters instead of dirty words to reply

Although the Chinese U18 women's basketball team lost to Australia 79-96 in the final and was the runner-up, this game not only allowed us to witness a wonderful basketball matchup, but also discovered a dazzling new star - Zhang Ziyu, who is 2.24 meters tall!

Zhang Ziyu won the MVP of this U18 Asian Cup as the first time to represent the Chinese national team, and her performance not only caused a sensation in China, but also amazed many people internationally, making foreign media addicted.

However, her basketball path was not smooth, and in the face of various challenges and controversies, Zhang Ziyu showed extraordinary perseverance and strength, and became the core figure of the team.

It's a big deal! Zhang Ziyu became famous and Li Xin was besieged, and Li Xin angrily scolded netizens for using letters instead of dirty words to reply

It's not just about basketball, it's about individuals and teams, talent and challenges.

Let's take a look at how this young player has created his own legend on the basketball stage!

However, having said that, while Zhang Ziyu was radiant on the field, the relationship between her and the coach of the national youth team, Li Xin, was a little problematic.

It's a big deal! Zhang Ziyu became famous and Li Xin was besieged, and Li Xin angrily scolded netizens for using letters instead of dirty words to reply

I heard that Li Xin did not agree with Zhang Ziyu to join the team before, and the reason was that she was slow, could not shoot, and her physical fitness was poor, so she was not suitable for high-intensity games.

This kind of infighting is really disturbing!

Speaking of Zhang Ziyu, he is simply the new favorite on the basketball court!

It's a big deal! Zhang Ziyu became famous and Li Xin was besieged, and Li Xin angrily scolded netizens for using letters instead of dirty words to reply

Her performance on the court can be described as explosive, and she is comfortable at both offensive and defensive ends, and she is simply the core of the team.

In the final, she scored a full 42 points!

This is not a joke, it is completely a basketball version of "brushing presence".

It's a big deal! Zhang Ziyu became famous and Li Xin was besieged, and Li Xin angrily scolded netizens for using letters instead of dirty words to reply

Although the Chinese U18 women's basketball team failed to win the championship in the end, don't blame Zhang Ziyu, she is definitely not the culprit of the team's defeat.

On the contrary, her performance has made people see hope and vitality, and it is simply a breath of fresh air!

However, while Zhang Ziyu was radiant, the contradiction between her and coach Li Xin also caused a lot of commotion.

It's a big deal! Zhang Ziyu became famous and Li Xin was besieged, and Li Xin angrily scolded netizens for using letters instead of dirty words to reply

Li Xin faced the doubts of fans and netizens, and his attitude was a little out of control.

She argues with fans on social platforms, and uses English letters instead of dirty words, this style is a bit hardcore.

In fact, Mr. Li Xin should also calm down and think about how to better support young players.

It's a big deal! Zhang Ziyu became famous and Li Xin was besieged, and Li Xin angrily scolded netizens for using letters instead of dirty words to reply

After all, everyone's performance is good and bad, and being tolerant and understanding is the attitude that a coach should have.

Zhang Ziyu's success is not only her personal brilliance, but also the pride and source of motivation for the entire Chinese U18 women's basketball team.

Although the Chinese U18 women's basketball team failed to win the championship in the final, this game not only showed the strength of Australia, but also brought us a shining star - Zhang Ziyu.

It's a big deal! Zhang Ziyu became famous and Li Xin was besieged, and Li Xin angrily scolded netizens for using letters instead of dirty words to reply

As a player representing the national team for the first time, Zhang Ziyu won the MVP of this Asian Cup with her outstanding performance, averaging 35 points and 12.8 rebounds per game.

She not only showed extraordinary strength in basketball skills, but also showed tenacious perseverance and fighting spirit in her mental outlook.

However, Zhang Ziyu's basketball path has not been smooth sailing.

It's a big deal! Zhang Ziyu became famous and Li Xin was besieged, and Li Xin angrily scolded netizens for using letters instead of dirty words to reply

The conflict between her and the coach of the national youth team, Li Xin, as well as the controversy on social media, made her experience challenges and tests in the light of victory.

Coach Li Xin had previously questioned Zhang Ziyu's adaptability and technical level, and this internal friction and controversy was undoubtedly part of her growth path.

In the face of these challenges, Zhang Ziyu has shown excellent coping skills and firm conviction.

It's a big deal! Zhang Ziyu became famous and Li Xin was besieged, and Li Xin angrily scolded netizens for using letters instead of dirty words to reply

She responded to all doubts with her strength and performance, and became the core strength of the team.

She is not only an individual success, but also a source of pride and motivation for the entire Chinese U18 women's basketball team.

In the process, we have seen the courage and determination of young people to cope with challenges.

It's a big deal! Zhang Ziyu became famous and Li Xin was besieged, and Li Xin angrily scolded netizens for using letters instead of dirty words to reply

Zhang Ziyu is not only an excellent athlete, but also a role model full of positive energy and positive attitude.

Her story teaches us that in the face of difficulties and controversies, the key is to maintain faith and persevere.

This applies not only to the basketball court, but also to the invaluable experience on the road of life.

It's a big deal! Zhang Ziyu became famous and Li Xin was besieged, and Li Xin angrily scolded netizens for using letters instead of dirty words to reply

In the future, I hope to see more young players like Zhang Ziyu who are full of talent and potential, and their outstanding performance can not only improve the strength of the team, but also inject more vitality and passion into the whole basketball game.

Zhang Ziyu's basketball dream is moving towards a higher height step by step, setting a goal and example for us to follow.

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