
Coronary heart disease sudden angina, this method can save lives! Don't know anymore!

author:Dr. Koppwang

Coronary heart disease, a disease that makes people smell and change, and sudden angina is even more uncertain. But you know what? There's a way to save your life at this critical time, don't know anymore!

Coronary heart disease, the full name of coronary atherosclerotic heart disease, is a common disease in the middle-aged and elderly people in mainland China. Coronary artery stenosis or obstruction leads to myocardial ischemia, angina, and in severe cases, myocardial infarction and even life-threatening.

Coronary heart disease sudden angina, this method can save lives! Don't know anymore!

When angina is attacked, the person has a sense of impending death and is in great pain. But at a critical moment, there is a way to save lives! That's – nitroglycerin!

Nitroglycerin is a vasodilator that rapidly dilates the coronary arteries, increases blood flow to the heart, and relieves angina. The application is simple: place nitroglycerin tablets under your tongue and let them dissolve slowly. The taste of nitroglycerin is spicy, and after a while, the mouth will be filled with a spicy sensation, and the angina symptoms will gradually subside.

Coronary heart disease sudden angina, this method can save lives! Don't know anymore!

It is important to note that nitroglycerin is not a panacea, it is only suitable for relieving angina, not coronary heart disease. While taking nitroglycerin, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible and receive professional treatment.

In addition, to prevent sudden angina pectoris, the following points should be done:

1. Eat a healthy diet: low fat, low salt, high fiber, eat more vegetables and fruits, and eat less greasy foods.

2. Regular work and rest: Maintain adequate sleep and avoid staying up late and being tired.

3. Quit smoking and limit alcohol: Smoking and drinking alcohol will increase the burden on the heart and induce angina.

4. Moderate exercise: Insist on moderate exercise every day, such as walking, jogging, swimming, etc., to enhance heart function.

5. Weight control: Obesity increases the burden on the heart and induces angina.

6. Maintain a good mood: Avoid negative emotions such as excessive tension, anxiety, anger, etc.

Coronary heart disease sudden angina, this method can save lives! Don't know anymore!

Finally, I hope everyone can pay attention to their heart health, master the use of nitroglycerin, and save lives at critical moments! At the same time, when symptoms such as angina pectoris, it is necessary to seek medical attention in time and do not delay the time of treatment. May everyone be safe and healthy! #头条创作挑战赛#