
A must-see for patients with coronary heart disease: emergency coping strategies when angina is attacked!

author:Dr. Koppwang

Coronary heart disease is a serious cardiovascular disease, and angina pectoris is one of its typical symptoms. For people with coronary heart disease, it is important to understand the emergency response strategies in the event of an angina attack. This article will give you some practical tips to help you respond quickly when you have angina and reduce the harm caused by the condition.

A must-see for patients with coronary heart disease: emergency coping strategies when angina is attacked!

Symptoms of angina pectoris attack mainly include chest pain, pressure, tightness or tightness, etc., which usually last for a few minutes to more than ten minutes. As soon as these symptoms appear, the following emergency response strategies should be taken immediately:

1. Stay calm: When angina is attacking, patients should stay calm and avoid nervousness and panic to avoid aggravating the condition.

2. Seek medical attention in time: When angina occurs in a pectoris, you should call 120 or go to a nearby hospital as soon as possible. While waiting for an ambulance to arrive, the patient should try to lie flat and avoid strenuous exercise.

3. Sublingual nitroglycerin: Nitroglycerin can dilate coronary arteries and increase blood supply to the heart. During the attack of angina, nitroglycerin tablets can be taken sublingually, 0.3 to 0.6 mg each time, repeated every 5 minutes until symptoms are relieved. However, it should be noted that nitroglycerin should not be used in patients with acute myocardial infarction.

A must-see for patients with coronary heart disease: emergency coping strategies when angina is attacked!

4. Acupuncture points: During an angina attack, patients can try to press the Neiguan acupoint (located 2 inches above the wrist striae) and Xumen acupoint (located 2 inches below the wrist striation) to relieve the symptoms of chest pain.

5. Breathing adjustment: The patient can try to breathe deeply, with the abdomen expanding during the inhale and the abdomen contracting during the exhalation. This type of breathing helps relieve angina.

6. Avoid triggers: When angina occurs aggressively, patients should avoid triggers such as strenuous exercise, mood swings, smoking, and alcohol consumption to avoid aggravating the condition.

7. Follow the doctor's instructions: Patients with coronary heart disease should take coronary heart disease drugs regularly, such as antiplatelet drugs, nitrates, β-blockers, etc., according to the doctor's advice, to reduce the risk of angina attacks.

A must-see for patients with coronary heart disease: emergency coping strategies when angina is attacked!

Summary: When patients with coronary heart disease have angina pectoris, they should stay calm, seek medical attention in time, use nitroglycerin reasonably, press acupuncture points, adjust breathing, avoid triggers, and follow the doctor's instructions. These emergency response strategies can help alleviate the condition and reduce the risk of cardiovascular events. Please pay attention to and take timely action to protect your own life. #头条创作挑战赛#