
Lin Jiadong: For Wan Ziliang to be a "pawn" and be loyal to Andy Lau, it is not too late for the actor to come

author:Xixi talks about the world
Lin Jiadong: For Wan Ziliang to be a "pawn" and be loyal to Andy Lau, it is not too late for the actor to come
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Lin Jiadong: For Wan Ziliang to be a "pawn" and be loyal to Andy Lau, it is not too late for the actor to come

In 2017, the Grand Theatre of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre was brightly lit, and the 36th Hong Kong Film Awards Presentation Ceremony was in full swing. When the Best Actor award was announced, the audience erupted in warm applause.

53-year-old Lin Jiadong, an actor who has been in the film industry for nearly 30 years, finally won the coveted trophy.

Standing in the spotlight, Lin Jiadong's hands trembled slightly, and his eyes were filled with tears. He took a deep breath, trying to calm the excitement inside. This hard-won award seems to be the best compliment to his long acting career.

However, who would have thought that this "belated actor" was once just an obscure supporting role? What's even more surprising is that his road to success is closely linked to two superstars in the Hong Kong film industry, Wan Ziliang and Andy Lau.

Lin Jiadong: For Wan Ziliang to be a "pawn" and be loyal to Andy Lau, it is not too late for the actor to come

What kind of story is this? Let's walk into Lin Jiadong's acting life together.

In 1967, a prominent family in Kowloon, Hong Kong, welcomed their seventh child, Lam Ka Tung. As the only boy in the family, his birth brought infinite joy to the entire Lin family.

However, a twist of fate crept in and pushed the wealthy family in an unexpected direction.

Lin Jiadong's father is an out-and-out "playboy". Long before Lin Jiadong was born, he had already received special "permission" from his grandmother to look for flowers and willows outside on the grounds of "continuing the incense".

Lin Jiadong: For Wan Ziliang to be a "pawn" and be loyal to Andy Lau, it is not too late for the actor to come

This behavior eventually led to the breakdown of Lin Jiadong's parents' marriage. This was followed by a rapid loss of family wealth, and the once affluent life gradually became stretched.

Faced with the drastic changes in his family, the young Lin Jiadong had to experience the hardships of life prematurely. His mother went from a rich wife who had no worries about food and clothing to a hard-working cleaner in the blink of an eye.

Whenever he saw his mother exhausted in order to support her eight children, Lin Jiadong's heart was full of distress and guilt.

In order to reduce the burden on his family, Lin Jiadong resolutely chose to drop out of school after graduating from middle school. He first worked as a waiter in the hotel, shuttling between the dining tables, serving tea and water to guests; Later, he became a delivery man, coming and going in the wind and rain, just to deliver a hot meal.

Lin Jiadong: For Wan Ziliang to be a "pawn" and be loyal to Andy Lau, it is not too late for the actor to come

Every job, no matter how hard it is, he is conscientious and never complains.

This arduous experience not only exercised Lin Jiadong's will, but also cultivated his hard-working character. He learned to look for opportunities in the face of adversity and temper himself in the midst of difficulties.

These valuable qualities have become an important capital for him to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry in the future.

Looking back on the past, Lin Jiadong often sighs that it was this difficult period that shaped his tenacious character. It made him understand that nothing in life is taken for granted, and everything needs to be fought for through his own efforts.

Lin Jiadong: For Wan Ziliang to be a "pawn" and be loyal to Andy Lau, it is not too late for the actor to come

This recognition has become the driving force for him to continue to move forward on the road of acting, and it has also laid the groundwork for his future success.

In 1988, 21-year-old Lin Jiadong stood at the interview scene of TVB's art training class, nervous and full of expectations. His eyes sparkled with a vision for the future, and his heart burned with determination to change his fate.

Although he knew that in this industry where appearance is king, his appearance is not outstanding, he still mustered up the courage and took this step firmly.

After a year of unremitting efforts and preparation, Lin Jiadong finally joined TVB as he wished and officially embarked on the road of acting. However, the cruelty of reality is far beyond his imagination.

Lin Jiadong: For Wan Ziliang to be a "pawn" and be loyal to Andy Lau, it is not too late for the actor to come

In the next seven years, Lin Jiadong could only play some inconspicuous small roles, and sometimes even just passers-by who hurried in front of the camera.

IN THE TV SERIES "PEOPLE ON THE EDGE", ALTHOUGH HE PLAYED "ZHU SIR" HAS A TITLE, HE HAS FEW ROLES; In "Smiling Proud in Tomorrow", although he starred in the "Vietnamese Rotten Ghost Armor", although the role is special, it is still difficult to impress the audience; In "Heroes of the World" starring Stephen Chow, the prince guard he played did not even have a single line; And in "Taiping Heavenly Kingdom", he was reduced to an ordinary soldier who didn't even have a name.

Faced with such a situation, many people may choose to give up, but Lin Jiadong has shown extraordinary perseverance and determination. He knows that in this highly competitive industry, opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared.

As a result, he worked harder to study his acting skills and constantly challenged himself. No matter how big or small the role, he puts his heart and soul into it and strives to be the best he can be.

Lin Jiadong: For Wan Ziliang to be a "pawn" and be loyal to Andy Lau, it is not too late for the actor to come

Lin Jiadong's professionalism is admirable. Even in a seemingly simple role like a corpse, he carefully crafts his facial expressions to achieve the best results.

This meticulous attention to detail, although it did not bring him immediate success, laid a solid foundation for his future development.

During these difficult years, Lin Jiadong always firmly believed that as long as he persevered, he would eventually have the opportunity to show his talents. He regards every small role as an opportunity to hone his acting skills, constantly accumulate experience, and improve himself.

This professional attitude and dedication, although it did not bring him significant success immediately, laid a solid foundation for his future development.

Lin Jiadong: For Wan Ziliang to be a "pawn" and be loyal to Andy Lau, it is not too late for the actor to come

Lin Jiadong's story tells us that in the highly competitive industry of the entertainment industry, in addition to talent, it is more important to persist and work hard. He used his own experience to prove that even if the starting point is not high, as long as you continue to work hard, there will be a day when you will succeed.

Lin Jiadong's acting career ushered in a turning point because of his encounter with two Hong Kong film superstars. The first is Wan Ziliang, an actor who was in full swing at the time, and became the first noble person in Lin Jiadong's career.

During the filming of the TV series "Long Love", Lin Jiadong was fortunate to get acquainted with Wan Ziliang. As a loyal fan of Wan Ziliang, Lin Jiadong is not only eager to learn from this senior, but also looks forward to getting his support.

With such a mentality, Lin Jiadong took the initiative to assume the role of Wan Ziliang's "personal assistant", taking care of his daily life and providing him with various convenient services.

Lin Jiadong: For Wan Ziliang to be a "pawn" and be loyal to Andy Lau, it is not too late for the actor to come

Lin Jiadong's diligence and sincerity touched Wan Ziliang. The film giant began to generously teach the young man valuable acting skills. Under the careful guidance of Wan Ziliang, Lin Jiadong's acting skills have improved by leaps and bounds.

In 1995, he played the role of "Cai Junxia" in the comedy "Entertainment Transfer Student", and with his superb acting skills and outstanding performance, he finally attracted wide attention from the audience.

In particular, he imitated Jacky Cheung's performance, which was so vivid that even the god of song himself praised it, saying that it was enough to confuse the real with the fake.

This breakthrough performance made Lin Jiadong successfully among the ranks of TVB's first-line actors. However, with that comes more pressure and heavier work.

Lin Jiadong: For Wan Ziliang to be a "pawn" and be loyal to Andy Lau, it is not too late for the actor to come

In this case, Lin Jiadong came up with the idea of leaving TVB. At this time, Wan Ziliang once again lent a helping hand and introduced Lin Jiadong to another Hong Kong film superstar - Andy Lau.

When he met Andy Lau for the first time, Lin Jiadong was both nervous and expectant. Facing Andy Lau's direct question: "Can you?" But filming is really hard, are you afraid? Lin Jiadong didn't say much, just shook his head firmly, his eyes flashing with determination.

This firmness touched Andy Lau, and he decided to give this hard-working junior a chance.

Since then, Andy Lau has become Lin Jiadong's mentor and friend. He not only provided Lin Jiadong with more performance opportunities, but also led by example and taught this newcomer in the film industry with practical actions.

Lin Jiadong: For Wan Ziliang to be a "pawn" and be loyal to Andy Lau, it is not too late for the actor to come

In order to help Lin Jiadong successfully complete the transition from TV series to movies, Andy Lau even asked him to suspend filming for three years and concentrate on improving his acting skills, while promising to continue to pay his salary.

This kind of generosity and trust deeply touched Lin Jiadong, and also strengthened his determination to continue to move forward on the road of acting.

Under the leadership of Andy Lau, Lin Jiadong gradually adapted to the rhythm of film production and participated in the performance of many excellent film works. Although most of the time he plays a supporting role, every role is interpreted brilliantly by him.

Lin Jiadong knows that these opportunities are not easy to come by, and he works harder to study his acting skills, striving to impress the audience in every role.

Lin Jiadong: For Wan Ziliang to be a "pawn" and be loyal to Andy Lau, it is not too late for the actor to come

Lin Jiadong's story tells us that in the highly competitive industry of the entertainment industry, in addition to personal efforts, the help of nobles is also indispensable. The support and guidance of Wan Ziliang and Andy Lau opened a new door for Lin Jiadong's acting career, giving him the opportunity to show his talent on a broader stage.

With Andy Lau's recommendation and support, Lin Jiadong's film career is gradually on the right track. Although he still plays a supporting role most of the time, Lin Jiadong is not discouraged.

Instead, he sees each character as a stage to showcase his acting skills, striving to bring each character to life.

In "No Thieves in the World", Lin Jiadong played a novice thief. Although the role is limited, he vividly interprets the youthfulness and recklessness of the role, leaving a deep impression on the audience.

Lin Jiadong: For Wan Ziliang to be a "pawn" and be loyal to Andy Lau, it is not too late for the actor to come

In the "Infernal Affairs" series, although he played the "big B" not the protagonist, he became an important role in promoting the development of the plot. Lin Jiadong's superb acting skills injected life into this complex character and made the audience remember this unique supporting role.

In "The Underworld: Harmony is Precious", Lin Jiadong's "Dongguan Zai" caused a sensation. His chic and free "hurdle" action not only became a highlight of the film, but also triggered a wave of imitation from the audience.

The success of this role allows people to see Lin Jiadong's talent in comedy.

In 2017, Lin Jiadong ushered in another peak in his acting career. In the crime-themed movie "Tree Moves the Wind", he played "Ji Bingxiong", one of the "Three Thieves".

Lin Jiadong: For Wan Ziliang to be a "pawn" and be loyal to Andy Lau, it is not too late for the actor to come

This character has a complex personality and is full of contradictions in his heart, which is both ruthless and human. Lin Jiadong perfectly combined the character's inner struggle and external ruthlessness, showing extraordinary acting skills.

He interpreted the role of "Ji Bingxiong" very well and left a deep impression on the audience.

Lin Jiadong's success stems from his love and unremitting persistence in acting. Whether it's a small role or a big role, he puts his heart and soul into it and strives to be the best he can be.

This professionalism and dedication to acting was eventually recognized by the industry and the audience, winning him the crown of Best Actor.

Lin Jiadong: For Wan Ziliang to be a "pawn" and be loyal to Andy Lau, it is not too late for the actor to come

In 2017, the Grand Theatre of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre was packed to capacity, and the 36th Hong Kong Film Awards Ceremony was underway. When the host announced the winner of Best Actor, the 53-year-old Lin Jiadong stood up in disbelief.

Amid the warm applause of the audience, he slowly walked onto the stage and accepted the glittering golden trophy with trembling hands.

Standing in the spotlight, Lin Jiadong's eyes were full of tears. He took a deep breath and said in a choked voice: "I have gone through too many ups and downs from the TV industry to the film industry.

Now that he is over half a hundred years old, he thought that the peak of his career had passed. I didn't expect to win the most important award in my life at this time, and only I can experience the hardships and dedication.

Lin Jiadong: For Wan Ziliang to be a "pawn" and be loyal to Andy Lau, it is not too late for the actor to come

In his speech, Lin Jiadong specifically mentioned two crucial people in his life: his mentor Wan Ziliang and his friend Andy Lau. He said emotionally: "Without their help and support, I would not be where I am today.

This award is not only an affirmation of my acting skills, but also the best reward for my years of perseverance.

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