
Take these 4 kinds of baths in summer = sick + short life! Middle-aged and elderly people must pay attention!

author:Health Road Plue

Taking a bath is a very common thing in our daily life. However, in the hot summer, due to the high temperature and the sweating of the human body, the frequency and method of bathing are particularly important.

Take these 4 kinds of baths in summer = sick + short life! Middle-aged and elderly people must pay attention!

Incorrect bathing methods can not only affect physical health, but may even lead to illness and shortened lifespan.

Taking a bath after 9 p.m. will cause dampness and extinguish yang?

There is a rumor that bathing after 9 p.m. breeds dampness and weakens yang. This is based on the fact that at 9 p.m. when yin energy becomes more prevalent and yang energy begins to lurk, activities that can damage yang energy, such as bathing, should be avoided. In addition, the pores of the body open after bathing, which makes it easy to absorb moisture, especially when blowing a fan or air conditioner, once the pores are closed, moisture is locked in the body.

However, the idea that bathing will deplete yang energy mainly refers to the failure to properly keep warm after bathing, which will adversely affect the body's yang energy. As for the claim that bathing increases moisture, it mainly refers to the failure to dry the body and hair in time after bathing, which leads to the invasion of cold air, which in turn causes the accumulation of moisture in the body. In fact, these two points are not directly related to the specific time of bathing.

What should we pay attention to when taking a bath at night?

1. In the hot summer, although you don't have to put too much emphasis on keeping warm after bathing, you should avoid using cold water to bathe. After washing, it should also not be blown directly into the fan or air conditioner.

2. Dry your body immediately and thoroughly after bathing, including your feet, and even the water between your toes should be carefully dried with a towel.

Take these 4 kinds of baths in summer = sick + short life! Middle-aged and elderly people must pay attention!

3. Hair should also be dried in time to avoid falling asleep with wet hair.

4. When you just take a bath, your body will be slightly excited, and it may be difficult to fall asleep immediately, so it is recommended that you should not take a bath too close to bedtime at night.

These 4 times are not suitable for bathing

1. After high-intensity physical activity or mental activity

Summer is a great time to exercise, but many people take a shower immediately after strenuous exercise to cleanse their bodies and cool down. However, this practice is not scientific. After strenuous exercise, the body's blood circulation accelerates, pores open, and the heart beats faster, at this time, if you take a bath immediately (especially a cold shower), the body will be strongly stimulated, resulting in blood vessel constriction and increased burden on the heart.

For people with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, this stimulation may induce severe arrhythmias and even sudden death. Therefore, after strenuous exercise, you should rest for a period of time (about 30 minutes) and wait for your body to gradually return to a calm state before taking a shower.

After a long period of mental work, the brain's demand for blood increases significantly. If you rush to take a bath at this time, blood will flow to the skin on the surface of the body, which can lead to a drastic decrease in blood supply to the brain, which can lead to the risk of syncope.

2. After a full meal or on an empty stomach

Taking a shower on an empty stomach or immediately after a full meal is also a common misconception in summer. When fasting, the body's blood sugar level is low, and bathing at this time can easily lead to hypoglycemic symptoms, such as dizziness and fatigue. After a full meal, the body's digestive system is in working order, and a large amount of blood flows to the gastrointestinal tract to help digest food. If you take a bath immediately at this time, it will cause the blood to redistribute to the skin and muscles, which can affect digestion.

Therefore, bathing should be avoided immediately after an empty stomach or a full meal. Generally, it is recommended to take a bath 1~2 hours after meals, which will not affect the digestive function and avoid the occurrence of hypoglycemia symptoms.

3. After drinking

Alcohol weakens the function of the liver and affects the normal release of glycogen. When bathing, the body consumes more glucose, and if the blood sugar cannot be replenished in time, symptoms such as dizziness, blurred vision, general fatigue may occur, and in severe cases, it may even fall into a coma due to low blood sugar.

Being intoxicated can also affect the body's ability to balance, and the risk of falling increases greatly when walking in a slippery bathroom.

Take these 4 kinds of baths in summer = sick + short life! Middle-aged and elderly people must pay attention!

4. Hypotension or hypoglycemia

When the body is in a state of low blood pressure, low blood sugar, or feeling extremely tired, bathing may cause dizziness or even shock due to lack of oxygen. In these cases, the wisest option is to avoid bathing.

There is also a "golden hour" for bathing?

When we talk about the "best time" to bathe, we are not talking about the superiority of morning or evening bathing, because science does not specify a specific time to bathe.

However, there is an ideal range for the duration of the bath. Usually, a shower of 10~15 minutes is sufficient; Even if you enjoy a bath, it is not recommended to take more than 20 minutes.

Excessive bathing time can easily make people feel tired and can lead to cardiac ischemia and hypoxia, which can lead to coronary artery spasm, increased risk of thrombosis, and even in extreme cases, may induce severe arrhythmias, leading to unfortunate sudden death. Therefore, it is crucial to control the bath time within reasonable limits.

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