
If you have any of the following symptoms in the morning, it means that your body is no longer healthy, so you must pay attention!

author:Health Road Plue
If you have any of the following symptoms in the morning, it means that your body is no longer healthy, so you must pay attention!

As the saying goes, "Sickness comes like a mountain; Sickness is like a thread"...... In fact, there is a process in the occurrence and development of any disease, and there are some physical precursors before the sudden occurrence, but we do not pay enough attention to it. With the enhancement of health awareness, we should pay enough attention to the bad signals sent by the human body to avoid causing catastrophes.

If you have any of the following symptoms in the morning, it means that your body is no longer healthy, so you must pay attention!

Four signals after waking up

The bad feelings of the body at different stages of the day are warning signs to your health.

1. If you wake up in the morning with dizziness or dizziness, it may be that you have cervical bone hyperplasia or high blood viscosity.

2. If the edema does not disappear completely after 20 minutes of getting up and moving, it indicates that there may be kidney disease or heart disease.

3. Nausea and vomiting in the morning, except for the cause of pregnancy, such as every morning, it is likely to be chronic gastritis or hepatobiliary disease.

4. If the urine is brown in the morning, it indicates that there may be liver problems.

If you have any of the following symptoms in the morning, it means that your body is no longer healthy, so you must pay attention!

Look in the mirror in the early morning and look at your face

Look in the mirror to see if there is anything unusual in your face:

1. If you find that your face is flushed, it may be related to heart disease or high blood pressure.

2. If the face is yellow, accompanied by physical fatigue, it is likely to be jaundice hepatitis.

3. If you find that the color of your eyes has changed, you should go to the hospital to see a doctor immediately.

4. If the eyelids are pale, it may indicate that you may have iron deficiency anemia.

5. If there is a fuzzy gray ring in the cornea, it means that there may be a problem with the heart, and if it is a man aged 30-50, he should go to the hospital immediately.

If you have any of the following symptoms in the morning, it means that your body is no longer healthy, so you must pay attention!

Brush your teeth and pay attention to your tooth breath

1. If the gums bleed when brushing your teeth, it is likely to be periodontal disease, because if your teeth are healthy, they will not bleed. Bleeding from the teeth may also be associated with liver disease. This phenomenon is common in patients with chronic liver disease and can also be accompanied by nose bleeding and heavy menstrual bleeding. The main reason is that after hepatocyte injury, the liver's ability to produce coagulation factors decreases, and then the coagulation mechanism is disordered.

In general, hepatitis patients with tooth bleeding can take vitamin C, vitamin K and other hemostatic drugs to relieve the condition.

2. If there is bad breath and heavy breath, it may be caused by periodontal disease, and at the same time, systemic diseases such as stomach disease, liver disease, diabetes or lack of trace elements zinc and vitamin B may cause bad breath.

For example, stomach Helicobacter pylori infection can cause persistent bad breath, often accompanied by varying degrees of hunger and stomach pain. Once you have eaten and drunk enough, bad breath will be reduced, and with the eradication of Helicobacter pylori, bad breath will disappear automatically.

3. If there is ammonia smell in the mouth, pay special attention to the health of the kidneys. When the kidney fails, due to the inability to metabolize normally, the content of creatinine and urea nitrogen in the body increases, and there is a special ammonia smell in the mouth.