
There is cancer in the body, and there is a feeling at night! If you have 5 types of discomfort when sleeping, or it is a sign of cancer

author:Health Road Plue

The human body, the physical sensation and mental state are different during the day and at night.

Most cancers may not cause any sensation during the day, and if the presence of cancer is felt during the day, it usually means that the condition may have progressed to a non-early stage.

Some cancers may be asymptomatic during the day, but during nighttime sleep or when you're half-asleep, your body may send out alarm signals.

If at night when sleeping,.

There is cancer in the body, and there is a feeling at night! If you have 5 types of discomfort when sleeping, or it is a sign of cancer

1. Night sweats

If you sweat a lot during sleep and it's getting more frequent, it could be a signal from your body.

Night sweats are a natural physiological phenomenon in which the body dissipates heat through the skin, and when the body is affected by certain hormones or chemicals, it can cause increased sweating.

Problems such as nightmares, insomnia and anxiety can also cause night sweats. But if this condition becomes frequent and persistent, there is a risk of cancer that needs to be considered.

2. Increased nocturia

If you find yourself waking up frequently during the night to go to the toilet, even if the amount of water you drink during the day isn't increasing, this could be a sign to look out for.

Frequent urination at night can sometimes be an early sign of certain types of cancer, such as bladder or prostate cancer.

3. Body aches or discomfort at night

When you're resting at night, if you often experience unexplained physical aches or discomfort, it could be one of the warning signs of cancer. These pains may be related to the tumor's compression of surrounding tissues or nerves.

Although these pains can be caused by other health conditions, such as muscle fatigue or osteoporosis, they should be taken care of if the pain persists at night.

There is cancer in the body, and there is a feeling at night! If you have 5 types of discomfort when sleeping, or it is a sign of cancer

4. Sudden awakening accompanied by coughing

Normally, our body is in a state of relaxation during falling asleep or sleeping. However, some discomforts that may go unnoticed during the day may become especially prominent at night.

For example, if you wake up with difficulty breathing after lying down and sleep with cough and sputum that doesn't improve until you sit up, this could be a warning sign. This condition may indicate a serious problem with the lungs that has affected respiratory function.

5. Tumor-related fever

Fever is a common symptom, but in some cancer patients, such as those with leukemia or lymphoma, the fever may be due to the tumor's effect on the immune system. To fight off the disease, the body may experience a persistent fever.

Unlike a general fever, a fever caused by a tumor usually appears in the late afternoon or early evening and resolves in the early hours of the next morning. It is important to note that this type of fever may not have a cooling effect on fever reducers.

If you experience the above symptoms, it is advisable to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Especially as a diabetic, you need to pay extra attention to your health and avoid any factors that may exacerbate the condition. Maintaining regular sleep and proper treatment are key to maintaining good health.

There is cancer in the body, and there is a feeling at night! If you have 5 types of discomfort when sleeping, or it is a sign of cancer

In addition, other symptoms that may occur at night, such as loss of appetite, weight loss, difficulty breathing, coughing, coughing up blood, or hoarseness, can also be signs of cancer.

It is important to emphasize that these symptoms are not necessarily caused by cancer, but if they occur at the same time as a nocturnal physical reaction, further testing should be considered.

Early detection and treatment of cancer can improve the cure rate, timely consultation with a doctor and examinations to determine the exact cause of the symptoms and get an accurate diagnosis.