
The United States encountered a "conspiracy", and Sky's request for a negotiated ceasefire was obviously to help the master "untie"!

author:The dragon squire

Recently, Ukrainian Zelensky suddenly made a "big move" and expressed to the outside world through the media that he hoped to conduct third-party negotiations to achieve a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine. In the interview, he did not declare that Russia must withdraw from Ukraine first, and then negotiate, as he did before.

The United States encountered a "conspiracy", and Sky's request for a negotiated ceasefire was obviously to help the master "untie"!

On June 30, local time, a number of media reported that Zelensky said in an interview that negotiations with Russia could adopt the model of the previous Black Sea grain agreement; At that time, Ukraine did not negotiate directly with Russia, but with the United Nations and Turkey, and signed a tripartite agreement, and then the United Nations and Turkey negotiated and signed an agreement with Russia.

According to the report, Zelensky said that the mediators of such negotiations can not only be the United States and Western European countries, but also countries in Asia, the Pacific region, Africa and Latin America. In addition, Zelensky also said that at present, in the areas where the fighting on the front line is most intense, especially in the Kharkiv and Donetsk directions, the ratio of Ukrainian and Russian army losses is 1 to 6, and the losses of the Russian army are much greater.

I have to say that Zelensky has never lost this mouth, he has obviously become an outcast, and he is still hard-mouthed!?

In my opinion, Zelensky is obviously launched by the United States to "untie" himself. Not long ago, the "Ukrainian Peace Peak" is a clear signal. The United States led Switzerland to hold the so-called Ukraine peace summit in order to throw the mess of Ukraine to the international community for everyone to solve, so that they could get out.

The United States encountered a "conspiracy", and Sky's request for a negotiated ceasefire was obviously to help the master "untie"!

Let me give you a detailed analysis:

At the previous 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly, Zelensky proposed a "peace plan" for Ukraine:(1) to sanction Russia and make it suffer due punishment; (2) to protect the lives of Ukrainian citizens; (3) return to the previous Russian-Ukrainian border; guarantee the territorial integrity of Ukraine; (4) to safeguard national security and obtain additional support for self-defence; (5) The United Nations wants to limit a number of rights of the Russian delegation and deprive it of its veto power as a P5.

However, at the "Ukraine Peace Summit" held in Switzerland on June 15, Western leaders who had just attended the G7 summit in Italy were very cold, Biden did not go directly, and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, etc., left early after showing their faces at the scene, and they didn't even bother to finish the procedure of taking photos with others.

The most critical is the content of the meeting, according to Reuters, the content of the final draft declaration of the summit has undergone major changes; The previous reference to Russia's "aggression" against Ukraine was removed from the document, and the word "war" was used instead.

It mainly includes the following three contents:

(1) to ensure the safety of Ukraine's nuclear facilities and not to allow the threat or use of nuclear weapons; (2) guarantee the safe export of Ukrainian agricultural products; (3) All prisoners of war must be released by way of exchange.

The United States encountered a "conspiracy", and Sky's request for a negotiated ceasefire was obviously to help the master "untie"!

According to several media reports, the results of the summit's public talks showed that in the end, among the participants, only 78 countries and regions signed the joint statement. Only 4 European organizations that excluded Russia have signed.

Why is the main emphasis on the safety of Ukraine's nuclear facilities and the export of agricultural products?

。 That's why the summit will focus on the safety of nuclear facilities, the inadmissibility of the use of nuclear weapons, and the safety of food exports. At the same time, it is also the reason why European countries and European organizations signed a joint communiqué.

The United States encountered a "conspiracy", and Sky's request for a negotiated ceasefire was obviously to help the master "untie"!

So what is the purpose of the United States deliberately provoking the Russia-Ukraine war?

The answer is to compete with Russia for Europe's energy supply and maintain the hegemony of the dollar!

Since 2011, Russia has been negotiating the Nord Stream 2 gas transmission project with five EU energy companies. In June 2015, Gazprom formed a joint company with five EU energy giants, including Shell, to build the Nord Stream 2 project. Among them, Gazprom holds 50% of the shares, and the other five companies each hold 10% of the shares.

It is reported that after the completion of the Nord Stream 2 project, Russian gas will be about 30% cheaper than that supplied by the United States. This is undoubtedly a huge temptation for European countries that rely on industrial production to develop their economies. Because the cost of their products can also be greatly reduced, and the market competitiveness of the products can be enhanced.

The United States encountered a "conspiracy", and Sky's request for a negotiated ceasefire was obviously to help the master "untie"!

Of course, for the United States, it is certainly intolerable for the European market to be taken away by Russia.

In addition, the previous Russian pipeline to Europe to transport natural gas passed through the territory of Ukraine, and it was necessary to pay a large "toll". However, the Nord Stream 2 project bypasses Eastern European countries such as Ukraine and Poland, and directly crosses the Baltic Sea from Russia to Germany, and then uses Germany as a transit point to transport to other European countries, such as France, the Netherlands, Italy, etc.

The United States encountered a "conspiracy", and Sky's request for a negotiated ceasefire was obviously to help the master "untie"!
The United States encountered a "conspiracy", and Sky's request for a negotiated ceasefire was obviously to help the master "untie"!

The reason why Russia no longer takes care of Ukraine is due to the "anti-Russian" massacre of Slavs in Crimea by the pro-American faction after coming to power, which is also an important reason why Russia took Crimea in 2014. Russia, as the "mother" of the Slavs of Ukraine, will inevitably affect internal unity if it does not react, and the Slavs are the main ethnic group of Russia, and Putin will definitely be overthrown if he does not safeguard the interests of the main ethnic group.

In 2019, the Nord Stream 2 project was halted for a while under pressure from the United States, but then Germany, France and other countries and Russia decided to continue construction despite sanctions. In December 2020, the German section of Nord Stream 2 was the first to be completed; Some US media reported that Trump had reached a relationship of interest with Russia, which is the so-called "Russiagate" incident.

The United States encountered a "conspiracy", and Sky's request for a negotiated ceasefire was obviously to help the master "untie"!

In 2021, after Biden took office, he announced a complete withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan in April, and then deployed troops to Poland in a big way, constantly sending weapons to Europe to prepare for war. Jewish capital, on the other hand, has taken advantage of media hegemony to assist and create a "Russian threat theory" in Europe, saying that Russia will soon attack Ukraine and then invade Europe.

Zelensky, a Jew, also tried his best to cooperate with the United States to constantly provoke and stimulate Russia, intensified his "anti-Russia", suppressed the Slavs in eastern Ukraine, and directly wrote Ukraine's accession to NATO into the constitution.

The United States encountered a "conspiracy", and Sky's request for a negotiated ceasefire was obviously to help the master "untie"!

During this period, the United States not only supported von der Laide to become the president of the European Commission, but also helped Scholz to become the German chancellor, ending Merkel's 16-year career in power.

At the same time, as the Nord Stream 2 pipeline began to deliver gas to Europe, the impact of capital departures on the dollar was immediate, and the euro's international status quickly surpassed that of the dollar. In May 2021, the euro managed to surpass the US dollar with 38.35% of the global payment currency ranking with 39.03%.

In August 2021, the laying of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline began to enter the final stage, and on September 6, it was announced that the project was fully completed. So far.

The United States encountered a "conspiracy", and Sky's request for a negotiated ceasefire was obviously to help the master "untie"!

From the perspective of the United States safeguarding its own interests, it is necessary to immediately cut off Russia's energy cooperation with the EU. Because the United States spent five or six trillion dollars in the war in Afghanistan, coupled with the outbreak of the new crown later, the debt crisis in the United States has worsened, and the dollar continues to inflation. If the United States loses the European market, it will put the dollar in a catastrophe.

But the United States can neither fight Europe nor go to war directly with Russia. It is easy to understand that the United States is tantamount to destroying its own market by attacking Europe, and it will make them hold Russia tighter; It is too costly to fight Russia directly, and both options are tantamount to suicide.

。 The key is that Zelensky does not hesitate to turn Ukraine into a battlefield and is willing to cooperate with the United States to implement this strategy.

The United States encountered a "conspiracy", and Sky's request for a negotiated ceasefire was obviously to help the master "untie"!

On February 24, 2022, the Russian-Ukrainian war broke out.

On February 26, the White House issued a statement saying that in response to Russia's military action in Ukraine, the leaders of the United States, the European Commission, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, and Canada decided to exclude some Russian banks from the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication payment system and impose restrictions on the Central Bank of Russia.

The U.S. move is aimed at severing the link between Russian financial institutions and the SWIFT system, and thus between Russian financial institutions and the global banking system; Make it impossible for it to make cross-border payments and payments, and then achieve the purpose of blockading Russia for international trade.

Meanwhile. Many European people have begun to believe the media hype that Russia will directly invade Europe after defeating Ukraine, and have asked the authorities and governments to support Ukraine and oppose Russia. And the pro-American faction took the opportunity to launch mass demonstrations against Russia.

The United States encountered a "conspiracy", and Sky's request for a negotiated ceasefire was obviously to help the master "untie"!

In order to maintain the stability of their regimes, the leaders of European countries can only publicly express their support for Ukraine, otherwise they will be ousted by the opposition. For a time, the United States took the lead in aiding Ukraine, which was touted by many people on social media as a "light of justice" and a "beacon of human civilization".

As the Russia-Ukraine war continues,; U.S. LNG exports to the EU continue to increase, accounting for nearly half of the EU's total LNG purchases.

According to data released by Refinitiv in the United States, the US LNG operator is expected to make a profit of US$59 billion in 2022, double the previous year, successfully making up for the loss of US$45 billion between 2013 and 2020. U.S. shale liquefied gas producers are also expected to make a profit of nearly $200 billion in 2022.

。 The United States not only used the war to regain the status of the dollar, but also temporarily cut off Russia's cooperation with Europe, and took advantage of the situation to reap the hands of Europe.

The United States encountered a "conspiracy", and Sky's request for a negotiated ceasefire was obviously to help the master "untie"!

Ladies and gentlemen, the Russia-Ukraine war has been going on for more than 2 years.

Who is Zelensky, the superhero in the eyes of many people, fighting for?

Before the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war, Zelensky repeatedly proclaimed his Jewish identity, and his family returned to Israel before the outbreak of the war, and his family's mansion was in the Golan Heights occupied by Israel, which is a veritable illegal "Jewish settlement". After the outbreak of this round of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Zelensky has repeatedly and publicly stated that Ukraine is firmly on Israel's side.

Ukraine, with a population of more than 40 million, now has just over 20 million people left, and the rest will become "slaves" to pay off aid debts owed to the United States and Europe. I estimate that it will take several generations for Ukraine to pay off these debts, and this is the "surprise" that the "beacon state of human civilization" and Zelensky brought to the Ukrainian people.

The United States encountered a "conspiracy", and Sky's request for a negotiated ceasefire was obviously to help the master "untie"!

Why does the United States no longer continue to support Ukraine in its fight against Russia?

。 If Europe's leading industries all go to other places to invest, it is equivalent to helping others make wedding dresses.

Netizens who have watched the news know that in April, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz took a large group of entrepreneurs to start an eight-day visit to China. In addition, the assembly line of French Airbus has also begun to be built in Tianjin.

As far as European capital is concerned, they must be worried that the war will spread out of control to Europe, and they must find a safe, market vitality and potential to settle their "family base". The United States will definitely not be happy to see it, and if it continues to fight.

Frankly speaking, Russia is not happy to see it, which is in the common interests of the United States, Europe, and Russia, which is the core reason why the Russian-Ukrainian war has not spilled over. If European countries really believed that Russia would fight them, they would have provided long-range attack weapons to the Ukrainian army a long time ago!

The United States encountered a "conspiracy", and Sky's request for a negotiated ceasefire was obviously to help the master "untie"!

In my opinion,. Putin obviously also knows that the Russian army has always been "holding and fighting" on the battlefield, just to avoid the pressure of public opinion.

These people are politicians, not outlaws, not fighting in a group of people in society.?

So what did Russia gain in this war?

Russia was "reborn" in this war, and after the Russian army took the eastern part of Ukraine, Putin gained huge public support and successfully implemented reforms and reshaped Russia's economic structure. and took out the deformed state in which the Russian economy was previously controlled by a few oligarchs; In particular, control over energy, military industry and grain exports.

Because the war consumes "goods" rather than "coins", Russia has a resource advantage; The huge consumption on the battlefield activates the military-industrial complex, stimulates domestic demand and employment, and diverts a lot of internal contradictions, which is why the more Russia fights the economy, the better.

We see a "big change of blood" in the Putin government, as well as the flight of deputy ministers, and this is an internal struggle. Reform will definitely touch the interests of some people, and some people will collude with external forces to safeguard their own interests, but Putin is by no means a political "cabbage", but a "veteran" of iron-fisted politics.

The United States encountered a "conspiracy", and Sky's request for a negotiated ceasefire was obviously to help the master "untie"!

In addition, Russia has obtained the eastern part of Ukraine, which can improve Russia's strategic depth, successfully maintain the access to the Black Sea, and let the Slavs see Putin's determination to safeguard the interests and dignity of the people! Moreover, Russian gas will definitely re-enter the European market, otherwise, the Middle East side will not be ignited.

。 But it's a pity that it has encountered a big "yang conspiracy!"

Since the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, US President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, CIA Director Burns and other high-level officials have entered many Middle Eastern countries to carry out cease-fire negotiations.

Israel is the "little ancestor" of the United States, which has a higher status in the heart of the United States than Britain. If the United States fails to defend the interests that Israel has illegally appropriated, the rest of America's allies will leave it; Not only will the international status plummet, but the key is that it will become a bare-bones commander.

But the United States does not dare to end up in person, it has just made a little money in Europe to "return to blood", and if it turns around and allows itself to fall into the quagmire of war, it will be more than worth the loss!

The United States encountered a "conspiracy", and Sky's request for a negotiated ceasefire was obviously to help the master "untie"!

Previously, the United States fought Afghanistan, gathered a million troops from 35 countries, and failed to take the Taliban for 14 years. Nowadays, even if someone kneels and calls it grandpa, it will not end up in the Middle East. Because there is no helper at all, it can be seen from the Red Sea escort organized by the United States that so many countries have been rejected by name, and in the end, Britain is left to say that "Daddy" is fighting with you.

Ladies and gentlemen, the United States does not dare to fight a tough war without help, and its own domestic resources and deformed industrial system are not enough to support it in a large-scale war. Therefore, even if the Houthis chase after the US aircraft carrier warships, they only carry out symbolic air strikes and do not dare to enter the ground to encircle and suppress them.

The same goes for Israel, which can continue to provide weapons and equipment, but never end up. Now the United States is watching the homes of its "little ancestors" being bombed to the ground, hundreds of thousands of Israeli people fleeing, internal contradictions are torn apart, and national morale is disintegrating, and it will never send American soldiers to die for the Jews.

The United States encountered a "conspiracy", and Sky's request for a negotiated ceasefire was obviously to help the master "untie"!

The United States knows very well that if it ends up in the Middle East, it will lose half its life if it does not die. Originally, the "anti-Israel wave" triggered by the United States' support for Israel's genocide in Gaza caused serious internal rifts, and the subsequent "Jewish Act" intensified internal ethnic contradictions. If the US military is sent to help Israel directly in the Middle East, it is very likely that a civil war will break out within the United States because of this!

Moreover, Russia will inevitably send a steady stream of weapons to the Middle East, anyway, the military-industrial complex in wartime has been fully launched, and Russia's resource advantage and low cost can just sell all kinds of weapons. At the same time, it is also possible to test the effectiveness of striking US military equipment with the help of armed groups.

Why did the Saudi-led OPEC oil group stand with Russia in a deal in the war in Ukraine?

。 This is one of the core reasons why Saudi Arabia is willing to reconcile with Iran, and it is also the reason why it stands with Russia.

The United States encountered a "conspiracy", and Sky's request for a negotiated ceasefire was obviously to help the master "untie"!

Now the United States is stuck in the Middle East, and it does not dare to let go of it, nor does it dare to go straight to the end. The key is that the Middle East is very smart, it encircles Israel but does not annihilate it, cuts the flesh with a knife, and hangs on Israel's life, and the United States must continue to provide it with material supplies to maintain it. For the United States, this is also a consumption of a knife to cut flesh, and internal racial contradictions will continue to intensify.

I estimate that if the United States wants to get out, it will negotiate with Russia behind its backs, such as the proportion of energy between the two sides in Europe, and the reconstruction of Ukraine. The issue of Ukraine's accession to NATO and the EU is absolutely impossible, at most some politicians hype it up a few times on the surface. As for Zelensky, there is a high probability that he will become a "victim" of the tragedy in Ukraine to end the war!

The United States must not dare to abandon Israel, NATO has long existed in name only, and now the United States mainly maintains the G7 group, which is the core of the energy market and economic support of the United States. If the United States fails to keep Israel, the G7 will collapse, and the United States will follow suit.

But the whole situation is not in favor of the United States, and it is estimated that the Middle East will become an imperial graveyard again!

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