
Various communities in Yuanqu County celebrate "July 1st" in various forms

author:Fence Meltant

To celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

For days

The county community service center is carried out by various community organizations

Colorful cultural and artistic activities to celebrate "July 1st"

Carry forward the great spirit of party building

Create a strong atmosphere of feeling the party's kindness, listening to the party, and following the party

Gather the strength of the new journey

Various communities in Yuanqu County celebrate "July 1st" in various forms

Tiaodong Community held a literary and artistic performance of "Welcoming July 1st, Singing Red Songs, and Celebrating the Party's Kindness".

The Tiaodong Community, the Shunyihong Literary and Art Team of the County Cultural Center, and the Recreation Association jointly held the "Welcoming July 1st, Singing Red Songs, and Celebrating the Party's Grace" literary and artistic performances. The event kicked off with the loud singing of the chorus "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China", "China, China, the Red Sun Never Sets" sings the 5,000 years of Chinese civilization, "The Long March of Seven Laws" praised the indomitable, heroic and tenacious spirit of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army and revolutionary optimism, and "Our Life is Full of Sunshine" expresses the yearning and pursuit of community residents for a better life.

The inspiring classic songs record the eventful years, tell the glorious history, and inspire everyone to inherit the red spirit, gather the strength to forge ahead, and take the Long March road in the new era.

Various communities in Yuanqu County celebrate "July 1st" in various forms

Participant: Zhang Peng

It is a great honor to participate in this red song singing activity, when I sing those songs, I can feel the weight of history and national pride, I wish the great Communist Party of China a happy birthday, and wish the motherland prosperity!

Text/Photo/Zhang Wenxuan

Various communities in Yuanqu County celebrate "July 1st" in various forms

Tongkuangyu community held the "original heart is like a rock and forge ahead" July 1st summer party

Various communities in Yuanqu County celebrate "July 1st" in various forms

Tongkuangyu community held the "original heart is like a rock and forge ahead" July 1st summer party. The opening encouragement "The Sound of Drum Rhyme" is magnificent; Kindergarten children brought cute cheerleading exercises; dance "Make Military Shoes" and "War Horse", and the solo song "Red Flag Fluttering" affectionately interprets the "red erotic feelings"; The sign language "Spread the Love", the three-and-a-half-sentence "The Community is Our Good Home", and the fan dance "Hymn to Happiness" outline the warm and friendly family of the community, showing the fruitful results of harmonious community construction. The residents of the community gathered together to express their wishes for the party's 103rd birthday with a variety of programs. In the next step, the community will continue to adhere to the guidance of party building, strengthen cultural construction, provide residents with more colorful cultural activities, and promote the prosperity and development of cultural undertakings.

Text/Dong Yuntu/Zhang Yanwei

Various communities in Yuanqu County celebrate "July 1st" in various forms

Wulong Community carried out the art performance activity of "Always Keeping the Original Aspiration of the People and Bravely Shouldering the Mission of the Times".

Various communities in Yuanqu County celebrate "July 1st" in various forms

Wulong Community carried out the art performance activity of "Always Keeping the Original Aspiration of the People and Bravely Shouldering the Mission of the Times". In the two-hour performance, the lantern dance "Happy China Walks Together", the recitation of "Red July", the three-and-a-half-sentence "Ode to the Party", the small chorus "Beautiful China", the fan dance "The Source of the Yellow River", the Yuanqu cymbal "Cultivating Sentiment in Old Age" and other wonderful programs are overwhelming. The entertainers used popular singing, plain language, and graceful dancing to express their best wishes to the party and the motherland. This event provided a visual and auditory feast for the community residents, and also demonstrated the cultural achievements of the Wulong community under the leadership of the party building, and further enhanced the cohesion and centripetal force of the community.

Text/Photo/Liu Jie

Various communities in Yuanqu County celebrate "July 1st" in various forms

The Fuqian community held a celebration of the "July 1st" opera party

Fuqian Community, together with Yuanqu County Rural Commercial Bank, held a "July 1st" opera evening party to celebrate the party's love for the party in Yijing Huayuan Community.

With their love for the art of opera and their deep friendship with the party, they devoted themselves to the preparation and performance of the party, and they performed the anti-corruption drama "Iron Fist" and the modern opera "The Good Daughter-in-law" with exquisite skills and full enthusiasm. The tactful singing and wonderful performance won warm applause from the audience. The wonderful performance added a touch of bright color to the party, and also presented a sincere and special gift for the party's birthday.

Various communities in Yuanqu County celebrate "July 1st" in various forms

Zhang Dayong, Secretary of the General Party Branch and Director of the Fuqian Community Party

The purpose of holding this "July 1st" opera evening is to celebrate the great birthday of the party with traditional culture and art as the carrier, and at the same time enrich the spiritual and cultural life of community residents and enhance the harmonious atmosphere of the community. We hope that through such activities, residents will unite more closely around the party and contribute to the development of the community.

Text/Picture/Zhang Weiwei

Various communities in Yuanqu County celebrate "July 1st" in various forms