
Actor Zhu Yuchen: Lost Tang Wei and Huo Siyan, now no one dares to marry, lying in the kennel and crying

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Actor Zhu Yuchen: Lost Tang Wei and Huo Siyan, now no one dares to marry, lying in the kennel and crying
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Actor Zhu Yuchen: Lost Tang Wei and Huo Siyan, now no one dares to marry, lying in the kennel and crying

At the recording site of a popular variety show, a heartbreaking scene was quietly staged. 44-year-old actor Zhu Yuchen, once one of the four young students with infinite beauty, is now curled up in a kennel and crying bitterly.

He choked up and asked, "Why is there no one with me at this moment?" This sentence not only expresses his loneliness, but also reveals the dual dilemma of his career and feelings.

He once had scandals with well-known actresses such as Tang Wei, Huo Siyan, and Jiang Yan, but now he is alone. was once hailed as a powerful actor of Hu Ge's generation, but now there is almost no drama to film.

Why did Zhu Yuchen's life turn so dramatically? All the puzzles seem to point to one person - his mother.

Actor Zhu Yuchen: Lost Tang Wei and Huo Siyan, now no one dares to marry, lying in the kennel and crying

Zhu Yuchen's acting career began on the campus of the Central Academy of Drama. There, he met Tang Wei, who would later become an international movie star. Although both failed the entrance exams in the first year, Zhu Yuchen successfully entered the coveted university in the second year with his unremitting efforts.

With his love for performance and his vision for the future, Zhu Yuchen sweats his youth on campus.

Shortly after graduation, an opportunity struck. Zhu Yuchen's role as Huazi in the hit drama "Struggle" made him an instant hit. His superb acting skills and unique charm won the love of the audience, and he soon became one of the "four major students", on a par with Hu Ge and others.

At that time, Zhu Yuchen seemed to have embarked on the fast track to the stardom, and his future was bright.

Actor Zhu Yuchen: Lost Tang Wei and Huo Siyan, now no one dares to marry, lying in the kennel and crying

However, just when his career was booming, a seemingly warm but suffocating shadow quietly shrouded Zhu Yuchen's life. His mother, out of extreme love for her son, began to be deeply involved in Zhu Yuchen's career.

Whenever Zhu Yuchen received a new role, his mother would strictly review the script. If she finds any potentially dangerous scenes, she approaches the director directly to remove the scenes.

Sometimes, she would even beg her son to give up certain roles that she considered "unsafe."

With the passage of time, Zhu Yuchen's reputation in the circle has quietly changed. Many crews began to shy away from this actor who "attached a strict mother". After all, no director wants to be overly intervened in the creative process.

Actor Zhu Yuchen: Lost Tang Wei and Huo Siyan, now no one dares to marry, lying in the kennel and crying

Gradually, Zhu Yuchen's drama appointments became less and less, and the once bright star journey began to dim.

In a late-night interview, Zhu Yuchen revealed his inner pain. He confessed that he had tried to commit suicide because he couldn't bear the pressure, but in the end he only woke up after a brief coma.

At this moment, people seem to see a restrained soul under the glamorous appearance of the star.

Today's Zhu Yuchen is difficult to see on the big screen. The four young students who used to be infinitely beautiful, can now only find a sense of existence in variety shows.

Actor Zhu Yuchen: Lost Tang Wei and Huo Siyan, now no one dares to marry, lying in the kennel and crying

When we see him curled up in the kennel and crying, we can't help but ask: Is this the price of overprotection? An otherwise brilliant acting career gradually faded in the shackles of maternal love.

Zhu Yuchen's love life is like an emotional drama with ups and downs, every relationship ends in a similar way, and all of this is inseparable from his mother.

One day, while Zhu Yuchen was in class, his mother suddenly visited their rented house. Seeing the slightly messy scene in the room, she sharply criticized Tang Wei's lifestyle.

In the face of rude accusations, Tang Wei, who was elegant and confident in his bones, tried to defend himself, but instead angered Zhu Yuchen's mother. In the end, at the strong request of his mother, Zhu Yuchen had to choose to break up and end this budding love.

Actor Zhu Yuchen: Lost Tang Wei and Huo Siyan, now no one dares to marry, lying in the kennel and crying

In 2009, when Zhu Yuchen was filming the TV series "Love Is Perfect with You", he sparked a spark of love with the popular actress Huo Siyan. The two get along day and night in the crew, and their relationship quickly warms up.

However, the good times did not last long, and this relationship soon encountered the intervention of Zhu Yuchen's mother. She told Huo Siyan about her dedication to her son over the years, and even mentioned that for her son's health, she got up at four o'clock in the morning every day to boil pear juice.

She hopes that Huo Siyan can take care of Zhu Yuchen wholeheartedly and regard him as the center of gravity of her life.

However, Huo Siyan, who is extremely ambitious, could not accept such a request. She witnessed Zhu Yuchen's mother's dedication and felt that she could not meet such a standard.

Actor Zhu Yuchen: Lost Tang Wei and Huo Siyan, now no one dares to marry, lying in the kennel and crying

After weighing it repeatedly, Huo Siyan finally chose to break up. In a later interview, Huo Siyan admitted that Zhu Yuchen's mother did not seem to be looking for a daughter-in-law, but a new mother for her son.

These words expressed the voices of many people, and also revealed the core issues of Zhu Yuchen's love life.

In 2012, Zhu Yuchen met Jiang Yan in the crew of "The Story of Time". Jiang Yan, who is 172cm tall and has a well-proportioned figure, is not only the goddess in the hearts of the actors in the crew, but also known for her cooking skills, and often makes delicious snacks for everyone on the set.

With the encouragement of his mother, Zhu Yuchen mustered up the courage to pursue Jiang Yan and soon won her heart.

Actor Zhu Yuchen: Lost Tang Wei and Huo Siyan, now no one dares to marry, lying in the kennel and crying

However, when Zhu Yuchen took the well-dressed Jiang Yan home to see his mother with great anticipation, he was treated coldly again. Zhu Yuchen's mother thinks that Jiang Yan's dress is too revealing and sexy, and she is a frivolous woman.

Although Jiang Yan tried hard to show his talent and kindness, he was never able to get Zhu Yuchen's mother's approval. This tense atmosphere eventually led to the breakdown of their relationship.

Zhu Yuchen, who is now 44 years old, is still alone. Those actresses who have had scandals with him are now either shining stars or have formed happy families, but he is still hesitating in place, looking for the "perfect daughter-in-law" who may never appear.

Zhu Yuchen's life seems to be tightly bound by an invisible rope, and it is his mother who holds this rope. After graduating from the Central Academy of Drama, Zhu Yuchen's mother followed him like a shadow and became his personal bodyguard and life housekeeper.

Actor Zhu Yuchen: Lost Tang Wei and Huo Siyan, now no one dares to marry, lying in the kennel and crying

This seemingly meticulous care has gradually evolved into a suffocating control.

Whenever Zhu Yuchen received a new role, his mother would scrutinize the script in a nuanced manner. If she finds any footage that could be risky, she doesn't hesitate to approach the director to remove the scenes.

Sometimes, she would even plead to persuade her son to give up certain roles that she considered "unsafe." This extreme desire to protect not only affected Zhu Yuchen's career development, but also brought him huge psychological pressure.

In a late-night interview, Zhu Yuchen rarely revealed his inner pain. He admits that at one point he could not bear this kind of pressure, and even tried suicide to escape this bondage.

Actor Zhu Yuchen: Lost Tang Wei and Huo Siyan, now no one dares to marry, lying in the kennel and crying

However, fate seemed to play tricks on him, and even the suicide attempt failed, and he only woke up after a short coma of ten minutes. At this moment, we seem to see a child who is overwhelmed by maternal love, and his heart is full of contradictions and struggles.

Zhu Yuchen's sister also expressed the family's predicament. She said that her mother's love was too heavy, as if she had dedicated her whole life to her younger brother. This overprotection not only affected Zhu Yuchen, but also made her sister afraid of marriage, causing her to remain single in her fifties.

The tragedy of this family seems to stem from this excessive maternal love.

In the face of his mother's control, Zhu Yuchen did not resist. But every time he tried to break free, his mother would be moved by emotion and reason, telling him about his selfless dedication over the years, emphasizing that he had lost himself and was taking on double responsibilities alone.

Actor Zhu Yuchen: Lost Tang Wei and Huo Siyan, now no one dares to marry, lying in the kennel and crying

These words always made Zhu Yuchen feel guilty, and finally gave up resistance and returned to his mother's wing.

With the unremitting efforts of his mother, Zhu Yuchen has indeed grown into a filial and obedient child.

Today's Zhu Yuchen is standing at the crossroads of his life, facing the double dilemma of career and relationship. Once upon a time, he was one of the four students with infinite scenery, as famous as Hu Ge, and had a bright future.

However, as the years go by, the once brilliant star journey has now eclipsed.

Actor Zhu Yuchen: Lost Tang Wei and Huo Siyan, now no one dares to marry, lying in the kennel and crying

In the entertainment industry, Zhu Yuchen's name is gradually forgotten. The little student who was radiant in "Struggle" can only find a sense of existence in variety shows now.

Many crews took the initiative to avoid the once hot actor because they were afraid of his mother's excessive intervention. At the age of 44, it should have been the golden age of an actor, but Zhu Yuchen seems to have been abandoned by the times, with no suitable role and no stable income.

The love life is even more barren. The actresses who have had scandals with him, such as Tang Wei, Huo Siyan, and Jiang Yan, are now either bright stars or have formed happy families.

Only Zhu Yuchen is still hesitating in place, lonely looking for the "perfect partner" who may never appear.

Actor Zhu Yuchen: Lost Tang Wei and Huo Siyan, now no one dares to marry, lying in the kennel and crying

In that variety show that attracted widespread attention, the picture of Zhu Yuchen curled up in the kennel and cried bitterly not only revealed his career dilemma, but also reflected his inner loneliness and helplessness.

"Why is there no one with me at this moment?" This sentence is not only a description of the current situation, but also a question of life.

Zhu Yuchen's predicament stems not only from changes in the external environment, but also from inner constraints. His mother's overprotection caused him to lose a lot of opportunities; And the dependency psychology that has developed over the years makes it difficult for him to make changes.

Under the double blow of career and relationship, 44-year-old Zhu Yuchen seems to be lost in the labyrinth of life, not knowing where to go.

Actor Zhu Yuchen: Lost Tang Wei and Huo Siyan, now no one dares to marry, lying in the kennel and crying

How should this once beautiful little life be reborn now? Will you continue to live peacefully under the wings of your mother's love, or will you bravely break free and find yourself again? Zhu Yuchen's future, perhaps only he can give the answer.

Zhu Yuchen's story is not only a personal tragedy of an actor, but also a profound reflection on the social phenomenon of "excessive maternal love". His experience is like a mirror, reflecting the blurred line between love and control.

When love crosses its boundaries, it may change from a rainstorm that nourishes life to a shackle that binds growth.

For Zhu Yuchen's mother, it may be time to reflect on her actions. As the old saying goes: "His arsenic, my candied fruit." "What we think is good may be a burden to others.

Actor Zhu Yuchen: Lost Tang Wei and Huo Siyan, now no one dares to marry, lying in the kennel and crying

Love should be to give the other person room to grow, not to imprison them.

Although Zhu Yuchen is currently in a difficult situation, the 44-year-old still has a chance to change. I hope he can find the inner strength, break through the shackles of maternal love, and redefine his life.

After all, there is no too late start in life, as long as you have the courage to face it, there is always the possibility of blooming again.

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