
The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a top-level conspiracy! Israel is being dragged into a dead end, and Lebanon may become a cemetery for Israeli troops

author:Fat cash cow


Hamas fired 400 rockets into Israel in the Gaza Strip, Israel began air strikes against Hamas, and at the same time, Lebanese Allah fired dozens of rockets into Israel.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a top-level conspiracy! Israel is being dragged into a dead end, and Lebanon may become a cemetery for Israeli troops

Israel faces the challenge of Hamas and Allah, and despite Israel's advanced military strength and strong military technological superiority, Israel is limited in urban warfare and war of attrition, and this Israeli military operation is a top-level scheme.

So why is Israel restricted?

Why did Lebanon become the graveyard of the Israeli army?

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a top-level conspiracy! Israel is being dragged into a dead end, and Lebanon may become a cemetery for Israeli troops

1. Impotence.

"Top conspiracy, Israel is dragged into a dead end, Lebanon may become a cemetery for Israeli troops".

This is the title of the Middle East News Network, so why does the Middle East News Network say this?

Israel's military strength is very strong, and how much firepower can Hamas and Allah have?

Why is it said that Israel has been dragged into a dead end, given that Israel has the means to completely control Hamas and the Allah Party?

Israel does have a very strong military strength, possesses advanced military technology and weapons, Israel's warplanes and tanks are advanced, and Israel's information-based warfare is also very strong.

Israel also has strong logistics and strong intelligence capabilities, Israel has nuclear weapons, and Israel is also an ally of the United States, and Israel's military technology has also been developed with the support of the United States.

But how can Hamas and Allah have so much firepower?

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a top-level conspiracy! Israel is being dragged into a dead end, and Lebanon may become a cemetery for Israeli troops

Hamas and Allah do not have any major weapons and equipment, but Hamas and Allah are constantly developing, and the cover of Hamas and Allah is also very good, Hamas and Allah have made many tunnels in the Gaza Strip and hide rockets in the tunnels, and the cities in the Gaza Strip are dense cities, and Israeli warplanes and tanks cannot play a great role in this environment, so Israel is restricted.

And Hamas and Allah are still waging a war of attrition, Hamas and Allah's rockets cannot accurately hit Israeli military facilities and personnel, Israeli warplanes do not dare to use in the cities of the Gaza Strip, and Israeli heavy weapons cannot be used in urban warfare in the Gaza Strip, so Israel is at a disadvantage in this war of attrition.

2. Israel's economic recession.

Israel's economy has been doing quite well over the past few years, but in the last two years, Israel's economy has declined sharply, with Israel's GDP falling by 3.3% in 2020 and even more in 2021.

Israel's economic downturn is largely due to the pandemic, and Israel is not fighting the pandemic in a scientific way, but vaccinates the elderly and key groups first, and then other groups such as young people, so that, coupled with Israel's relatively high vaccination rate, herd immunity will soon be formed, and Israel's economy will recover quickly.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a top-level conspiracy! Israel is being dragged into a dead end, and Lebanon may become a cemetery for Israeli troops

But the Israeli government has a problem at this time, the Israeli government has gone through four elections in 2020, but no leader has been elected in the four elections, and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has also been sentenced for taking bribes, so Israel has fallen into a state of no leadership at this time, which has led to a 6.5% decline in Israel's economy in 2021, and Israel's unemployment rate is also climbing.

Israel's economic downturn has also had an impact on Israel's military and strategic capabilities, Israel did not strike at Iran's nuclear facilities in 2021 because it did not have enough budget, Israel's defense budget is declining, Israel's economy continues to decline, Israel's defense budget will continue to decline, which will have a great impact on Israel's security.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a top-level conspiracy! Israel is being dragged into a dead end, and Lebanon may become a cemetery for Israeli troops

Israel's military operations are being restricted, Hamas and Allah's firepower against Israel is never afraid of Israeli air strikes, Hamas and Allah's firepower will never stop, Hamas and Allah are also very good at using tunnels, Hamas and Allah have built a lot of tunnels in the Gaza Strip, and there are many rockets hidden in the tunnels, Israel's military operations have become very difficult, and the cities in the Gaza Strip are very dense cities, Israeli warplanes and tanks cannot play a significant role in such an environment, and Israeli heavy weapons cannot be used in urban warfare.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a top-level conspiracy! Israel is being dragged into a dead end, and Lebanon may become a cemetery for Israeli troops

3. Exports and tourism.

In addition to weakening Hamas and Allah militarily, Israel can also weaken Hamas and Allah economically, in the past two years, because of the epidemic, Israel's exports have fallen sharply, Israel's exports have fallen by 6.6%, in addition, Israel's tourism has also been affected by the epidemic, Israel's tourism revenue has fallen by 62%.

The power of Hamas and Allah is from "Iranian aid", Hamas and Allah have a lot of Iran's funds and weapons, if Israel's exports decline, Israel's domestic economy will be affected, Israel's economy will decline, Israel will not have so much money to buy military equipment from the United States, which will hinder Iran's financial assistance and hit the power of Hamas and Allah in the economic aspect.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a top-level conspiracy! Israel is being dragged into a dead end, and Lebanon may become a cemetery for Israeli troops

Israel can also fight Hamas and Allah in military operations, but Israel should consider the protection of civilians more in military operations, and now the civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip are already very serious, if Israel fires rockets at the Gaza Strip, then the civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip will be even more serious, and in this way, Israel's international image will also be greatly affected, and Israel will lose a lot of its own supporters.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a top-level conspiracy! Israel is being dragged into a dead end, and Lebanon may become a cemetery for Israeli troops

When conducting military operations, Israel must also give more consideration to the protection of civilians and abide by international moral standards and refrain from violating international laws.

Economically, Israel can also increase its diplomatic efforts to garner more regional and international support, which will give Israel more political support in its confrontation with Hamas and Allah, and will also deal a blow to Hamas and Allah.


The conflict between Israel and Palestine has been going on for 70 years, and the conflict between Israel and Palestine has become the root cause of conflict in the Middle East, and Israel has accumulated a lot of experience in the conflict with Palestine, but Israel has been limited in the war of attrition between Hamas and Allah.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a top-level conspiracy! Israel is being dragged into a dead end, and Lebanon may become a cemetery for Israeli troops

Israel should also give more consideration to the protection of civilians in its military operations, and abide by international moral standards and refrain from violating international laws.

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