
The problem of old-age care has escalated again: rural nursing homes have set off a wave of withdrawals, the elderly have no money to live in, and institutions have no money to earn

author:Mo Shangshi was speechless

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The problem of old-age care has escalated again: rural nursing homes have set off a wave of withdrawals, the elderly have no money to live in, and institutions have no money to earn
The problem of old-age care has escalated again: rural nursing homes have set off a wave of withdrawals, the elderly have no money to live in, and institutions have no money to earn

For the rush of life and the heavy work, it is best to put the elderly in a nursing home to live.

This is a true portrayal of people who are running around, and it is also their best arrangement for the elderly, but now there are many elderly people who "escape" from nursing homes, setting off a "tide of withdrawal", and nursing institutions cannot make money because of this.

The problem of old-age care has escalated again: rural nursing homes have set off a wave of withdrawals, the elderly have no money to live in, and institutions have no money to earn

Why is there a wave of hospital discharges? Is it unfilial piety for the elderly to have no money to live in?

The problem of old-age care has escalated again: rural nursing homes have set off a wave of withdrawals, the elderly have no money to live in, and institutions have no money to earn
All statements in this article are based on reliable sources of information and are reproduced in the article

"Wave of hospital discharge"

Social competition is fierce, the pace is very fast, many people are striving for a better life, but before a better life comes, the pressure of work, the triviality of life will follow, making people physically and mentally exhausted, lack of skills, and every day is so busy that they want to break themselves into eight.

The problem of old-age care has escalated again: rural nursing homes have set off a wave of withdrawals, the elderly have no money to live in, and institutions have no money to earn

The elderly and children at home are even more obvious, when they come home after a busy day, they not only have to take care of the children, but also the elderly to take care of, and some children are too busy to take care of their parents, so the nursing home has become the most suitable choice for the children.

The problem of old-age care has escalated again: rural nursing homes have set off a wave of withdrawals, the elderly have no money to live in, and institutions have no money to earn

But nowadays, there are fewer and fewer elderly people in nursing homes, many people take the elderly home for the elderly, and even some elderly people "escape" by themselves, especially in rural areas, this phenomenon is very common, so why is this?

The problem of old-age care has escalated again: rural nursing homes have set off a wave of withdrawals, the elderly have no money to live in, and institutions have no money to earn

"Let's take it home and live there."

On the first day of June this year, netizens made a decision after arguing with their families several times to take their mother, who had lived in a nursing home for three years, home for the elderly.

The problem of old-age care has escalated again: rural nursing homes have set off a wave of withdrawals, the elderly have no money to live in, and institutions have no money to earn

In 2021, the netizen's mother lost her ability to take care of herself due to cerebral infarction and urgently needed someone to take care of her, but the netizen and his wife worked outside all the year round and had no way to come back to take care of their mother, so after discussion, the netizen sent her mother to a local nursing home, with 2,600 yuan per month, which was shared by the netizen and her sister.

The problem of old-age care has escalated again: rural nursing homes have set off a wave of withdrawals, the elderly have no money to live in, and institutions have no money to earn

But in the first half of 2024, netizens have been unable to find a good job outside, and their family income has decreased a lot all of a sudden, so netizens decided to take their mother back to live, because there is no money to bear the cost of a nursing home.

The problem of old-age care has escalated again: rural nursing homes have set off a wave of withdrawals, the elderly have no money to live in, and institutions have no money to earn

In fact, like this netizen, there are many cases of leaving nursing homes for economic reasons, especially in rural areas, where the elderly are unable to work, and their children are unemployed and have no income at home, where do the elderly get the money to live in (nursing) homes.

The problem of old-age care has escalated again: rural nursing homes have set off a wave of withdrawals, the elderly have no money to live in, and institutions have no money to earn

In the final analysis, whether the elderly can live in a nursing home is decided by their children, the elderly are old and have no ability to earn money, and they cannot afford the cost of pension alone, so they can only rely on their children, so the children do not let the elderly live in nursing homes is a manifestation of unfilial piety?

The problem of old-age care has escalated again: rural nursing homes have set off a wave of withdrawals, the elderly have no money to live in, and institutions have no money to earn

The children decide that the elderly cannot live in a nursing home

In rural families, most people are old and young, and in order to make their family life better, they are desperately trying to earn money, and then send the elderly to nursing homes, and they go to big cities to work hard.

The problem of old-age care has escalated again: rural nursing homes have set off a wave of withdrawals, the elderly have no money to live in, and institutions have no money to earn

But now that the economy is down, there are fewer and fewer employment opportunities left for them, so they can only choose to go back to the countryside to stay, and it is not easy to find a job near home, and the salary is not high when they find it, and the cost of two or three thousand yuan a month in a nursing home is not high, but it is not low, and it is also difficult to take out two or three thousand a month after the children are unemployed.

The problem of old-age care has escalated again: rural nursing homes have set off a wave of withdrawals, the elderly have no money to live in, and institutions have no money to earn

And nursing homes are also worth a penny, and the price is high, and the service is good.

Therefore, in this context, the rural pension model has also changed, children are idle at home after unemployment, and it is also the general trend to take the elderly home for the elderly, but there are also a few to send the elderly to cheaper nursing homes.

The problem of old-age care has escalated again: rural nursing homes have set off a wave of withdrawals, the elderly have no money to live in, and institutions have no money to earn

But most people's thinking is that instead of giving money to the nursing home, it is better to take care of the elderly anyway, which is not much worse, but after a while, they will find that there are many potential problems.

The problem of old-age care has escalated again: rural nursing homes have set off a wave of withdrawals, the elderly have no money to live in, and institutions have no money to earn

Problems after discharge

In rural areas, many elderly people who are sent to nursing homes are basically semi-disabled or fully disabled, but as long as they can take care of themselves, they will not go to nursing homes because of the cost.

The problem of old-age care has escalated again: rural nursing homes have set off a wave of withdrawals, the elderly have no money to live in, and institutions have no money to earn

After the children take the elderly home, they have no professional nursing knowledge, and they have to "stick" to the elderly 24 hours a day, but they will still find out, or be complained by other siblings in the family that they do not take good care of the elderly.

The problem of old-age care has escalated again: rural nursing homes have set off a wave of withdrawals, the elderly have no money to live in, and institutions have no money to earn

Don't pay attention to the diet of the elderly, the elderly feel uncomfortable before they think of measuring the blood pressure of the elderly, doing examinations, etc., wiping the body of the elderly is not well controlled, it is easy to rub the skin, do not often turn over the elderly, feel that they lie on the bed and do not move very well, but finally found that the old man may have bedsores under him.

The problem of old-age care has escalated again: rural nursing homes have set off a wave of withdrawals, the elderly have no money to live in, and institutions have no money to earn

In rural areas, the care of the elderly is basically rough, and they do not pay much attention to hygiene problems.

These are all problems encountered after bringing the elderly back, and the emergence of nursing homes is just to free the children from "suffering" and avoid not knowing anything and taking good care of the elderly.

The problem of old-age care has escalated again: rural nursing homes have set off a wave of withdrawals, the elderly have no money to live in, and institutions have no money to earn

And although some children are unemployed, they are not reconciled, and always want to find opportunities to go out and work hard, otherwise the life of the family is a problem, so the nursing home is "salvation" in the eyes of these children.

The problem of old-age care has escalated again: rural nursing homes have set off a wave of withdrawals, the elderly have no money to live in, and institutions have no money to earn

But now because of economic reasons, the tide of hospital dropouts is getting more and more serious, not only the elderly have no money, but even institutions have no money to earn, so some people suggest that the price of nursing homes should be lowered, but this actually does not work.

The problem of old-age care has escalated again: rural nursing homes have set off a wave of withdrawals, the elderly have no money to live in, and institutions have no money to earn

It is understood that only 4% of the pension institutions in Beijing can achieve profitability, and 62% of the pension institutions need more than ten years to recover their investment.

The problem of old-age care has escalated again: rural nursing homes have set off a wave of withdrawals, the elderly have no money to live in, and institutions have no money to earn

Originally, nursing homes need money for professional equipment, 24-hour care, nutritious meals, etc., and the situation is still very serious, in order to survive, many nursing homes have reduced their fees, reducing the number of caregivers and income.

The problem of old-age care has escalated again: rural nursing homes have set off a wave of withdrawals, the elderly have no money to live in, and institutions have no money to earn

In this way, it is basically impossible to retain long-term caregivers, the work done every day is exhausting, the salary is still very small, and it has not increased for several years, and no one is willing to do it.

The problem of old-age care has escalated again: rural nursing homes have set off a wave of withdrawals, the elderly have no money to live in, and institutions have no money to earn

But even if this is already the case, the cost is still very expensive for those children in the countryside, and the nursing home does not make money in the first place, and if the cost is reduced, it is better to go directly bankrupt and liquidate.

The problem of old-age care has escalated again: rural nursing homes have set off a wave of withdrawals, the elderly have no money to live in, and institutions have no money to earn

"Escape" from a nursing home

Some elderly people are discharged from the hospital because their children consider the economy to take people home, but there are also children who do not choose to take them home considering the physical reasons of the elderly, but the elderly who are poor for their children will take the initiative to leave the nursing home to reduce the pressure they bring to their children.

The problem of old-age care has escalated again: rural nursing homes have set off a wave of withdrawals, the elderly have no money to live in, and institutions have no money to earn

In fact, there are still some elderly people who really want to "escape" when they leave.

In order to give better care to the elderly, children send the elderly to nursing homes, and as a result, some unscrupulous pension institutions run away with the money after signing the relevant contracts, and the pension institutions are declared bankrupt, and it is difficult for the elderly to get their money back.

The problem of old-age care has escalated again: rural nursing homes have set off a wave of withdrawals, the elderly have no money to live in, and institutions have no money to earn

The small amount of money was cheated away again, which increased the financial pressure on the children, so the old man wanted to "escape".

However, some elderly people really want to escape because they were beaten and abused, which may be the reason for the inconvenience of the elderly, or the reason for incontinence, and the nurses need to pay attention to the situation of the elderly all the time, so some nurses are dissatisfied and beat and pinch the elderly.

The problem of old-age care has escalated again: rural nursing homes have set off a wave of withdrawals, the elderly have no money to live in, and institutions have no money to earn

The mother and son of a man in Shaoyang, Hunan Province, reported that the person in charge of the nursing home had abused and beaten the elderly, and many of the elderly who had been abused had no obvious injuries on their bodies, and their children were busy with work and did not pay much attention to the elderly, so the abused elderly people wanted to escape from the nursing home.

The problem of old-age care has escalated again: rural nursing homes have set off a wave of withdrawals, the elderly have no money to live in, and institutions have no money to earn

Nowadays, the difficulty of the pension problem has escalated, and there is still a long way to go to solve this problem, and at present, we can only hope for our children, either to learn nursing knowledge to take care of the elderly, or to increase economic income and send the elderly back to nursing homes.

The problem of old-age care has escalated again: rural nursing homes have set off a wave of withdrawals, the elderly have no money to live in, and institutions have no money to earn