
The story of the rose: It wasn't until the illegitimate child was exposed that Su Su discovered that Zhenhua was as selfish as Zhou Shihui

author:Ling Ling Qi Entertainment
The story of the rose: It wasn't until the illegitimate child was exposed that Su Su discovered that Zhenhua was as selfish as Zhou Shihui

In the finale of the TV series "The Story of Rose", the audience discovered a complex plot with realistic implications: Who is Bai Xiaohe's child? Although it is not explicitly stated in the play, various details imply that the child is likely to be Huang Zhenhua's rather than adopted. This is not only about the coincidence of age, but also about the intricacies of family wealth and emotions.

After the ending of the TV series "The Story of Rose" was exposed, a wave of discussions about the complex relationship between Bai Xiaohe and Huang Zhenhua was set off on the Internet. As a leader in the field of scientific research, Bai Xiaohe suddenly gave up an important job opportunity at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and chose to go to Shenzhen. This decision coincided with the timing of her pregnancy, which caused doubts and discussions among the audience.

The story of the rose: It wasn't until the illegitimate child was exposed that Su Su discovered that Zhenhua was as selfish as Zhou Shihui

"It's not a simple accident." On an online forum, a netizen wrote, "Bai Xiaohe is not the kind of person who gives up his scientific research career easily. She is well-known in the industry, how could she change her mind overnight? There's definitely something going on here. ”

"Maybe it's a family factor." Another netizen replied, "Maybe something happened at home that made her have to make such a choice." ”

The story of the rose: It wasn't until the illegitimate child was exposed that Su Su discovered that Zhenhua was as selfish as Zhou Shihui

Regarding Huang Zhenhua's role, netizens also have different opinions. As Bai Xiaohe's friend and colleague, he chose to turn a blind eye to the truth, accepted Su Su's care and finally gave birth to a child with her. This behavior sparked a wide discussion about his true motives.

"What the hell is Huang Zhenhua thinking?" Some netizens questioned, "He knew the child's true identity, but chose to pretend to know nothing." Isn't this self-deception? ”

"Maybe he's scared to face reality." Another netizen speculated, "Maybe he has special feelings for Bai Xiaohe, but he doesn't dare to admit it, so he chose another life." ”

The story of the rose: It wasn't until the illegitimate child was exposed that Su Su discovered that Zhenhua was as selfish as Zhou Shihui

For this complex emotional line in the plot, the audience showed their understanding and concern for complex emotions and family entanglements in real life. They believe that the choices and behaviors of these characters, perhaps imperfect, vividly show the complexity of human nature and the cruelty of reality.

"That's the reality." A netizen concluded, "In the face of feelings and family, who can be completely rational? Everyone has unspeakable secrets and inseparable emotions. ”

Bai Xiaohe, as a high-profile scientific researcher, suddenly gave up an important position in the Chinese Academy of Sciences and chose to leave Beijing and go to Shenzhen. The decision coincided with the period of her pregnancy, which left many viewers puzzled and curious.

The story of the rose: It wasn't until the illegitimate child was exposed that Su Su discovered that Zhenhua was as selfish as Zhou Shihui

"Bai Xiaohe's choice is really unexpected." In a TV drama discussion group, a netizen expressed his opinion, "She originally had great potential for development in the field of scientific research, why did she choose to give up?" This makes it seem like it's not just a personal choice, and there may be a deeper reason behind it. ”

"Maybe it's family pressure." Another netizen interjected, "Bai Xiaohe is pregnant, maybe something happened at home that made her make such a decision." ”

Huang Zhenhua's role in the play has also sparked widespread discussion. As Bai Xiaohe's friend and colleague, he knew the true identity of the child, but he chose to pretend to know nothing, accepted Su Su's care, and finally gave birth to a child with her. This behavior has raised questions and speculation about his true motives.

The story of the rose: It wasn't until the illegitimate child was exposed that Su Su discovered that Zhenhua was as selfish as Zhou Shihui

"Huang Zhenhua is a complex character." Some netizens commented, "He may have deep feelings in his heart, but he chose to escape." Perhaps he was afraid to face reality and lose what he thought was important. ”

"Is he in pursuit of true happiness?" Another netizen asked, "Maybe he thinks that being with Su Su will be more stable and more suitable for his lifestyle." ”

The complexity and authenticity of these characters make the plot more engaging, and also allow the audience to discover more human and emotional depth in the discussion. In real life, everyone has their own unique experiences and choices, and few people are able to be flawless in the face of complex emotions and the trials of reality.

The story of the rose: It wasn't until the illegitimate child was exposed that Su Su discovered that Zhenhua was as selfish as Zhou Shihui

"Everyone has their own worries and entanglements." A netizen concluded, "No one is perfect in life, everyone collides, rubs, and grows in reality." This is also why this drama is attractive, it is not just a simple emotional drama, but a projection of real life. ”

The uncertainty of Bai Xiaohe's child's identity, as well as Huang Zhenhua's choice of all this, triggered the audience's deep thinking about love, responsibility and family.

The story of the rose: It wasn't until the illegitimate child was exposed that Su Su discovered that Zhenhua was as selfish as Zhou Shihui

Bai Xiaohe, as an outstanding scientific researcher, could have continued to pursue her career in a high position at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. However, when she was pregnant, she chose to leave Beijing and go to Shenzhen, a decision that is incomprehensible. The audience began to explore her innermost motivations, what motivated her to make such a bold change.

"Bai Xiaohe's choice is really unexpected." In a TV drama discussion group, some netizens expressed his doubts, "She originally had great potential for development in the field of scientific research, why did she choose to give up?" It's not just about her own future, it's about her children. ”

"Maybe it's because of family pressure." Another netizen interjected, "She is pregnant, and there may be something going on at home that will make such a decision." ”

The story of the rose: It wasn't until the illegitimate child was exposed that Su Su discovered that Zhenhua was as selfish as Zhou Shihui

Huang Zhenhua, as Bai Xiaohe's friend and colleague, knows the child's true identity. Despite knowing the truth of all this, he chose to pretend that he didn't know anything, accepted Susu's care, and lived with her. This self-deception makes one wonder, what exactly is he after? Is it for the stability of the family, or the unspeakable desire in the depths of my heart?

"Huang Zhenhua's choice is a bit puzzling." Some netizens commented, "He clearly knows the identity of his child, why did he choose to continue such a life?" This has an impact not only on himself, but also on those around him. ”

"Maybe he thinks this can protect Bai Xiaohe and her children." Another netizen speculated, "Sometimes, people's choices are not entirely intellectual, but may be motivated by a commitment to love and responsibility." ”

The story of the rose: It wasn't until the illegitimate child was exposed that Su Su discovered that Zhenhua was as selfish as Zhou Shihui

The choices and actions of these characters, perhaps not perfect, vividly show the complexity of human nature and the cruelty of reality. In real life, everyone faces a variety of choices and challenges, and few people are able to make a perfect decision easily.

"Everyone has their own problems and contradictions." One netizen concluded, "Every step in life is full of unknowns and challenges, and we can only try to make the best choices. It is through the stories of these characters that this drama allows us to understand the complexity of human nature more deeply. ”

No matter how the plot develops in the end, the audience can't help but look forward to the growth and change of the characters in the play. Perhaps, sooner or later, the truth will surface, and each character will face their own choices and the test of fate in this emotional whirlpool.

The story of the rose: It wasn't until the illegitimate child was exposed that Su Su discovered that Zhenhua was as selfish as Zhou Shihui

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