
Li Rui, the village head, hosted the same stage with his daughter, jumping nearly 1.7 meters tall! The appearance is so high, and the face is blue and yingying

author:Ling Ling Qi Entertainment
Li Rui, the village head, hosted the same stage with his daughter, jumping nearly 1.7 meters tall! The appearance is so high, and the face is blue and yingying

Li Rui, as the village chief in "Where Are You Going, Dad", is deeply loved by the audience for his humorous and warm style. Although this parent-child variety show has been off the air for many years, Li Rui's influence is still the same. Recently, he shared a set of photos with his daughter on social platforms, which is not only the first time they have hosted on the same stage, but also a vivid demonstration of the deep family relationship between them.

In the photo, Li Rui is wearing a black suit, and his handsome and humorous smile makes people seem to see his shadow in "Where Are You Going, Dad". And his daughter Jumpy Jump, wearing a light green dress and a crown, looks elegant, like a princess. Such a picture not only shows the intimate relationship between father and daughter, but also allows netizens to see the charm of jumping and jumping as they grow up.

Li Rui, the village head, hosted the same stage with his daughter, jumping nearly 1.7 meters tall! The appearance is so high, and the face is blue and yingying

Jumping is already a 15-year-old girl, and her maturity and beauty have attracted the attention of many netizens. Some netizens left a message in the comment area: "Jumping has really grown up, and it doesn't look like it was when I was a child." "She's really confident in her hosting style and will definitely do well in the future." Netizens are also speculating more and more about Hopping Hop may enter the entertainment industry in the future, and they have expressed their expectations and blessings for her.

The happy life of Li Rui and his wife Fang Fang has also become a hot topic. Fang Fang used to be a host, and the relationship between the two has always been very stable. They often share the heartwarming scenes of a family of three on social media, allowing fans to see a real and happy family outside the entertainment industry. A netizen commented: "Their family looks really happy, like a scene from a TV series. ”

Li Rui, the village head, hosted the same stage with his daughter, jumping nearly 1.7 meters tall! The appearance is so high, and the face is blue and yingying

In addition to family life, the friendship between Li Rui and other stars of "Where Are You Going, Dad" is also touching. Especially with Lin Zhiying's eldest son, Kimi, the relationship between the two families has gone beyond a working relationship and has become a true friend. Netizens left messages on social media: "The friendship between them is really beautiful, which is rare in the entertainment industry." ”

The family relationship between Li Rui and Jumping has always been the focus of discussion. He once revealed on the show that jumping is his "heartbeat", and such a title makes people feel the deep affection between father and daughter. Some netizens commented: "This is really a loving father and daughter, seeing them hosting together, I feel that the whole world is full of warmth." ”

Li Rui, the village head, hosted the same stage with his daughter, jumping nearly 1.7 meters tall! The appearance is so high, and the face is blue and yingying

Li Rui and his family life show a real and warm picture, which transcends the star halo on the screen and touches the soft side of the audience's heart. Their story is not only the life trajectory of a star, but also a portrayal of the happy life that many ordinary families yearn for. I hope that Li Rui's family will continue to enjoy this happiness, and I hope that more families can draw warmth and strength from them.

Li Rui not only showed his deep parent-child love in "Where Are You Going, Dad", but also the sincere friendship between him and the star children in the show is also moving. In particular, the relationship between him and Kimi, the eldest son of Lin Zhiying's family, has always maintained close contact and interaction, and this warm interaction not only deeply touched the audience, but also established a good image of Li Rui in the eyes of the public, known as a "good father".

Li Rui, the village head, hosted the same stage with his daughter, jumping nearly 1.7 meters tall! The appearance is so high, and the face is blue and yingying

Li Rui and Kimi's relationship is not limited to cooperation during the recording of the show. They still maintain frequent contact off screen, and their greetings and support for each other have never been interrupted. Whenever the New Year comes, Lin Zhiying will take Kimi to personally send New Year's wishes to Li Rui, and this sincerity and friendship deeply touched many audiences. Netizens often leave messages on social media: "It's really warm to see the friendship between them." "This kind of friendship is very touching, not only the cooperation between celebrities, but also true friends."

The intimate relationship between Li Rui and Kimi has also affected their respective family lives. On Li Rui's social media, you can often see photos of him and Kimi spending time together on holidays, and this kind of friendly interaction between families has also made netizens more respectful and fond of this "father". Someone commented: "Looking at the harmony and camaraderie of their family, it is really an example worth emulating." ”

Li Rui, the village head, hosted the same stage with his daughter, jumping nearly 1.7 meters tall! The appearance is so high, and the face is blue and yingying

Kimi has grown up as a 14-year-old teenager, and his growth and changes have also attracted attention. During his upbringing, Li Rui has always been his friend and mentor, not only giving him support and guidance in his work, but also teaching him the principles of life and the importance of family in life. Netizens often leave messages in the comment area: "Kimi has grown up, and I am really proud of Li Rui when I see him so good." "This kind of mentor-apprentice relationship is really rare, and I hope their friendship can be maintained forever."

In addition to Kimi, Li Rui also maintains close ties with other star children of "Where Are You Going, Dad". Whether it was during or after the recording of the show, the friendship between them is rare in the entertainment industry.

Li Rui, the village head, hosted the same stage with his daughter, jumping nearly 1.7 meters tall! The appearance is so high, and the face is blue and yingying

This deep friendship is not only shown in the show, but also continues to ferment and sublimate in real life, becoming a good story in the hearts of the audience.

Li Rui's story is not only the life trajectory of a star, but also a portrayal of the happy life that many families yearn for. Through his and his family's little by little lives, we see a real and warm way of life that transcends the halo of stars on the screen and touches the softness of the audience's heart. I hope that Li Rui's family can continue to enjoy this happiness, and I hope that more families can draw warmth and strength from them.

Li Rui, the village head, hosted the same stage with his daughter, jumping nearly 1.7 meters tall! The appearance is so high, and the face is blue and yingying

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