
The red original heart does not forget the eternal revolutionary spirit - a series of activities with the theme of "July 1st" Party Day

author:Living in Liaoning

In the golden July, we ushered in the "July 1st" Party Day. This is an important moment to review the party's glorious history, cherish the memory of the party's great achievements, and carry forward the party's fine traditions and work style. In order to celebrate this great anniversary, Kunshan No. 2 School Education Group organized a series of activities with the theme of "Red Original Heart Never Forgets the Eternal Revolutionary Spirit".


Exploring the Red Mark and Inheriting the Red Gene

Dou Zhi, Secretary of the Party Branch and Principal of Kunshan No. 2 School Education Group, explained the development process of the party and the Chinese spirit to the students, and planted the seeds of love for the party, the country and the society in the hearts of the students, so as to cultivate students' patriotic feelings and sense of social responsibility.

The red original heart does not forget the eternal revolutionary spirit - a series of activities with the theme of "July 1st" Party Day


Carry out the theme publicity activities of "Red Story Meeting".

The school attaches great importance to the cultivation of patriotism among students, and specially invited Li Lu, the "most beautiful Shenyang person", to bring a unique ideological and political practice class to the Kunpeng teenagers. Through Teacher Li Lu's preaching, the students not only learned the red story behind the national anthem, but also drew spiritual nutrients from the red gene, built a solid foundation of patriotism, and made the "red seed" take root and sprout in the hearts of students.

The red original heart does not forget the eternal revolutionary spirit - a series of activities with the theme of "July 1st" Party Day


Carry out the theme class meeting of "I grow together with the motherland".

To celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, each class held a class meeting with the theme of "I grow together with the motherland", determined to grow together with the motherland under the care of the party, be a little dreamer, listen to the party's words, feel the party's kindness, and follow the party since childhood.

The red original heart does not forget the eternal revolutionary spirit - a series of activities with the theme of "July 1st" Party Day

The years cannot wash away the red memory, and history cannot hide the spirit of the revolution. Through a series of red education activities, the Kunpeng teenagers are determined to inherit the red gene, gather the strength to move forward, let the red gene and the revolutionary torch be passed on from generation to generation, and strive to be good teenagers in the new era!

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