
The 13 iron chains on the Luding Bridge weighed 40 tons, how was it built at that time? After reading it, I know the wisdom of the ancients


During the Red Army's Long March, the Kuomintang reactionaries dismantled the Luding Bridge in order to prevent the Red Army from crossing the river, but under such conditions, the Red Army still succeeded in seizing the Luding Bridge and won the victory!

The 13 iron chains on the Luding Bridge weighed 40 tons, how was it built at that time? After reading it, I know the wisdom of the ancients
The 13 iron chains on the Luding Bridge weighed 40 tons, how was it built at that time? After reading it, I know the wisdom of the ancients

Through the current information, we know that the total weight of the 13 iron chains of the Luding Bridge has reached 40 tons, and even now it is quite difficult for us to move these iron chains, so how can it be done in ancient times?

The 13 iron chains on the Luding Bridge weighed 40 tons, how was it built at that time? After reading it, I know the wisdom of the ancients

The Luding Bridge was built in the Kangxi period, located on the Dadu River in Luding County, Sichuan Province, at that time it was built to facilitate trade between the Han and Tibetan areas, and more importantly, in order to strengthen the military control over the Tibetan area, so Kangxi decided to build a bridge on the Dadu River.

The 13 iron chains on the Luding Bridge weighed 40 tons, how was it built at that time? After reading it, I know the wisdom of the ancients

The difficulty of building Luding Bridge is also numerous, because the river water of Dadu River is very turbulent, so it causes the difficulty of construction, and once people fall into the river, it is basically gone, because a large number of iron chains are used, and the quality requirements for iron chains are very high, and the difficulty of transportation from other places is also quite large, and it is possible to damage the iron chains on the way to add transportation, and finally give up the transportation of iron chains from other places.

The 13 iron chains on the Luding Bridge weighed 40 tons, how was it built at that time? After reading it, I know the wisdom of the ancients

Later, it was decided to use local materials, find iron ore for mining and ironmaking, and at the same time, in order to ensure the quality of the iron chain, the name of the craftsman must be printed on each iron ring, if there is any quality problem, it may be connected to the nine clans, so as to ensure the quality of each iron ring, each iron ring is worn into an iron chain, and thirteen iron chains are made.

The 13 iron chains on the Luding Bridge weighed 40 tons, how was it built at that time? After reading it, I know the wisdom of the ancients

So how did they get the chains across the river? In fact, it is also used to use local materials, and the iron chain is transported to the other side of the river with rattan cables, and then deep wells are dug on the banks on both sides, and the iron chains are fixed by pouring pig iron, so that the iron cables will not break.

The 13 iron chains on the Luding Bridge weighed 40 tons, how was it built at that time? After reading it, I know the wisdom of the ancients

After the completion of the chain bridge, Emperor Kangxi also personally inscribed "Luding Bridge" and "Unification of Mountains and Rivers".

Luding Bridge embodies the wisdom of the Chinese people, and in those days it was remarkable that this kind of project could be completed without large machinery! At the same time, it also witnessed the historical moment of the Red Army's capture of the Luding Bridge, which was an important victory in the Long March!

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