
German media: Kroos will not have a team from today! Will he be able to get unemployment insurance in Germany?

author:Popsicle chases
German media: Kroos will not have a team from today! Will he be able to get unemployment insurance in Germany?

The central midfielder of the German national team, Tony Kroos, is about to end his brilliant professional football career after this European Championship. The 34-year-old star, who is currently facing a teamless state after bidding farewell from Real Madrid, is not short of things to see in his life and future.

After Kroos left Real Madrid, he did not fall into a difficult situation of income. Thanks to his partnerships with Adidas, his podcast and sponsors such as Lexa, he has been able to maintain a steady private income. These sponsorship contracts not only maintain his financial stability, but also provide solid support for his future career plans.

On the question of whether he can apply for unemployment benefits in Germany, Ulf Baranovski, general manager of the German players' union VDV, pointed out in an interview that Kroos must meet the relevant requirements of German social insurance in order to be eligible for unemployment benefits. This means that he needs to prove that he has a history of compulsory employment under social insurance in Germany and must accept an arrangement from a German employment agency.

There is a lot of discussion on the Internet about Cross's situation. Some netizens commented: "Kroos should have made an economic plan for his career for so many years, and he will not be anxious because he left Real Madrid." Another netizen expressed his opinion: "The support of sponsors is really important for them as stars, otherwise what will happen after retirement? ”

German media: Kroos will not have a team from today! Will he be able to get unemployment insurance in Germany?

Netizens also have their own opinions on whether they can get unemployment benefits in Germany. Someone thinks: "As a player of the national team, he should have health insurance provided by the German Football Association, and he should not have to worry too much about financial problems." Others expressed concern: "After all, the conditions for applying for unemployment benefits are quite strict, and I hope he can apply for it smoothly." ”

Explaining the details of social insurance, Ulf Baranovsky adds: "For well-paid employees, there is a limit to the amount of unemployment benefits, depending on their past social security contributions. ”

Kroos himself remains optimistic about his plans for the future, although admitting in the podcast: "The idea of retirement is really on my mind, but now I'm focused on the Euros and hopefully bringing my career to a successful conclusion." ”

In the upcoming European Championships, Kroos will work alongside Germany for his only missing title. His focus and determination will be key to the team's victory, and he hopes to make the best memories of his football career through this challenge.

In terms of health insurance, Kroos, as a member of the German national team, is covered by comprehensive medical insurance provided by the German Football Association. This insurance provides him with vital protection on the pitch and in his daily life, whether he is injured in training or requires regular medical check-ups, he receives timely and effective medical care and support.

German media: Kroos will not have a team from today! Will he be able to get unemployment insurance in Germany?

On social media, there are many fans who express concern and approval of Kroos's health insurance situation. One netizen commented: "As players of the national team, they deserve the best medical care, which is a kind of respect for their career. Another netizen added: "These players face a lot of risk and pressure on a daily basis, and having good medical insurance is a must. ”

In addition, Kroos also paid social insurance in accordance with local laws during his time with Real Madrid. This practice not only complies with the law, but also ensures his social security rights while working in Spain. This double health insurance coverage allows Cross to enjoy high-quality medical care and protection wherever he is, maintaining his health and protecting his future life.

Some fans have expressed their concerns and expectations about Kroos' medical arrangements. Some netizens said: "Football players have a short career, but their health problems may continue to affect them for the rest of their lives, so medical insurance is particularly important." Another netizen agreed: "In a demanding season, having good medical protection allows them to focus on the game instead of worrying about future medical expenses." ”

Ulf Baranovski stressed the importance of this double medical insurance arrangement in Kroos, especially for high-level athletes. He explained: "In Europe, each country has different social insurance systems and requirements, but players have to meet their social insurance obligations in accordance with local laws to ensure their health care after retirement. ”

German media: Kroos will not have a team from today! Will he be able to get unemployment insurance in Germany?

As Kroos nears the end of his career, he admitted on his podcast that although he is uncertain about the future, he is currently focused on Germany's performance at the European Championships. He hopes to complete his championship title in this event and end his career perfectly.

In the next match against Spain, Kroos will go all out to chase his only missing title. His determination and team spirit will be an important pillar of the German team and he looks forward to showing his best in this challenge.

Kroos' farewell trip is not only a summary of his illustrious football career, but also an exploration of the challenges ahead. His story is not just the retirement of a footballer, but also the beginning of an exciting life, and we look forward to seeing him continue to write his own legend in different fields.

Kroos, the name not only shines on the football field, but also leaves a deep mark on the hearts of the fans. Looking back at his performances in 2018, it's like a fantastic football legend. That year, he not only showed great technical and leadership in club competitions, but also played a key role in the national team's journey.

'Kroos' performance in 2018 was impressive. One fan commented on social media. He went on to add: "Kroos has shown his consistency and decisiveness, both at Real Madrid and in the German national team. At that time, he was simply a symbol of invincibility. ”

German media: Kroos will not have a team from today! Will he be able to get unemployment insurance in Germany?

2018 was not only a year of honour for Kroos, but also a peak in his football career. Not only did he help Real Madrid win the Champions League, but he also led the German national team at the World Cup in Russia. Every time he passes, every time he scores, it's like a feast in the world of football, and the fans go crazy.

'I'll never forget Kroos' performance in 2018. Another fan reminisced about the past, "At that time, he was not only the engine of the team, but also the hero in our hearts. Every move he made was like he was born for victory. ”

In addition to his performances on the pitch, Kroos is also the focus of attention on social media. Every news he has and every prospect for the future of the team has touched the hearts of countless fans. His rhetoric is always full of love for football and anticipation of the game, which has also made him one of the icons of the fans.

'Kroos is not just a player, he's a role model. A loyal fan expressed his opinion on the forum, "His tenacity and dedication have not only affected the game on the pitch, but also every one of our fans. He is the German Footballer in our hearts. ”

2018 was not only the end of a season for Kroos, but also a milestone in his football career. With his own hard work and sweat, he wrote his own glorious chapter, and also left an eternal memory for fans all over the world.

German media: Kroos will not have a team from today! Will he be able to get unemployment insurance in Germany?

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