
How to pronounce Sima Shu's "遹" and what does it mean?

author:A guest history said

In the corridor of Chinese history, there are some names that seem to have been coated with a layer of mystery by time, and Sima Shu is one of them.

The special character "遹" in his name, pronounced "yù", has multiple meanings, but if you want to choose the one that is most appropriate to Sima Shu, it is undoubtedly "to follow; Narrative".

How to pronounce Sima Shu's "遹" and what does it mean?

This seemed to indicate that he should inherit the throne and continue the glory of the Sima family, however, fate played a cruel joke on him.

Speaking of the Western Jin Dynasty, the first thing that may come to everyone's mind is the thrilling Eight Kings Rebellion.

But before this chaos, there was an event that also shocked the government and the opposition - that is, the bizarre death of the crown prince Sima Shu. The life of this prince seems to be a tragedy played tricks by fate.

At the beginning, Emperor Wu of the Jin Dynasty, Sima Yan, made a controversial decision: to make his idiot son Sima Zhen the crown prince.

How to pronounce Sima Shu's "遹" and what does it mean?

This decision has left the government and the opposition worried about the future of the country. As a result, people's hopes turned to another talented prince, Sima You.

It's a pity that Sima You was finally forced to die under the joint suppression of Sima Yan, Jia Chong and Xun Miao, which is undoubtedly a major tragedy in the political arena of the Western Jin Dynasty.

And our protagonist Sima Shu, his situation is even more difficult. lost the support of his relatives Yang family, the emperor's father was an idiot, his biological mother came from a humble background, and his mother-in-law, who was in power, hated him deeply.

How to pronounce Sima Shu's "遹" and what does it mean?

What's worse is that the masters around him can't help much. It can be said that Sima Shu is a typical victim of family education failure.

However, even in such a harsh environment, Sima Shu still showed extraordinary intelligence and political awareness. He has been smart since he was a child, and he is deeply loved by his grandfather Sima Yan, and is even trained as a future successor.

Sima Yan once praised him in public and predicted that "here should be my family". Such praise is undoubtedly an affirmation of Sima Shu's talent, and it is also an expectation of his future responsibility.

How to pronounce Sima Shu's "遹" and what does it mean?

If Sima Shu can succeed to the throne smoothly, what kind of future will he lead the Western Jin Dynasty towards? Will it continue to sink, or will it bounce back and usher in a new era? Unfortunately, history does not give us this answer.

Sima Shu's story is like a drama of ups and downs, full of tragedy. His name, "遹", originally meant inheritance and obedience, but he failed to fulfill this mission. His death was not only a personal tragedy, but also a tragedy of the Western Jin Dynasty.

Now, when we look back on this period of history, we can't help but feel sorry for what happened to Sima Shu. He had the opportunity to become a generation of Ming monarchs, but he eventually fell victim to politics. But even so, his name and story still shine in the long river of history, and have become the object of research and reflection for future generations.