
Jia Si勰's "勰" does not pronounce sī or lì, so what is the correct pronunciation?

author:A guest history said

Speaking of Jia Sixian, this name may not be familiar to many people, but his contributions have influenced Chinese agriculture for thousands of years.

Jia Si勰's "勰" does not pronounce sī or lì, so what is the correct pronunciation?

Seeing the word "勰", many people may be worried, this character is neither pronounced sī nor lì, so how to pronounce it? The correct pronunciation is xié.

Jia Sixian, an agronomist in the Northern Wei Dynasty, had an unusual love for agriculture despite being born in a family of eunuchs.

He was not like a scholar who only knew how to dance and write, but he went deep into the fields, talked to the farmers, observed the growth of crops, and recorded the details of agricultural activities.

His footprints are all over the fields of Shandong, and his heart is filled with deep feelings for agriculture and farmers.

At that time, agriculture was the foundation of the country, and Jia Siqian was the key figure in carrying forward this foundation. He is not only a practitioner, but also a theorist who is good at summarizing and refining.

Jia Si勰's "勰" does not pronounce sī or lì, so what is the correct pronunciation?

After a long period of field investigation and in-depth research, he wrote the far-reaching agricultural masterpiece - "Qi Min Yao Shu".

This book not only summarizes the major achievements of ancient agriculture, but also intelligently integrates the production experience of the masses. It is not an empty theoretical book, but a treasure trove of practical wisdom.

In it, Jia Siqian described in detail the cultivation methods of crops, the processing technology of agricultural products, and even the knowledge of brewing, cooking, and storage.

For example, he describes in detail how to choose the right crops for planting according to different soil and climatic conditions, and how to properly fertilize and irrigate to ensure the healthy growth of crops.

Jia Si勰's "勰" does not pronounce sī or lì, so what is the correct pronunciation?

In the processing of agricultural products, he not only explained how to make whole grains into fine wine, but also elaborated on the process of making sauces and vinegars.

These nuanced descriptions not only show Jia Sixian's deep understanding of agriculture, but also reflect his deep concern for the lives of farmers.

What's more worth mentioning is that Jia Siyi's farming method of "harmonious ecology and free growth" proposed in "Qi Min's Technique" is not only applicable to agricultural production, but also contains a profound philosophy of life.

He emphasized that agricultural production should conform to nature, respect nature, and live in harmony with nature, and this idea is still of great practical significance today.

Jia Si勰's "勰" does not pronounce sī or lì, so what is the correct pronunciation?

In addition to farming, Jia Siqian also extracted the way of education from agricultural production. He believes that education, like farming, requires patience, care, and love.

Every student is a seed that needs to be nurtured by teachers to thrive. This idea of combining agriculture and education is not only creative, but also provides useful inspiration for our educational reform today.

Jia Si勰's "勰" does not pronounce sī or lì, so what is the correct pronunciation?

Jia Sixian's wisdom is not only reflected in his agricultural theories, but also in his deep affection for agriculture, farmers and the countryside. Throughout his life, he contributed to the development of agriculture, and his ideas and achievements are also remembered and passed on to future generations.

Now, you know how to pronounce the word "勰", right? That's right, it's xié!

Today, we look back on Jia Sixian's life and his book "Qi Min Yaoshu", not only to commemorate this great agronomist, but also to draw nutrients from his wisdom and provide useful reference for our agricultural development and education reform today.