
"元稹" does not pronounce yuán zhēn, how to pronounce it? Among the four talented women of the Tang Dynasty, Yuan Zhi slept half of it

author:A guest history said

"Yuan Zhen", this name, left a strong mark in the literary history of the Tang Dynasty.

However, today we will not talk about his literary achievements, but to gossip about his emotional life.

To figure out how to pronounce the word "稹", let's start with a small episode. If you don't pronounce yuán zhēn, how do you pronounce "稹"? The correct answer is zhěn.

"元稹" does not pronounce yuán zhēn, how to pronounce it? Among the four talented women of the Tang Dynasty, Yuan Zhi slept half of it

Now, let's talk about the amorous genius of Yuan Zhen.

Speaking of Yuan Zhen, the first thing you may think of is his popular poem: "Once the sea was difficult to water, except for Wushan, it is not a cloud." Such a romantic and beautiful poem was written by Yuan Zhi to his wife Wei Cong, expressing his deep nostalgia for Wei Cong. But Yuan Zhen's love life is far more than this.

Yuan Zhen, this talented literati, is also an out-and-out lover. You see, in his life, he has flirted with six girls!

What's even more powerful is that the four talented women of the Tang Dynasty - Li Ye, Xue Tao, Yu Xuanji, and Liu Caichun, he slept half of it. This achievement can be called a "love saint", but some people think that he is a "scumbag".

"元稹" does not pronounce yuán zhēn, how to pronounce it? Among the four talented women of the Tang Dynasty, Yuan Zhi slept half of it

What's going on?

Speaking of Yuan Zhen's emotional life, we have to mention his first love, Cui Shuangwen. Cui Shuangwen can be said to be the white moonlight when Yuan Zhen's love Dou first opened. At that time, they were young boys and girls, and their emotions were innocent and passionate.

Before the flower, they tasted tea and chanted poems, and complained to each other. Yuan Zhen's sweet words made Cui Shuangwen fall in love, and the two soon had a skin-to-skin relationship.

However, the good times did not last long, and Yuan Zhi entered Beijing for the future, and his relationship with Cui Shuangwen also disappeared.

"元稹" does not pronounce yuán zhēn, how to pronounce it? Among the four talented women of the Tang Dynasty, Yuan Zhi slept half of it

This first love relationship had a profound impact on Yuan Zhen. The heroine Cui Yingying he portrayed in "Huizhen Ji" (also known as "The Legend of Yingying") is considered to be the incarnation of Cui Shuangwen.

This work is regarded as Yuan Zhen's autobiographical novel, and the sadness and helplessness revealed in it make people feel sorry for this untimely first love.

First love is always beautiful and unforgettable, it often amazes the time and becomes one of the women that a man will never forget in his life.

And in Yuan Zhen's life, there is another woman who can't be forgotten - his confidante. This woman has gone through the vicissitudes of time, but she has never been able to accompany Yuan Zhen for a lifetime. She is the pain in Yuan Zhen's heart, and she is the object of his insomnia night.

"元稹" does not pronounce yuán zhēn, how to pronounce it? Among the four talented women of the Tang Dynasty, Yuan Zhi slept half of it

Next is Yuan Zhen's original wife Wei Cong. Wei Cong was born in a famous family and is a typical lady. Her marriage to Yuan Zhen, to be honest, is more like a political marriage.

But even so, the two had a good time until Wei Cong's early death. Yuan Zhen's sentence "Once the sea was difficult to turn into water, except for Wushan is not a cloud" is a deep nostalgia for her.

Of course, Yuanzhen's love life did not end because of this. There was a well-known love affair between him and Xue Tao, a famous female poet in the Tang Dynasty.

"元稹" does not pronounce yuán zhēn, how to pronounce it? Among the four talented women of the Tang Dynasty, Yuan Zhi slept half of it

Xue Tao is a talented woman, and her relationship with Yuan Zhen is also full of poetry. But this relationship ended in nothing, which is embarrassing.

In addition, Yuan Zhen also has a side room An Xian Concubine and a steproom Pei Shu.

In addition, Yuan Zhen also had an emotional entanglement with Liu Caichun. Liu Caichun was not only a female poet in the Tang Dynasty, but also a well-known folk singer.

The scandal between her and Yuan Zhen spread widely, but this relationship also ended without a problem. These complex emotional relationships have allowed Yuan Zhi to leave a reputation of "amorous" in the literary world.

Speaking of which, you may ask: Is Yuan Zhen a love saint or a scumbag?

"元稹" does not pronounce yuán zhēn, how to pronounce it? Among the four talented women of the Tang Dynasty, Yuan Zhi slept half of it

There may not be an absolute answer to this question. In that era, male amorous was not seen as an outlier and was even socially acceptable to a certain extent.

Yuanzhen's amorous nature may be a reflection of his personal charm, or it may be his constant pursuit of love.

From a modern point of view, his actions have undoubtedly caused harm to many women, so it is not unreasonable to be labeled as a "scumbag". However, from another point of view, every relationship of Yuan Zhen is sincere, and he is not a person who plays with feelings.

He gave his heart in every relationship, but he couldn't stay with each other for various reasons. Therefore, it is not unreasonable to call him a "love saint".

"元稹" does not pronounce yuán zhēn, how to pronounce it? Among the four talented women of the Tang Dynasty, Yuan Zhi slept half of it

In fact, there is no absolute answer to this question. On the one hand, Yuan Zhen's amorous feelings do make him seem a little irresponsible emotionally; But on the other hand, every one of his relationships is genuine, and his talent and charisma really attract these wonderful women.

Therefore, we can only say that Yuan Zhen is a character full of contradictions and complexities. His love life is both enviable and regrettable, both admirable and shake heads. This may be the unique charm of Yuan Zhen as a historical figure!

"元稹" does not pronounce yuán zhēn, how to pronounce it? Among the four talented women of the Tang Dynasty, Yuan Zhi slept half of it

These women are the heart of his life that he will never be able to overcome, and they are also an indispensable source of inspiration for his literary creation. Whether it is a scumbag or a love saint, Yuan Zhi has left a unique mark in the literary history of the Tang Dynasty.

These stories also teach us that love is not always as beautiful as a fairy tale, but it is still one of life's most precious treasures.