
"龋" can not be pronounced "jǔ", let alone "zhì"! What does "tooth decay" mean?

author:A guest history said

Our ancestors have long since begun to pay attention to teeth, including a dental problem that we are all too familiar with today – tooth decay.

You may think this word is a little unfamiliar, but if I tell you that it is what we often call "tooth decay", will it dawn on you?

"龋" can not be pronounced "jǔ", let alone "zhì"! What does "tooth decay" mean?

Dental caries, as complicated as it sounds, is actually a combination of the words "caries" and "teeth".

The pronunciation of the word "caries" is not "jǔ" or "zhì", but the correct pronunciation is "qǔ".

This word can be traced back to the "Historical Records: The Biography of Bian Que Cang", which records that a doctor in Qizhong was sick because of "tooth decay".

It seems that the ancients also had the same problems of dental health as we do!

So, what exactly is "tooth decay"? To put it simply, it is a small hole in the tooth, because the tooth is "sneak attacked" by bacteria, which is slowly eroded, demineralized, and eventually damaged.

You can think of bacteria as a bunch of "thieves" who sneak into your mouth silently and use metabolites (such as acids) as "tools of crime" to destroy your precious teeth bit by bit.

"龋" can not be pronounced "jǔ", let alone "zhì"! What does "tooth decay" mean?

These "thieves" are cunning, they know where the weak points of their teeth are.

Whenever we finish eating, especially sweets, we leave a lot of food scraps in our mouths.

These residues are like a delicacy for "thieves", they multiply quickly and then release acids to corrode our teeth.

Over time, small black dots will appear on the teeth, which will gradually expand and become cavities.

In ancient times, people may not have had modern dental techniques to fill these cavities, but they have realized the importance of protecting their teeth.

"龋" can not be pronounced "jǔ", let alone "zhì"! What does "tooth decay" mean?

In the book "Interpretation of Names", "caries" is interpreted as "decay", just like wood is bitten by insects, and teeth will be quietly eroded by these "thieves".

This metaphor is so vivid and apt!

Imagine if you were a strong castle (teeth) and these "thieves" (germs) were enemies who were constantly trying to break through your defenses.

Your mission is to keep the castle strong and keep your enemies out of the way.


It's simple, brush your teeth regularly, rinse your mouth, eat less sweets, and see your dentist regularly...... These are your secret weapons to protect your castle!

"龋" can not be pronounced "jǔ", let alone "zhì"! What does "tooth decay" mean?

So, the next time you hear the word "tooth decay," don't be afraid.

Remember, it's just a bunch of "thieves" in your teeth, and as long as you stay vigilant and protect your teeth in the right way, these "thieves" won't have a chance!