
The ancient beast "夔" is not pronounced xiè, so what is the correct pronunciation? What kind of cow does Kui Niu refer to?

author:A guest history said

In ancient Chinese myths and legends, there are many mysterious and fascinating creatures, which can always arouse people's endless curiosity and imagination, whether they are powerful or strange.

The ancient beast "夔" is not pronounced xiè, so what is the correct pronunciation? What kind of cow does Kui Niu refer to?

Today, let's talk about one of the legendary ancient beasts - Kui, and the related "Kui Niu".

First, let's correct a common misconception. The correct pronunciation of the mysterious and powerful character "夔" is not "xiè", but "kuí", which is the same as "kui".

Yes, you heard it right, it's "kuí"! Behind this pronunciation, there is an ancient and powerful power, as if every pronunciation is summoning the ancient mysterious creature.

So, what does Kui look like? In the ancient book "Classic of Mountains and Seas", which is full of fantasy, we can find a vivid description of Kui.

The ancient beast "夔" is not pronounced xiè, so what is the correct pronunciation? What kind of cow does Kui Niu refer to?

A mysterious creature from the Liubo Mountains of the East China Sea, resembling a cow in appearance, but without horns, its whole body is covered with dark black fur, and the most peculiar thing is that it only has one leg! This unique image has made people give it an apt name - one-legged kui. Have you already begun to feel its mystery and majesty?

In addition to its peculiar appearance, Kui also has a special status in ancient culture. You may not think that this seemingly ferocious beast has an indissoluble bond with music and dance. In the Yao Shun era, Kui's name was even used as the name of the musician.

According to the "Book of Shang", the ancient emperor once solemnly said to Kui: "Kui, I have ordered you to be in charge of the 'Dianle'. Here, the word "canon" refers to the important role of managing music and dance.

The ancient beast "夔" is not pronounced xiè, so what is the correct pronunciation? What kind of cow does Kui Niu refer to?

In ancient times, as a musician, Kui led the crowd to rejoice with music and dance, whether it was in the joy of celebrating the harvest or in the solemn ritual of sacrificing to the gods, such a scene must have been spectacular and fascinating.

When it comes to Kui Niu, we naturally can't ignore a record in "Shuo Wen Jie Zi": "There is a big cow in Shu Mountain today, which is called Kui Niu." Although the Kui Niu here is slightly different from the Kui described in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas", it also exudes a fascinating and mysterious atmosphere.

In the depiction of the ancients, this ox has a huge body and infinite strength, and can be called the king of mountains and forests. Whenever it gallops through the forest, the majestic momentum seems to be able to shake the entire mountain forest, which makes people feel awe-inspiring.

The ancient beast "夔" is not pronounced xiè, so what is the correct pronunciation? What kind of cow does Kui Niu refer to?

Of course, whether it is the one-legged Kui depicted in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" or the Kui Niu mentioned in "Shuowen Jie Zi", both of these are the brilliant products of the outstanding imagination of the ancients.

These mysterious and peculiar creatures not only add rich colors to ancient myths and legends, but also provide a vast imagination space for our modern people's research and exploration.

So, the next time you come across the word "夔" again, don't forget that its correct pronunciation is "kuí"!