
The "觥" of "觥 is staggered", do not read guāng! If you read it wrong! It's too late to change it

author:A guest history said

The idiom of "staggering" sounds like a scene of those ancient literati and heroes gathering together to push cups and change lamps.

However, you have to be careful, this word "觥" is not pronounced "light"!

The "觥" of "觥 is staggered", do not read guāng! If you read it wrong! It's too late to change it

Heck, I know you might have accidentally mispronounced it, after all, the word looks like "I'm hard to read".

But that's okay, it's still too late to correct it, I don't want you to be laughed at a party of literati and ink writers because you read a typo!

The picture of "staggered planning" is really lively. You can imagine that in the ancient hall, heroes from all walks of life, literati and writers gathered together.

The "觥" of "觥 is staggered", do not read guāng! If you read it wrong! It's too late to change it

In the center of the hall, a large round table was filled with food and wine. Each person holds a peculiar wine glass in their hands - that is the "觥", a unique and delicate wine vessel made from the horns of animals in ancient times.

As for "fundraising", it is what we now call the "alcohol order". Don't underestimate this "chip", it plays an important role in ancient wine culture.

Just like our current "rock-paper-scissors" or "fifteen twenty", "chipping" is a small game played by the ancients when drinking, and the loser has to drink, which can not only increase the interest of the wine table, but also prevent everyone from drinking too much.

The "觥" of "觥 is staggered", do not read guāng! If you read it wrong! It's too late to change it

Now, let's go back to that staggered scene. You can hear their laughter and laughter, and see them pushing cups and changing glasses, and having fun. This "staggered" picture is like a vivid picture of ancient social networking, and everyone is enjoying this beautiful moment.

Why is the word "light" misinterpreted by so many people? I suspect it may be because people associate it with the modern "glamour".

You know, today's bars and nightclubs, with that kind of colorful atmosphere, it is indeed easy for people to mistakenly think that "looking" has anything to do with "light". But in fact, "Staggering" describes a traditional, quaint drinking scene, which has nothing to do with modern neon lights.

The "觥" of "觥 is staggered", do not read guāng! If you read it wrong! It's too late to change it

So, the next time you hear the idiom "staggered", don't misread it! Remember, there is only one pronunciation of the word "觥", and that is "gōng", the first sound, which is the same as the "gong" of "worker". It's not light. And, it describes an ancient and interesting drinking culture.

The "觥" of "觥 is staggered", do not read guāng! If you read it wrong! It's too late to change it

In this way, when you are at a gathering of literati and artists, you can accurately describe the lively atmosphere as "staggered". You will never be teased for misreading a word again, but you can be the highlight of the party and make people impressed!