
The "豢" of "豢养", if you don't read quàn, how should you read it? What does "breeding" mean?

author:A guest history said

Speaking of the word "豢养", many people may accidentally pronounce it as "quàn raising", which is confused with "captivity". Don't look at the difference by just one word, in fact, the difference is huge.

Today, let's talk about this often misunderstood "breeding".

The "豢" of "豢养", if you don't read quàn, how should you read it? What does "breeding" mean?

First of all, we have to make it clear that the "豢" of "豢养" is not a "circle", and its correct pronunciation is "huàn", which is the same as the word "change". You see its radical, it is a "pig" character, in ancient times, "pig" is the meaning of pig.

Therefore, the original meaning of the word "豢" is to build a fence and feed domestic animals, especially pigs, with grain.

The "豢" of "豢养", if you don't read quàn, how should you read it? What does "breeding" mean?

Now, let's talk about the word "breeding". Literally, "breeding" means feeding, offering, and is somewhat similar to "captivity".

However, the word "raising" is not just about feeding livestock, it also has a deeper meaning.

In ancient times, wealthy families often raised some doormen and warriors, providing them with food and lodging in exchange for their loyalty and service.

These people who are supported often become the right-hand man of the master, and even at some point, will become a trump card in the hands of the master. Therefore, "breeding" here has the meaning of buying and using.

The "豢" of "豢养", if you don't read quàn, how should you read it? What does "breeding" mean?

"Nurture" also has a figurative meaning. If a politician is "nurtured" by an interest group, he may become the voice of the group's interests, speaking for their interests.

Meng Weijun, one of the famous "Four Sons of the Warring States" in history, raised many diners. These diners not only gave him advice, but also helped him solve problems at critical moments. The "breeding" here implies a relationship of being bought and used.

Now, you may ask, what is the difference between "breeding" and "captivity"?

Indeed, these two words have some similarities in meaning, and both relate to the care and feeding of life. However, "captivity" emphasizes more on confined animals to a certain range, while "breeding" encompasses more of the meaning of cultivating, providing and metaphorically.

The "豢" of "豢养", if you don't read quàn, how should you read it? What does "breeding" mean?

For example, animals in zoos are often kept in "captivity", where they are confined to specific pens and are fed and managed by dedicated personnel.

An artist who "nurtures" his own artistic inspiration through continuous learning and practice carries a sense of continuous cultivation and improvement.

So, the next time you see the word "breeding", don't mispronounce it as "captivity"! Remember, "feeding" is more than just feeding, it has a richer connotation and metaphorical meaning.

Moreover, its correct pronunciation is "huàn raising", don't mispronounce it!