
How terrible is the torture of the military commanders? After the experience of the Japanese female spy, she broke down and cried on the spot

author:Xiaomei told you

During the war years, espionage was pervasive. A female spy named "Nanzao Yunzi", with her stunning beauty and cunning, lurked inside the Kuomintang and stole confidential information of our army for the Japanese army. She not only colluded with important ministers to reveal the war, but also planned to assassinate Chiang Kai-shek many times, which is simply the culprit of disaster to the country and the people! In order to pry more secrets out of her mouth, Dai Lian tortured her with "open back breasts", causing this hard-hearted spy to break down and cry on the spot. What is the horror of this "open back breast" punishment?

How terrible is the torture of the military commanders? After the experience of the Japanese female spy, she broke down and cried on the spot

In 1909, an inconspicuous small family in Shanghai Tang gave birth to a girl, her name was Nanzao Yunzi. The year she was born was when the smoke of the Xinhai Revolution had not yet dissipated. Her father, Minamizojiro, was a Japanese spy, and in order to make his daughter do something, he instilled militaristic ideas in her from an early age, hoping that she would inherit his mantle in the future.

How terrible is the torture of the military commanders? After the experience of the Japanese female spy, she broke down and cried on the spot

At the age of 13, she was sent to Kobe, Japan, to learn spy techniques under the notorious number one spy Kenji Dohihara. She not only has a stunning appearance, but also has outstanding strategy and acting skills, which is simply a sharp weapon for the Japanese army to deal with China.

In 1929, Nanzao Yunzi was ordered to infiltrate the Kuomintang Chongqing organs. At that time, Dai Jitao, a veteran of the Kuomintang, was in charge of Chongqing and was a confidant of Sun Yat-sen. Nanzao Yunzi used his father's handwritten letter to get closer to Dai Jitao, and took the opportunity to take advantage of the loophole to secretly steal military information for the Japanese army. It didn't take long for Dai Jitao to fall into her trap and leak internal secrets to her.

How terrible is the torture of the military commanders? After the experience of the Japanese female spy, she broke down and cried on the spot

In 1937, the Battle of Songhu broke out, and the Kuomintang originally planned to inflict heavy losses on the Japanese army in Jiangyin. It's a pity that the news leaked, the Japanese ships slipped away ahead of schedule when they heard the news, and Chiang Kai-shek returned in vain, feeling ashamed and indignant. Dai Li quickly found out the inner ghost, and it turned out to be an important minister surnamed Huang who was pinched by Nanzao Yunzi and became a traitor to provide her with information.

How terrible is the torture of the military commanders? After the experience of the Japanese female spy, she broke down and cried on the spot

As a result, Nanzao Yunzi became even more unscrupulous, spreading all over the upper echelons of the Kuomintang, constantly stealing military information. She also plotted several assassinations of Chiang Kai-shek, and in August 1937, Chiang Kai-shek was almost killed in a car attack. It was only by virtue of Nanzao Yunzi that the internal whereabouts of the Japanese army were provided, so that the assassination operation was carried out quickly.

How terrible is the torture of the military commanders? After the experience of the Japanese female spy, she broke down and cried on the spot

Chiang Kai-shek was furious and ordered Dai Li to never let go of this sinister and cunning woman. After careful investigation, Nanzao Yunzi and the traitor Huang Jun were finally wiped out, but this poisonous woman just bit to death and didn't let go. In a fit of rage, Dai Li tortured her to "open her back" - fastening a red-hot glass jar directly to the prisoner's back, forming a huge flesh boil, which was painful.

How terrible is the torture of the military commanders? After the experience of the Japanese female spy, she broke down and cried on the spot

"Open back milk" is indeed ruthless, but to deal with such diehards, why is it not a last resort? Nanzao Yunzi finally confessed in a miserable wail and confessed many secrets of the Japanese army.

How terrible is the torture of the military commanders? After the experience of the Japanese female spy, she broke down and cried on the spot

Just when everyone thought that she would be punished, who knew that this vicious woman would take advantage of the situation and run away and continue to serve the Japanese army in Shanghai! Under the anger of the military commander, he sent people to assassinate her many times, but she always escaped by luck. It wasn't until 1942 that she was finally shot dead in the concession, which put an end to her crime.

How terrible is the torture of the military commanders? After the experience of the Japanese female spy, she broke down and cried on the spot

Nanzao Yunzi, a Japanese female spy, is simply the culprit of the disaster to the country and the people! She not only seduced important Kuomintang officials to leak military information, but also repeatedly plotted to assassinate Chiang Kai-shek, which dealt a heavy blow to China's anti-Japanese war cause. Fortunately, Dai Li was decisively punished severely, and finally punished her on the blade, avenging the revenge of the countrymen. Such a traitorous and insidious person, even if he is beautiful in the country and the city, he deserves to end up, and he is really innocent! Let us always be vigilant against such conspiracies and tricks, eradicate the hidden undercover agents, resist foreign humiliation, and work hard for the great rejuvenation #头条首发大赛of the nation! #

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