
In 1956, Peng Dehuai visited He Zizhen, and after saying goodbye, she asked her niece excitedly: Do you know who came

author:Xiaomei told you

In 1956, Peng Dehuai visited He Zizhen, and after saying goodbye, she asked her niece excitedly: Do you know who is coming, everyone has their own legend in their life. He Zizhen is such a legendary woman, and her experience is moving. From the red hero of Jinggangshan to the lonely old man who was marginalized, she condensed the changes of an era. In 1956, Peng Dehuai, then vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, suddenly visited He Zizhen, which made her very excited. What's going on here?

In 1956, Peng Dehuai visited He Zizhen, and after saying goodbye, she asked her niece excitedly: Do you know who came

Speaking of He Zizhen, her life is enough to weave a big drama. Born in Hunan Province in 1905, he suffered from poverty since childhood. But she did not sink there, but actively devoted herself to the revolutionary cause and turned into a powerful force.

In 1927, He Zizhen joined the Communist Party of China. Since then, she has devoted herself to the revolution without hesitation and experienced a life-and-death crisis. In 1934, she personally participated in the arduous Long March of the Red Army. In the trek of thousands of rivers and mountains, she used her courage and tenacity to write a moving legend.

After the victory of the Long March, He Zizhen took root in the caves of Yan'an and lived a hard and simple life. It was here that she met the young and heroic Comrade Peng Dehuai. Since then, the two have formed a revolutionary friendship of life and death.

In 1956, Peng Dehuai visited He Zizhen, and after saying goodbye, she asked her niece excitedly: Do you know who came

In 1949, New China was finally born. The revolution was victorious, but He Zizhen's life fell into a short trough. First, her sister He Yi died, and then she suffered from mental illness for a time. Fate seems to be testing this strong woman.

In 1956, Peng Dehuai visited He Zizhen, and after saying goodbye, she asked her niece excitedly: Do you know who came

Fortunately, with the company and care of his family, He Zizhen survived the difficulties. Especially her niece He Xiaoping, who took meticulous care of her, warmed her old heart. He Xiaoping's father, He Minxue, has always regarded He Zizhen as the pearl of his palm and gave him great care.

In 1956, Peng Dehuai visited He Zizhen, and after saying goodbye, she asked her niece excitedly: Do you know who came

Until that day in 1956, Peng Dehuai, an old friend who had been reunited for a long time, suddenly appeared, which brought great surprise and emotion to He Zizhen. Because many years before they met, they had formed an unbreakable comrade-in-arms friendship in Yan'an.

In 1956, Peng Dehuai visited He Zizhen, and after saying goodbye, she asked her niece excitedly: Do you know who came

At that time, it was a critical period after the Eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and Peng Dehuai, as the vice chairman of the Military Commission, came to visit He Zizhen for his own important reasons. After the meeting, He Zizhen danced happily and said to his niece He Xiaoping: "Do you know who that is? That's my old comrade-in-arms!"

In 1956, Peng Dehuai visited He Zizhen, and after saying goodbye, she asked her niece excitedly: Do you know who came

This detail vividly shows He Zizhen's attachment to Peng Dehuai's friendship back then. The eventful years they experienced together have long become precious memories. Even though the years have mercilessly carved the marks of vicissitudes on their faces, that sincere heart has never changed.

In 1956, Peng Dehuai visited He Zizhen, and after saying goodbye, she asked her niece excitedly: Do you know who came

Time flies until 1979, when He Zizhen was appointed as a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. Although entering the twilight of life, the demeanor of the old revolution is still awe-inspiring. Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, her health deteriorated day by day, and she finally passed away in 1984. The ruling leaders personally decided to place her ashes in the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery to show their high respect for her.

In 1956, Peng Dehuai visited He Zizhen, and after saying goodbye, she asked her niece excitedly: Do you know who came

Counting He Zizhen's experience, she has too many moving legends. From fighting bravely at the forefront of her youth to being marginalized later, she used her simple and majestic life to interpret the immortal legend of an inspirational woman of an era.

In 1956, Peng Dehuai visited He Zizhen, and after saying goodbye, she asked her niece excitedly: Do you know who came

In general, He Zizhen has experienced too many ups and downs in her life, but she has never given up on herself and is determined to move forward to the end. From the heroic posture on Jinggang Mountain to the loneliness and loneliness in her later years, she used her life to perfectly annotate what is a red legend. As a hero of a generation, she will always be remembered and remembered, and become a model for future generations to learn from. This is also just as Peng Dehuai's sincere respect when he visited her in his later years, the old comradeship will never be erased, and the heroic spirit will be immortal. #头条首发大赛#