
In 1968, Li Ne took the initiative to invite Ying to go to the battlefield in Vietnam, and she said to her father: When will I be able to shroud me in horse leather

author:Xiaomei told you

In 1968, Li Ne took the initiative to invite Ying to go to the battlefield in Vietnam, and she said to her father: When will I be able to shroud in horse leather, when the younger generation is full of ambition, what kind of hardships and efforts have their fathers paid in exchange for today's peace and development. As Mao Zedong's pearl, Li Ne was favored by his father when he was not doing anything, but he also once wanted to take the initiative to join the war and work for the country without hesitation. Her determination, as a revolutionary old-timer, how much emotion did Chairman Mao feel in his heart? He once witnessed his son Mao Anying sacrifice on the Korean battlefield, leaving behind that immortal monument, and since then he has been generous and isolated from the group. In his seemingly ordinary life, how did Li Ne go through the difficult years under his father's earnest teaching, and finally achieve a career?

In 1968, Li Ne took the initiative to invite Ying to go to the battlefield in Vietnam, and she said to her father: When will I be able to shroud me in horse leather

As the leader of the party and the country, Chairman Mao was over half a hundred years old when he ascended the throne, shouldering the great trust of the whole country. In order to create a new China, he has been working hard for decades and has gone through vicissitudes. In August 1940, a daughter was born in Yan'an, the holy land of the revolution, and he was very pleased, and regarded it as a pearl in his palm, and since then he has been in love for more than half a century. During the Yan'an period, he always took the wise Li Ne for a walk in the courtyard, taught her to read and write, and even played trick-or-treats with her in the mud, which was tireless.

In 1968, Li Ne took the initiative to invite Ying to go to the battlefield in Vietnam, and she said to her father: When will I be able to shroud me in horse leather

The stars changed, the world was turned upside down, and the Yan'an period was forced to be interrupted. With the fall of the Chiang dynasty, New China was finally born, but it also ushered in the years of war. The incident in the Gulf of Tonkin caused the United States to arbitrarily interfere in Vietnam, and Vietnam's President Ho Chi Minh had to turn to China for help. All of this was taken in by the despised Li Ne. At the beginning of 1968, she came to her father and said expectantly, "Dad, when will I be able to shroud in horse leather?" I would like to take the initiative to invite Ying to the battlefield in Vietnam. "

In 1968, Li Ne took the initiative to invite Ying to go to the battlefield in Vietnam, and she said to her father: When will I be able to shroud me in horse leather

Chairman Mao was stunned on the spot, and couldn't help but recall the past of his other son, Mao Anying. The Korean battlefield was filled with gunsmoke and blood, and Kian Ying, who was full of pride in serving the country, slept on the battlefield and never returned. The son's well-dressed mound only stayed in the old man's house, and every time he was quiet at night, he couldn't help but hold it out and chase after him, and tears came out of his eyes. The extreme longing and pain for the loss of a child will not be relieved until death.

In 1968, Li Ne took the initiative to invite Ying to go to the battlefield in Vietnam, and she said to her father: When will I be able to shroud me in horse leather

Now that her daughter is looking forward to coming to the "horse leather shroud", how can she not move Chairman Mao? He understands that this is his love for the motherland and the people, but he also inevitably feels sad in his heart. The chairman patted his daughter on the shoulder and said kindly, "I don't agree." Everyone wants to die on the battlefield, so who will build the country? Child, now you have to do a good job in the ordinary position, and strive to create extraordinary achievements in the ordinary. "

In 1968, Li Ne took the initiative to invite Ying to go to the battlefield in Vietnam, and she said to her father: When will I be able to shroud me in horse leather

After comprehending the deep meaning of his father's words, Li Ne stopped and listened to the teachings. In the days when she went to the mountains and went to the countryside, she was indomitable, hard-working, sharing weal and sorrow with everyone, and living the most simple life. After getting married, her married life was not happy, and she could only raise her children independently, but she still managed the family by herself and did not dare to relax at all.

In 1968, Li Ne took the initiative to invite Ying to go to the battlefield in Vietnam, and she said to her father: When will I be able to shroud me in horse leather

It was not until 1984 that Li Ne, who was already dying, returned to his father's hometown of Shaoshan with his family. Walking into the old house and seeing everything that was vivid and fresh in her memory, she burst into tears, knelt on the ground and cried bitterly, full of grief. She knew that she would never be able to see her loving father again in this life, and she could only reminisce about the passing years to understand her father's revolutionary spirit of "moving forward, selfless, fearless, and dedicated to the people".

In 1968, Li Ne took the initiative to invite Ying to go to the battlefield in Vietnam, and she said to her father: When will I be able to shroud me in horse leather

Up to her nineties, Li Ne still lives a simple and frugal life, not wavering, just like her usual style. Solemn and solemn, tenacious and persistent, pursuing excellence in the ordinary, it is she who learned her father's spirit of never admitting defeat and being determined to serve the country. Today, this spirit has become a precious wealth of the Chinese nation, passed down from generation to generation.

In 1968, Li Ne took the initiative to invite Ying to go to the battlefield in Vietnam, and she said to her father: When will I be able to shroud me in horse leather

In the revolutionary years, the road was paved with blood and life. For the rejuvenation of the country and the nation, few people know what kind of hardships and efforts our ancestors made. As Chairman Mao's descendant, Li Ne has been immersed in this belief since he was a child, and has been strictly educated and edified. Although she has never been to the battlefield in person, she has been tirelessly pursuing excellence in her ordinary life and conscientiously contributing to the development of the country. This is the best embodiment of her learning from her father's revolutionary spirit. Today, we are in an era of national peace and security, but we still need to carry forward the spirit inherited by our ancestors, work diligently in our own posts, serve the people, and use our hands to create a better tomorrow. #头条首发大赛#

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