
The founding general drank a bottle of Moutai, and the waiter asked him to settle the bill, and the general did not drink Moutai again

author:Xiaomei told you

The founding general drank a bottle of Moutai, and the waiter asked him to settle the bill, and the general did not drink Moutai again, in those days, a bottle of Moutai could cause a storm. One of the founding generals was caught up in a ridiculous episode while drinking. While drinking, someone said, "I'll ask you to drink," but before leaving, the man disappeared, leaving him alone to worry about the empty bottle. In the end, he had to pay out of his own pocket, which made the old general angry! Since then, he has had a shadow on Moutai. Do you want to know what's going on?

The founding general drank a bottle of Moutai, and the waiter asked him to settle the bill, and the general did not drink Moutai again

First of all, let's take stock of the great achievements of this old general. He was the founding major general You Taizhong, a young man who joined the Red Army at the age of 13. You Taizhong relied on extraordinary courage and determination to fight all the way to the end, participated in the Agrarian Revolution, the War of Resistance Against Japan, and the War of Liberation, and later went to the Korean battlefield to resist US aggression and aid Korea. has an unremarkable background, but has an amazing and outstanding military career.

The founding general drank a bottle of Moutai, and the waiter asked him to settle the bill, and the general did not drink Moutai again

In 1972, You Taizhong fell ill and needed treatment. Originally, it was just a simple medical trip, but Premier Zhou specially arranged a special car to pick him up, which shows his weight in the hearts of the party and the people. After the inspection, Premier Zhou personally set up a banquet in Zhongnanhai to entertain them, and the two of them talked about the wine during the banquet, and they didn't notice that they had drunk Moutai wine for a while. After dinner, You Taizhong just wanted to say goodbye and leave, but who knew that he received a list that said that he was asked to pay 0.6 yuan for wine!

It turned out that in those days, tea was free during meetings, but drinks were at your own expense. The old revolutionaries all lived a hard and simple life, and even Vice Premier Wu Guixian was embarrassed to drink a few sips of cold water. Faced with the bill of Moutai, You Taizhong was also suspicious, but in the end he obediently paid for it. Since then, he has somewhat distanced himself from Moutai.

The founding general drank a bottle of Moutai, and the waiter asked him to settle the bill, and the general did not drink Moutai again

But not long after, You Taizhong encountered an even more ridiculous thing. That day, he met his old comrade-in-arms Li Xiannian in the cafeteria, and the other party asked the waiter to serve a bottle of Moutai without saying a word: "Chief, I invite you to drink!" So the two drank until they were half-hearted, but Li Xiannian temporarily left in advance. You Taizhong thought it was free drink, so he drank it alone. Who knew that in the end, it was the waiter who blocked the door and asked for money, and asked for 3 yuan!

What kind of treat is this? You Taizhong was stunned at the time, it turned out that Li Xian's sentence "I invite you" was just a scene, and he forgot to pay at all when he left. The poor old general fell into the "Moutai trap" again, and he could only bear the pain. Later, Li Xiannian felt very embarrassed when he knew the truth, and took the initiative to come to the door to make amends. However, You Taizhong was open-minded and generous, so he laughed it off.

The founding general drank a bottle of Moutai, and the waiter asked him to settle the bill, and the general did not drink Moutai again

You Taizhong is frank and straightforward, upright, and does not care about these small things. But from then on, he was never willing to touch Moutai again, because it was too expensive, and it was a luxury for a grass farmer. In fact, as the founding major general, You Taizhong should still have the strength to afford Moutai. It's just that he has lived a hard and simple life all his life, and has developed a good character of diligence and thrift.

The founding general drank a bottle of Moutai, and the waiter asked him to settle the bill, and the general did not drink Moutai again

This veteran general has devoted his whole life to the construction of New China, but he has never had extravagant acts in life. Even in his later years, when the juniors advised him to enjoy life more, he always smiled and waved his hand: "I am already very content." The soldiers of the revolutionary era were so simple and unpretentious, and understood the truth of contentment and happiness.

The founding general drank a bottle of Moutai, and the waiter asked him to settle the bill, and the general did not drink Moutai again

From this incident, we can see the humble attitude of a generation of revolutionaries towards life. Although they have made outstanding achievements, they never show off, but live a simpler life than ordinary people. Even a bottle of Moutai almost broke the bill for the old man You Taizhong! This style of being diligent and thrifty in keeping one's family is precisely the important reason why New China has been able to come to this day.

The founding general drank a bottle of Moutai, and the waiter asked him to settle the bill, and the general did not drink Moutai again

Although we now have a rich material life, we should learn from the spirit of our revolutionary forefathers. Don't be extravagant, but understand the true meaning of contentment. At the same time, we should also cherish the fruits of our labor and be diligent and thrifty, just like the older generation. Only when everyone starts with themselves can our country truly become stronger. Let us work together to write a magnificent chapter in the new era with a simple attitude towards life#头条首发大赛! #

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