
In 1975, Liao Hansheng gave Ye Jianying a New Year's greeting, and Ye Shuai revealed: Hansheng, I'm afraid you're going to move

author:Xiaomei told you

In 1975, Liao Hansheng gave Ye Jianying a New Year's greeting, Ye Shuai revealed: Hansheng, I'm afraid you are going to move, this is a little-known red legend, which tells the story of a brave and fearless communist Liao Hansheng who has had revolutionary ideals since he was a child, and his life has experienced an extraordinary journey from a rural boy to a Red Army soldier, from a guerrilla to a regular army cadre. In that turbulent era, he personally participated in the armed struggle led by the party, fought against the Japanese puppets, established base areas, and finally won the great victory of national liberation. Reading his twists and turns, and thrilling experience, it is inevitable to wonder why Ye Jianying suddenly said those mysterious words to him in 1975, "Han Sheng, I'm afraid you are going to move"? What kind of story is hidden behind this?

In 1975, Liao Hansheng gave Ye Jianying a New Year's greeting, and Ye Shuai revealed: Hansheng, I'm afraid you're going to move

When he was a child, Liao Hansheng was an amazing child, he was smart and witty, and he longed for a military career since he was a child. Once, when He Long's troops passed by his door, he saw a soldier carrying a "Great Order Flag" behind him, so he wittily explained to his companions: "This sign is called 'Great Order', and wherever it goes, it means that the commander has arrived, and the subordinates must salute when they see this flag!" He Long overheard it, and was surprised by the little boy's understanding, it was really a tiger father without a dog!

In 1975, Liao Hansheng gave Ye Jianying a New Year's greeting, and Ye Shuai revealed: Hansheng, I'm afraid you're going to move

In 1928, Liao Hansheng joined the Red Army at the age of 17, when his childhood dream finally came true. At that time, for an ordinary rural child, it was so proud and proud to be able to wear that heroic green uniform, hold a steel gun, and fight for national independence. He was brave and diligent, and soon became the deputy captain of the guerrillas, and from birth to death, he fought to the death against the local tyrants and inferior gentry, supported the Red Army led by He Long in the battle, and established a base area.

In 1975, Liao Hansheng gave Ye Jianying a New Year's greeting, and Ye Shuai revealed: Hansheng, I'm afraid you're going to move

In 1933, Liao Hansheng was incorporated into the Red Third Army and joined the Chinese Communist Party in the same year. Since then, this little boy who once loved to watch "soldiers" has started an extraordinary revolutionary career. After several years of baptism of war, he gradually grew into an excellent soldier, successively served as the political commissar of the Red Army, division commander and other important positions, and personally participated in the famous Long March, the three major battles in central Hebei and other major military operations.

In 1975, Liao Hansheng gave Ye Jianying a New Year's greeting, and Ye Shuai revealed: Hansheng, I'm afraid you're going to move

As the political commissar of the 6th Division of the 2nd Red Army Corps at the time, the Long March in 1935 was undoubtedly a cruel test for him. On the eve of leaving, Liao Hansheng looked at his dusty old mother, wife and children, and tears came out of his eyes. As a leading military and political cadre, he understands that his every move will affect the mood of the whole army, and he must not have the slightest selfish motives. So, he wiped away his tears, strode with his head high, and embarked on that arduous journey with his soldiers.

In 1975, Liao Hansheng gave Ye Jianying a New Year's greeting, and Ye Shuai revealed: Hansheng, I'm afraid you're going to move

After more than two years of fighting, Liao Hansheng also summed up three valuable experiences: "Fighting bravely, expanding the troops, and connecting with the masses." When he arrived at the Jizhong base area, his Yaliu Regiment in the Battle of Caojiazhuang, with its excellent night combat melee skills, inflicted heavy losses on the local Japanese Miyazaki Wing. What is even more commendable is that the people of Caojiazhuang are all eager for the Eighth Route Army, and they have sent them food and transported the wounded, which made Liao Hansheng unforgettable for life.

In 1975, Liao Hansheng gave Ye Jianying a New Year's greeting, and Ye Shuai revealed: Hansheng, I'm afraid you're going to move

In 1944, Liao Hansheng reunited with his old comrade-in-arms He Bingyan, and the two led the Fifth Brigade to cross the Shahe River and join the Southern Expeditionary Army, laying a solid foundation for the final battle. After the victory of the war, Liao Hansheng was transferred to the Northwest Battlefield and served as a long-term political commissar under Peng Dehuai, and the two also formed a relationship. At that time, Peng Dehuai's stern style really made the old Red Army man speechless, and he was ready to be scolded, but this kind of strict reprimand from the leader still made him unbearable.

In 1975, Liao Hansheng gave Ye Jianying a New Year's greeting, and Ye Shuai revealed: Hansheng, I'm afraid you're going to move

In this way, Liao Hansheng grew into an excellent soldier in the baptism of war, experienced ups and downs along the way, and won the respect of his comrades. In the Spring Festival of 1975, he came to Ye Jianying's home to pay New Year's greetings. Unexpectedly, Ye Jianying suddenly said a puzzling sentence to him: "Han Sheng, I'm afraid you're going to move." Where does this come from? Could it be related to Peng Dehuai's matter? Or is there a new appointment from the superior? In short, it can be seen from this sentence that Liao Hansheng has a new journey ahead of him waiting for him to open up and experience.

In 1975, Liao Hansheng gave Ye Jianying a New Year's greeting, and Ye Shuai revealed: Hansheng, I'm afraid you're going to move
In 1975, Liao Hansheng gave Ye Jianying a New Year's greeting, and Ye Shuai revealed: Hansheng, I'm afraid you're going to move

Liao Hansheng went through several vicissitudes in his life, but he always remained firm in his revolutionary ideals and beliefs. From a rural boy, to a guerrilla, a regular army cadre, and then to a leader in the Northwest Battlefield, he used his practical actions to write a red legend that can be sung and cried. And Ye Jianying's mysterious words may imply that another new chapter in his life is about to begin. As an outstanding representative of the older generation of revolutionaries, Liao Hansheng used his life to interpret what it means to fight for ideals and selflessly dedicate himself to the people. While cherishing the memory of the martyrs, let us also remember their glorious deeds, carry forward the revolutionary tradition, and work hard to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation#头条首发大赛! #