
New identity! Huo Qigang recently revealed: Guo Jingjing participated in the Paris Olympics as a referee

author:Lao Wang talked about sports awkwardly

With the Paris 2024 Olympic Games just around the corner, we will witness a new role for a legendary Olympic champion, Guo Jingjing, who has conquered countless spectators with her incredible strength and grace, and will now return to the Olympic stage as a member of the FINA jury, a change that is not only a recognition of her personal ability, but also an affirmation of her years of hard work and dedication.

New identity! Huo Qigang recently revealed: Guo Jingjing participated in the Paris Olympics as a referee

Guo Jingjing, who is undoubtedly synonymous with a legend for audiences familiar with diving, has stepped on the stage of the FINA jury with a new identity, ready to examine the new generation of diving talents with a professional eye.

New identity! Huo Qigang recently revealed: Guo Jingjing participated in the Paris Olympics as a referee

At the Tokyo Olympics, Guo Jingjing had her first taste of refereeing, and her role as an evaluation referee escorted the fairness of the competition, and her professional vision and rich experience made people look forward to her new role.

New identity! Huo Qigang recently revealed: Guo Jingjing participated in the Paris Olympics as a referee

At the upcoming Paris Olympics, Guo Jingjing will once again be a member of the FINA jury and will use her expertise to contribute to the excitement of diving.

New identity! Huo Qigang recently revealed: Guo Jingjing participated in the Paris Olympics as a referee

Walking with Guo Jingjing is her husband Huo Qigang, since they got married, the couple has attracted much attention, not only a star couple in the sports world, but also a model of patriotism, every major day, they all express their love for the country in their own way, the 27th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, they also pay tribute through practical actions, interpreting the feelings of the family and country.

New identity! Huo Qigang recently revealed: Guo Jingjing participated in the Paris Olympics as a referee

At the Paris Olympics, Guo Jingjing and Fok Qigang will cheer for the athletes from Hong Kong, China participating in the Olympic Games, and they will support the development of the country's sports industry through practical actions.

New identity! Huo Qigang recently revealed: Guo Jingjing participated in the Paris Olympics as a referee

In addition to the change of role on the field, Guo Jingjing's image in life has also become more diverse, she is not only an excellent athlete and referee, but also a good wife and mother and an active promoter of public welfare.

New identity! Huo Qigang recently revealed: Guo Jingjing participated in the Paris Olympics as a referee

She interprets positive energy and patriotism with her practical actions, inspires more people to contribute to the country and society, and her transformation is not only a challenge and breakthrough for herself, but also a contribution and feedback to the society.

New identity! Huo Qigang recently revealed: Guo Jingjing participated in the Paris Olympics as a referee

At the upcoming 2024 Paris Olympic Games, let us look forward to Guo Jingjing's wonderful performance, and I believe she will definitely bring us more surprises and touches!

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