
Journey to the West: Why does Sun Wukong always like to call the monster's grandfather, instead of grandpa or other titles?

author:Onigiri says things

In "Journey to the West", one of the four famous novels, there is a monkey in temperament and a witty character Sun Wukong, who is not only brave and resourceful, but also has a unique "grandfather" habit. This habit not only gave Sun Wukong the upper hand in the fight, but also showed his witty and cunning side.

Journey to the West: Why does Sun Wukong always like to call the monster's grandfather, instead of grandpa or other titles?

Why does Sun Wukong always like to call monsters "grandpa" instead of "grandpa" or other relatives? What kind of mystery is hidden in this? Let's take a peek and explore the reasons behind this interesting phenomenon of Monkey King.

Journey to the West: Why does Sun Wukong always like to call the monster's grandfather, instead of grandpa or other titles?

In the masterpiece "Journey to the West", Sun Wukong is undoubtedly one of the most eye-catching characters. This stone monkey, who has been pressed under the Five Elements Mountain for five hundred years, has finally become the supreme Monkey King after many tribulations. On the long road of learning scriptures, Sun Wukong frequently fought with various monsters, and on these occasions, he would always call himself "grandfather" instead of other relatives, which has its own reason.

Journey to the West: Why does Sun Wukong always like to call the monster's grandfather, instead of grandpa or other titles?

First of all, it is not difficult for us to find that when Sun Wukong refers to himself, it will be different depending on the person he is facing. For Bodhi Patriarch, Guanyin Bodhisattva and others who have the relationship of teacher and student, he will respectfully call himself a "disciple". And when he is alone or in front of juniors, he often uses the title "old grandson", which has become his mantra. It can be seen that Sun Wukong is quite particular about the problem of self-proclaim.

Journey to the West: Why does Sun Wukong always like to call the monster's grandfather, instead of grandpa or other titles?

However, when Monkey King confronts youkai, the situation is very different. In this case, he prefers to call himself "grandfather". Don't look at this title as unremarkable, but it can bring great humiliation to youkai. "First, because his grandfather does not belong to the immediate family, Sun Wukong uses this to imply that he is not half related to the monster.

Journey to the West: Why does Sun Wukong always like to call the monster's grandfather, instead of grandpa or other titles?

Second, because of his grandfather's high seniority, Sun Wukong took this opportunity to highlight his noble status. What's more, claiming that his grandfather is not responsible for the actions of the yokai, as the old saying goes, 'the son is not the fault of the father'. A veteran Journey to the West fan explained.

Indeed, if Sun Wukong calls himself "grandpa", it is tantamount to taking responsibility for educating the monsters. And "grandfather", the title of a relative with a foreign surname, escaped this trouble very well.

Journey to the West: Why does Sun Wukong always like to call the monster's grandfather, instead of grandpa or other titles?

After all, no one would accuse a grandfather of not educating his grandson well. This will not only allow Sun Wukong to gain the upper hand in the bickering, but also save him the trouble of paying for the evil deeds of the monsters. As the saying goes, "don't do anything". Since you are already inseparable from youkai, don't leave any psychological baggage for yourself.

Journey to the West: Why does Sun Wukong always like to call the monster's grandfather, instead of grandpa or other titles?

In addition, calling oneself "Grandpa" can also greatly irritate youkai. After all, being regarded as a grandson by an outsider who pretends to be in a high position is really a bit of a bad moral. And angry monsters tend to become manic, giving Sun Wukong the upper hand. As described in "Journey to the West", whether it is the green bull spirit, the lion spirit of Lion Camel Ridge, or the king of Nanshan, after encountering the humiliation of Sun Wukong's "grandfather", he will be angry, thus giving Sun Wukong an opportunity.

Journey to the West: Why does Sun Wukong always like to call the monster's grandfather, instead of grandpa or other titles?

It can be seen that Sun Wukong's self-proclaimed "grandfather" can not only allow him to take advantage of himself, but also create great psychological pressure on his opponent. This is really a very clever tactic, and it also fully demonstrates the unique witty nature of the character of Sun Wukong. What's even more commendable is that this practice does not violate any ethics and morals, but it can completely provoke the opponent and disrupt his position, so as to win the first opportunity for Sun Wukong to fight. This kind of trick that has the upper hand invisibly is really worthy of reference for all martial arts masters.

Journey to the West: Why does Sun Wukong always like to call the monster's grandfather, instead of grandpa or other titles?

Through the above analysis, it is not difficult for us to find that Sun Wukong's self-proclaimed "grandfather" is not only an interesting detail, but also hides his witty side. It can not only avoid adding burden to yourself, but also provoke the opponent to the maximum, so as to gain the initiative in the battle. This sleek and sophisticated, self-conscious style can be described as a true portrayal of Sun Wukong's character. It is this kind of ingenuity and resourcefulness that made Sun Wukong repeatedly show his might on the arduous road of learning scriptures, and finally became the supreme Monkey King.

Therefore, it is very necessary to thoroughly understand the character characteristics of Sun Wukong and understand why he insists on calling himself "grandfather". It reflects the cunning and witty side of this character, and also adds to the three-dimensionality and richness of this character. From this small detail, we may be able to get a glimpse of the breadth and profundity contained in the masterpiece "Journey to the West". #头条首发大赛#